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Everything posted by pickerrs

  1. Happened to me AGAIN tonight. Did all the right things as did the original post. VERY annoying to to waste so much time. Feels like this is a way of randomly introducing fresh spawns into servers, just a thought.
  2. pickerrs

    The Lone-Wolf playstyle

    Interesting post. I play lone-wolf as I don't use a mic, though the times I have come across players and it has not gone immediately into a KOS scenario, its been fun. Though it never lasts as verbal communication is essential for team play. I tried a variation of lone-wolf where I would run into Berezino (or whatever hotspot was going, NEAF for example) and put myself at the mercy of players. Generally the instakill versus help ratio was about 50/50. Generally though I play lone-wolf and snipe geared players. I generally have a military backpack, moisin with a LR scope, M4 with attachments for close-quarter encounters and no melee weapons as there is no value in engaging zeds. I look for an elegant kill of someone I've hunted and who I think is worth killing. I never loot bodies. I don't play policeman. I am looking forward to the creation of persistent camps, to make the sense of commitment to your player and gear more powerful, and to the dynamic of raiding through stealth.
  3. pickerrs

    Can't find Novodmitrovsk

    I've been looking over the map where its supposed to be, but there's just a road layout, no city. Am I a complete noob on this? Ok, yes I am, but would someone point out where it is. Maybe in relation to the map: http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus#5.117.014
  4. pickerrs

    Can't find Novodmitrovsk

    Thanks all. I'm on Stable but, curiously, it says 'Experimental' when I log in so I assumed there had been a re-naming of the Server type.
  5. pickerrs

    Character wipes still happening?

    sick of having my character wiped
  6. pickerrs

    Being killed,with no explanation ?

    God damn, just happened again. Got bumped by the server for ping issues my side, fixed ping, relogged to another server - bam, back on the coast with nothing.
  7. pickerrs

    Character wipes still happening?

    This has happened to me in the last 24 hours. Fully geared, I logged out then re-logged a little while later. Briefly saw my character with the appropriate stuff, then 'poof' I'm on the coast again as a new spawn. This has happened a couple of times in the last day and is a tad frustrating.
  8. pickerrs

    Being killed,with no explanation ?

    Maybe off topic, though I have had random unexplained deaths myself, but last night I logged out to do some stuff, relogged and saw my character with the right gear, then suddenly I'm on the coast as a new spawn. No explanation, no 'you are dead', just back to square one.