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About SonicSonedit

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    Silent HIll
  1. SonicSonedit

    Forest in The Witcher 3

    DX9 has exact same capabilities as DX11. DX12 doesn't offer anything new really. DayZ has optimization issues and lags like hell not because of DX9 - it will las just the same (or even more) with DX11 or DX12 unless the engine rendering will be split in viszones. Oh, so any FPS that supports 32/64 player servers with large maps are MMOs now?
  2. SonicSonedit

    Readable books and carving

    Crutches. Crutches everywhere. Why the hell we can't just select "Read" from dropdown menu after right-clicking on book in out inventory?
  3. SonicSonedit

    Players turn into a zombie?

    Not because you said so, it doesn't.
  4. SonicSonedit

    Players turn into a zombie?

    Ha-ha, no.
  5. SonicSonedit

    walkie-talkie suggestion

    Sad but true.
  6. SonicSonedit


    You know what aging would go with along nicely? -=BEARDS=-
  7. SonicSonedit

    More Russian Vehicles

    Gews In 2014, yes. Before late 2000's - no. Now look at DayZ and tell me what year it looks to be. I'm so tired of this $hit. When you will guys realease that post-soviet countries looked and worked exactly the same as russia until late 2000's? God. Learn some history damn it.
  8. SonicSonedit

    More Russian Vehicles

    Is that a joke? Toyota? Why not Ferrari then? Really... Okay, no. Toyota never appeared in Russia until late 2000's.And calling russian terrorists is offensive.
  9. SonicSonedit

    Honeycombs - food and beeswax

    Good idea. Here, take some beans!
  10. SonicSonedit

    What about Russian Spam?

    thedogfoodyayhoNo, we don't eat bullets.
  11. SonicSonedit

    I've got convinced to play 1pp more.

    You mention a brainless redneck-oriented, console casual game. Didn't read any further.
  12. Here is a reason for you None of these are positive effects: About cars - first post.And how movement speed is even related to combat? Combat feels awkward because it is awkward, not because we move too fast or too slow.I hope zombie speed will only be increased from now on.This is once again unrelated to movement speed*cough*too much KOS to be a good thing*cough* DamnyourdeadmanWell, on a roadmap we can see "advanced vehicles", yet we do not have a basic ones yet. That's the problem - rushed changes will simply make this game unplayable.
  13. Before introducing features that screw players over, please fix and debug the features that compensate it.Lets talk about upcoming stamina and player movement speed reduction for a moment. Yes, I completely agree that players move way too fast and can run forever right now, which is both disbalanced and immersion-breaking, therefore player movement speed should be reduced later on. But what about current state of game? The vehicles and bicycles are nothing but a mess right now. They fall underground randomly when you ride uphill/downhill, they can easily break your legs or even kill you when you get out/off of them if someone (for example, zombie) will just lightly touch them, forcing them to move. They can easily stuck in textures, due to terrible collision detection. If you lightly touch someone's else vehicle with yours, you both will get legs broken and pants (with loot inside) ruined. And the most ridiculous thing about them - you die if you lag or disconnect inside a moving vehicle. Yep, just like that - "You are dead.". The best part? Your body will disappear, so your friends can't even recover your loot. The list with vehicle-related bugs which can randomly insta-kill you in a game with permadeath can go on. And in light of all this mess - reduce player movement speed!? I implore you to reconsider! Edit: Here is a reason for you
  14. SonicSonedit

    Complete Fail

    Very true. Before introducing features that screw players over, they must fix and debug the features that compensate it. I mean, new zombies are cool, but they are very laggy, buggy and random. They should not ruin your gear and break your pants-boots-legs in 1 hit while fu**ing standing right inside of you so you can't even shoot them. Same goes about upcoming player movement speed reduction - yes, players move a bit too fast right now, but what gives? The vehicles are nothing but a mess right now. They fall underground randomly when you ride in uphill/downhill, they can easily kill you when you get out of them if someone (for example, zombies) will just lightly touch them, forcing them to move. They can easily stuck in textures, due to terrible collision detection. If you lightly touch someone's else vehicle with yours, you both will get legs broken and pants (with loot inside) ruined. And the most ridiculous thing about them - you die if you lag or disconnect inside a moving vehicle. Yep, just like that - "You are dead.". The best part? You body will disappear, you can't even recover your loot. And in light of all this - reduce player movement speed!?
  15. SonicSonedit

    item 'ruined' state is broken IMO

    I don't mind if zombies would ruin gear littble by little, so you would have to look for supplies to mend it, but right now they ruin your pristine gear in 1 hit. Ruined. This both doesn't make any sense and very frustrating. Not to mention they can ruin your boots, pants and break legs - all in 1 hit. And they can 1-hit K.O. into the head, ignoring pristine military helmet, even if you stand above them. Gear 1-hit pristine -> ruined and 1-hit helmet ignoring head K.O. is bull$hit, otherwise zombies are fine. I would rather see drastically increased amount of zombies out there.