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Everything posted by OrLoK

  1. OrLoK

    Exp Update 0.62.139796

  2. OrLoK

    Feeling a little frustrated...

    This may not *work* for you but it's a fact. Its an unfinished game, if you expect to play a completed game you will frustrate yourself. As for feeling insulted, well there's nothing anyone can do about that. Game development takes time, I'd go and do something else until we reach a full release. I dont mean to be blunt but all your feelings are down to you. EA is not for everyone.
  3. OrLoK

    Offline editor

    There is no editor/test mode yet. Anything else is unofficial and can have nasty results. Dont do it. Closing.
  4. OrLoK

    State of the Game?

    becoming too personal and topically pointless. read the SR's, look at the trello, dont buy into the tropes.
  5. OrLoK

    State of the Game?

    thread cleaned, heed my previous post.
  6. OrLoK

    State of the Game?

    Play nice, guys and girls. Dont make me moderate. you wouldnt like me when I moderate. if someone is being a grump, ignore em and use that report button if you deem it suitable, let us mods sort it out. I know its tough not to respond but all the rest of us see is a pointless catfight. L
  7. OrLoK

    DayZ FB hate

    Constructive critique is always welcome, but not often forthcoming.
  8. OrLoK

    DayZ FB hate

    DAYZ isnt dead. no truth to that whatsoever. There's no point "speculating" what the devs think. Follow their FB and Twitter and ignore the trolls as thats what they are, trolls.
  9. OrLoK


    I think development is best left to those with the know how. L
  10. OrLoK

    How old are you?

    you're not supposed to keep those 20 yr olds.
  11. OrLoK

    How old are you?

    I was spawned in 1970.
  12. OrLoK

    State of the Game?

    Regardless of people's motives, dont troll, dont insult, and we'll all get on fine. Everyone behave or you will be moderated. Just a friendly one off warning. L
  13. OrLoK

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    Too many insults, too much trolling. You know who you are. Please stop it or be moderated. @nice folk, dont engage with trollesque posts, ignore them and simply report, makes it easier for us to clean them. L
  14. OrLoK

    Enough of Cheaters

  15. AFAIK this has been dealt with. Closing.
  16. OrLoK

    Framed Chernarus Map

    Strange,mine has. james...
  17. Dont forget DAYZ isnt exactly a new and unique idea either :) L
  18. OrLoK

    Framed Chernarus Map

    Nice! Plus we can see your name on your monitor fyi :)
  19. Too many mentions of the "G" word or even worse "how to"'s in the thread. Devs are aware of these issues :)
  20. OrLoK

    DayZ Crosshair.

    Play nice, guys and girls...
  21. OrLoK

    Metanix.net Public Server - Ban

    This is already being investigated by BI.
  22. Calm it down guys and girls. it's getting far to bitey in here for my liking. @OP feel free to post, but if a user points you in a direction which can inform you, please try to use it and in the spirit its given. If *any* user is rude/insulting etc, use the REPORT button. Do not engage with them, it only clutters up threads and makes them useless for others. L
  23. My learned friend is right. I know it can be frustrating but you have to remember we are in an Alpha of an Early Access title, one cant expect a smooth rune even if you are renting servers at this stage. L
  24. They are :) Worry not!