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Everything posted by OrLoK

  1. OrLoK

    DayZ Standalone and Mods/Maps

    Hello there Well, this is the issue. You're wanting to rant but are not accepting the facts as presented to you. You say you are informed, but clearly you are not as highlighted by your use of the old timetable trope and are not acceptant that it changed to enhance the scope of the game which benefits us all. Because of this and as you are admittedly ranting, I shall now close this as I'd rather we had debate and discussion not an immoveable rant. Rdgs LoK
  2. OrLoK

    DayZ Standalone and Mods/Maps

    Hello there as Nuggit points out more eloquently than I, this is more about your perspective than the devs. I realise you *want* mods, but it's simply not going to happen...yet. Same with maps. These things *will* come. Patience is key. rgds LoK
  3. OrLoK

    DayZ Standalone and Mods/Maps

    Hello there As someone who is currently on (and has been involved) with mod teams, let me assure you not everything is easily *fixable* by modders. indeed, some "fixes" can cause more issues or are simply bodges that a commercial dev couldnt get past QA. Modders are capable of great things, but although to the end user, opening up modding now *seems* like a good idea, in actual fact it really isnt no matter how illogical it may seem to you. Im excited for modding, but correctly done. rgds LoK
  4. Hello there thread cleaned. Now, we *do* allow folk to highlight if they have had poor service from a supplier, however, Weyland, this wasnt the way to do it. Keep it factual and without emotion and we will allow it. As to you DAYZ CIV, you haven't shown yourself in a hugely professional light in your replies either. You are both welcome to try again but any insults may result in a short sharp shock. Carry on. Rgds LoK
  5. OrLoK

    Bambiland2 and unfair Dayz public server rules

    Hello there We'll do a check on any suspicious posters as per usual, what normally happens in cases like this is that others are encouraged to join the forum to support a claim, not really an issue in and of itself. But, even if the Server Rules seem unfair, they are (currently) the rules and must be abided by even if they seem counter intuitive. Dont forget the server side of things is also in "Alpha" so if you expect to run a server as one would a fully released game's server, you (as they say) "are going to have a hard time", on occasion. I understand your frustration but the rules are the rules. Rgds LoK
  6. Hello there Even discussing these servers can cause you trouble. Dont play on them. Simple as that. Rdgs LoK
  7. OrLoK

    New forum format/style

    Im getting too comfortable with you guys n gals. L
  8. Well, I cant provide that, at the moment, but as with lots of upcoming features theyre on the to do list :)
  9. https://trello.com/c/4QopquMU :)
  10. OrLoK

    New forum format/style

    Done. Update: I should say "it's been done" Amazing, though I am, I had nowt to do with it :)
  11. OrLoK

    New forum format/style

    yes, Jervant and the rest of the Goblins have done some fine work. L
  12. OrLoK

    New forum format/style

    Hello there What did I miss?? Rgds LoK
  13. OrLoK

    Modding should get regulated

    Hello there The devs (BI) have always hugely supported mods. Modding will let the end users make the game be what *they* want it to be. Im *not* a fan of the "max loot +10000 cars!!1!" servers either, nor am I a fan of Arma life servers, but others are and should be allowed to playe those mods if they wish. If BI had your POV, OP then DAYZ would never have existed. The solution to your issue though will be the new server browser where its easy to find severs that suit you. This wasnt easy in the Mod/A2. The only kind of overseeing DAYZ mods need is to ensure they dont contain any way to cheat/exploit. Rdgs LoK
  14. OrLoK

    Global Eye Ban

    Hello there As opthers have pointed out, we neither issue nor administrate BE bans. Rgds LoK
  15. OrLoK

    Dealing with the frustration

    Hello there Im not particularly on *anyone's* "side". I've been critical of some of the game's direction in the past, myself. Also, me put out dates? Not I. Out of the two of us only you are starting to look "childish" to use your phrase. I like to use facts, I suggest you try it sometime. Rgds LoK
  16. OrLoK

    Dealing with the frustration

    Hello there Fristly, nothing was "promised" for February rather it was hoped to be able to complete that task around that date if no blockers arose. They did. Secondly, lay off the lazy "kiddies" type remarks. As to "serious work", you have no idea what we have done in our professional lives. Lastly, a month in dev terms is nothing. Overshoots are relative to the industry and sub aspects of that field. That said no overshoot *has* happened as nothing was stated about the exact release, rather a projection of an estimate. Rgds LoK
  17. OrLoK

    Craft a Fox Hat

    Hello there Almost. its a Home Made Films production. Many Pythons in it but its not a Python film per se. Bit like Ripping Yarns. Rgds LoK
  18. OrLoK

    Craft a Fox Hat

    Beware the Jabberwok, my son. He like Fox hats. L
  19. OrLoK

    This game is a bitch sometimes

    Dont insult other members, please. You could have made your point with out alluding. L
  20. OrLoK

    [Instruments] Acoustic Guitar

    Hello there Dont revive old threads please, in future make a new one it makes it easier from an organisational POV. Ill leave this open for now. Also, I want instruments in game too! I want to see the rebirth of MIDI files. Rdgs LoK
  21. OrLoK

    Public servers killing dayZ!

    Calm it down. Pilgrim, Noctoras etc. Dont make me point my naughty stick at you. L
  22. OrLoK


    Hello there As we dont currently have a Russion or other language forum this is perfectly fine here :) Just remember Google Translate isnt always perfect! Rgds LoK
  23. OrLoK

    got global banned from a long time ago

  24. OrLoK

    Beta in Q2?

    Extrapolation. doesnt work in real word. Hundreds of delays? Poppycock. L