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Everything posted by SonicSonedit

  1. SonicSonedit

    Don't respawn loot.

    This is terrible idea. Right now people don't play the game, the don't explore areas - they simply restart-camping. 1) Go to airport 2) Log off 3) Find a server which just restarted / wait for restart 4) Log in, loot 5) Relog on a server where you usually play 6) Play how do you feel like, while other people who don't camp restarts and play fair will get NOTHING when they will reach airport. Your suggestions will only motivate hopping and demotivate exploring. This is bad, because exploring = survival game with zombies and hopping = hurrdurr pvp shooter. The only way I can see this implemented is when server uses "Private Hive". But still it doesn't solve the problem when player joins to play and the only thing he sees are empty towns - no zombies, no enemies, only bandits with top gear waiting for them.
  2. SonicSonedit

    Foldable Weapons

    I believe original Arma had OSV-96 which was foldable.
  3. SonicSonedit

    The Soviet Connection.

    Lore is good! You have my beans!
  4. SonicSonedit

    DayZ Standalone Server Hosting

    I have seen a lot of passworded and "private" servers, also servers which say "you join = kick". I also seen a lot of "clan" servers where admins do whatever they want. Should I report them? Do you guys close these server down or something?