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Everything posted by SonicSonedit

  1. SonicSonedit

    What about Russian Spam?

    Chernorussia ~ Byelorussia != russia. We know that ok. Still pretty much russia. Cyrilic everywhere, traditional russian buildings everywhere, etc. And then we suggest russian spam - a food which was not only popular in russia, but also across all of post-soviet space, and you go "hurr durr not russia". Your quickest answer is not very well-thought, isn't it?
  2. SonicSonedit

    Idea about landmines

    The worst thing there is no real purpose for them. They are probably supposed to be used to guard player guild (clan) camps/bases. But instead people will just place them in random places to blow someone up "for teh lulz". Even if player who placed the mine player on another server since long ago, the mine will stay, waiting for an innocent victim, to kill it without a reason. I think this is a bad design for online game with a permadeath. I think mines should be removed from game until later - until players can be the clan base / fort.
  3. SonicSonedit

    What about Russian Spam?

    No, you actually can't, unless you want to play a russian roulette.
  4. SonicSonedit

    What about Russian Spam?

    Actually yes, spam should be eadiable without any risk for health if grilled.
  5. SonicSonedit

    Food (True ChernoRussian style).

    I know where this is going...here, take my beans! Also, here's another thread suggesting some traditional Russian tinned food.
  6. This is what DayZ has a problem with for a long time now.
  7. Found 3 AK74, AKS-74U, 2 MP5, 1 Blaze 95, 1 M4, 3 MP-133 with pistol grip, 1 MP-133, lots of Repeaters/Magnums/Sporters/Trumperts/RAK/SKS and lots of different pistols, except FNX. But not a single Mosin rifle or Izh shotty. Also didn't see FNX for a long time, since 0.48 I believe or something. Did anyone found any of these since 0.55? If yes, can you please tell me where? Especially about Mosin - I'm more than satisfied with my silenced polymer AK-74 but my friend is really in love with Mosin.
  8. Well it's very damn close. But yeah, even though Chernarus does look like russia a lot, it is a land of fiction so russian habits may or may not apply :) I can say that right now there is a big problem with so-called "lootsplosions" when 90% of loot is concentrated in the same place while the towns are empty and lifeless. I think every town should have an item limit - when this limit is reached items will just stop spawning there, this will help to avoid a lootsplosions and will make loot distrubition more fair. Starting towns will still have a fewer loot. Why you ask? Well that's because a total combined item limit of all towns will be higher than overall map item limit. Explanation: The item limit for the whole map is 100 items (for example). We have 8 towns which have an item limit of 20 each. Their total item limit is 160. But only 100 items will spawn on map in total! This means that 3 towns can stay completely empty (*cough*shoreline*cough*), but 5 other towns will have a decent amount of loot, shared evenly among them, because each town can have only 20 items spawned at the time. So no more lootsplosions when 7 towns are empty and 1 town is over-the-top full of loot. I personally think that item spawn limit should be tied to to item type: so not just "20 item limit per town" but rather "10 junk items, 7 food items, 5 tool items, 4 melee weapons, 2 handguns, and 1 rifle/shotgun per town". The only problem is some items can not be assigned a category right away - is a hatchet a weapon or tool? What about kitchen knife? Shovel?
  9. Do you mean guardhouse? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=423832172
  10. Yes I am. Almost no one keeps the books in our country in small towns and especially in villages. The only places where you can find a book is library, school, university. And almost no one reads anything. Sad but true.
  11. Gatehouse structures in industrial area? What is it?
  12. That is true; However I disagree with the food. High-rises should have a lot of canned food, rice, etc - it's pretty common sense to store this kind of food in russia when you live in apartments. On the other side, village houses should have very few canned food, villagers in russia are self-sufficient and rarely use long-term conserve food, except the self-made ones. But villagers often have a guns to protect themselves, so Sporter and Trumpet should be quite a common village loot, if we go for realism. And you would be surprised how many russian farmers have Izh actually, ofcourse in Dayz Izh should not spawn as much as many people own it IRL, it would break balance. As for food and tools - the village houses should have very few tools and a lot of rotten food. But the sheds in the backyards should have quite a lot farming tools and some melee weapon. An axe/hatchet/farming hoe/skythe should be super common village loot found a lot in sheds, if we go for realism. Of course they should all be rusty (damaged/badly damaged) for the sake of balance. The thing is I really DO NOT understand is why there is so much god damn cloth and books out there? In Russia books should be rarest loot and cloth shouldn't spawn as often. If there to be an apocalypse, you would probably find a lot of kitchen-related and mechanic-related tools in town, a lot of canned food in high-rises, maybe some cloth in high-rises. Cloth should be quite rare, actually. Also it's a common sense in russia to have a medkit if you live in village. A lot of townsfolk who live in high-rises usually keep some meds too, at least bandages. Overall loot should be really both re-ajusted and re-balanced. Right now it's neither balanced or realistic.
  13. Thanks for info guys! So the best place to look for Mosin is on Militia Aero? =\ It used to be a civic loot weapon... And what about Izh/FNX? If probably got buried under the other loot. These towers have some problems with loot overlapping.
  14. SonicSonedit

    Zombies are normal humans with virus?

