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About Tsimmi

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Tsimmi

    Failed to install Battleye service

    Go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files" and delete the "BattleEye" folder, then start game. Worked for me.
  2. Tsimmi

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Wouldn't this require you to buy a second copy of the game? Why not just have two folders on your harddrive? Worked for me so far. Somewhere you have a folder named "SteamApps". If you copy the DayZ appmanifest file (221100) and the actual "DayZ" game folder located in the "common" subfolder, you have backed up all files relevant to the branch you are playing (stable/experimental). Then switch branches within Steam and you have the files for both. Keep them updated by closing Steam, renaming the backed up appmanifest file and the game folder back to the original names, then starting Steam again. Steam will know which branch you are using (and show it in the library if you use experimental files), given you did everything right. Don't now what happens if you mix up appmanifest and folder of different branches... Pro tip: Rename the currently used files according to the branch they belong to in order to avoid confusion. Sorry for going off topic :)
  3. No, what I mean is they shouldn't have announced it until they were sure to keep that date, in other words when the new update is already finished, polished (as much as can be expected in an alpha), laying in the closet for release and it's just about what maintenance period it will be. Edit: typo, making sense
  4. If I am not mistaken about the meaning of "bite off more than one can chew" it is used here quite correctly by Brian, as the developers postponed an announced update twice. If you give a date you have to keep it, no matter if alpha or whatever. I had been fine with an 3D-Realms-style "when it's done" but this is just annoying because you build up anticipation just to disappoint it. Please correct me if this wasn't your point or if you got more of an argument than ROFLMAO. Edit: Confused 3D-Realms with ID-Software