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Everything posted by Kallish89

  1. Why do you get guns if you not gonna use them? Allways KoS if you encounter amred strangers. You got more to win shooting them down then to take the risk of being friendly.
  2. I love those standoffs. Adrenalin is pumping like hell in those situations and it feels king to be the man walking out alive :)
  3. Man the Tech 9. popping caps with them homiez
  4. Kallish89

    Why co-operate if you're gonna get shot anyways?

    Well some people think its funny ro be evil
  5. Kallish89

    Why co-operate if you're gonna get shot anyways?

    It can be fun when geting robbed, But its plain evil to just shoot the poor bastard after you stole everything he had. But if geting robbed just laugh with your robbers,bigger chance for survival then
  6. I got robbed today, was quite fun actually, they took all my gear and left me with a can of spaghetti and a spite. Then when they where going, one of the bastards turn arounds and spray me with my own gun. What is the point? allready got my gear and i was harmless. This is the excact reason why i will allways KoS.
  7. Its all about survival. Chances are 10 times bigger you will get KoS by some bastard than he will actually let you be. I allways try to evade encounters but if you have your weapon drawn i will asume you have bad intents and i will shoot.
  8. Kallish89

    DayZ suggestion: diseases

    What would be cool is addictions. You use to much morphine or pain killers etc, you get hooked and need more or you get some kind of penalty.