    From eating non-infected humans. This is why I really want to see "Grab & Bite" mechanic in DayZ.
  15. Starts to force-feed gibonez with beans
  16. SonicSonedit

    Remove crosshair while...

    I honsrely think that console modifications like "lets remove crosshair everywhere" are not needed in DayZ. Why not COD right away?
  17. SonicSonedit

    OH OH - You are Dead - Nooooooooooooo

    I like the new zombies, they are awesome, this is a surivival game. The only real problem with zombies is that they ruin your now very rare gear (top cloth and pants epecially, vests too) too darn fast - literally 1-2 hits and pristine item is ruined. This, given how rare loot now is, is very wrong. Otherwise they are awesome.
  18. SonicSonedit

    More server admin shenanigans?

    Almost every server I tried yesterday was whitelisted or with insta-kick, it's funny.
  19. I traveled across the Crernarus and only one town - New Petrovka had some loot. All of the other towns were completely empty. I searched: Zelenogorsk (this is where i spawned empty) Kozlova (found a little food) Chapaevsk (empty) Chernogorsk (found some food, sporter ammo, mp5 ammo) Novoselky (empty) Dubky (empty) Prigorodki (empty) Elektrozavodsk (some food, fire axe, new 8 slot jacket) Kamyshovo (empty) Solnichniy (empty) Nizhnoye (empty) Berezino (some food, a tent lol) Lumber mill (more sporter ammo) Svetlojarsk (food, also found a huge useless loot pile at the garage, assault vest, 6 slot pants) Novodmitrovsk (food, Crossbow, but no bolts and Derringer) Svergino (empty) Severograd (some food, and omg ammo for deringer) New Petrovka - the only unlooted town where I found Izh43, shotgun ammo, mosin, mosin ammo, lots of mp5 ammo and clips, lots of food, black drybag. Made a sawn-off and went to Airfield. And guess what I found at airfield? Freaking nothing. Except a crapload of mountain backpacks, and lots of useless cloth (half of which was ruined, namely.). Lots of boots too. Go to airo @ find boots and backpacks. Currently game is almost unplayable because there is nothing nowhere. The problem is that there are a small amount of players who looted the towns, got everything they need and even more - they got guns, food, tools, top cloth - everything! And the rest 90% of players will find nothing. Further more, there are privileged players who own a server, gear up there (by whitelisting or instant-kicking everyone) and then they have fun with normal players, who don't have a server to gear up and only find an empty town after another empty town. This is not DayZ, this is farce!
  20. SonicSonedit

    Loot is extremenly broken at the moment

    You are wrong here. There was a plenty of loot right after update, some of my friends were lucky enough to loot the towns. It just doesn't respawn.
  21. SonicSonedit

    More server admin shenanigans?

    Hahah really you are kidding me? My character name is Sonic and my steam name is SonicSonedit, yet I'm getting kicked because my "character name "cannot contain [{(:.:)}]."
  22. SonicSonedit

    Loot is extremenly broken at the moment

    Yeah I survived by collecting apples when I spawned. I'm not talking about food. The problem is that there are a small amount of players who looted the towns, got everything they need and even more - thet got guns, food, tools, top cloth - everything! And the rest 90% of players will find nothing. This is not ok. Exactly. Right now we have a privileged players who own a server, gear up there (by whitelisting or instant-kicking everyone) and then they have fun with normal players, who don't have a server to gear up and only find an empty town after another empty town. This is not DayZ, this is farce!
  23. SonicSonedit

    Moaning about death

    I really like new zombies, dislike KOS and general PVP in Dayz, but loot is outright broken. The problem is not that there is no loot (and there IS no loot anywhere), the problem is that there are few players who logged in first, looted all the map and then went on "pwning nabs", while 90% of other players will see empty towns, this is not a good game design. There is no point playing, because there are some guys, who looted the items, and you will never ever find these items! The only thing is left for you to do is to become a plaything for the one who looted fist. And this is not the DayZ I like. Yes, in mod there was no abundance of loot but you could always find some usefull loot - if not weapon, then food or tools. Right now the towns in standalone are empty! And also as you metioned - you start with a revolver in mod so you could protect yourself against zombies or players and loot some places with a small amount of zombies, like small villages.