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Everything posted by OrLoK

  1. OrLoK

    It's Been 6 Years

    Exactly, you're frustrated. But whose fault is that? The warnings on Steam and when you play were there from the start. I bought into Interstellar Marines ages ago. Its development is now glacial as there's only 1 dev now working on it and some volunteers. Do I get angry? No. do I get frustrated? No. Am I a bit *sad* that i wasted 20 odd quid (or however much it was)? No, because I *knew* that this was a possibility. Mildly disappointed? Yes. Angry? No. As to the N.A. thing, well that's nonsense. We've an International team here, were all pretty much on the same page when it come to dealing with Joe/Jantet Average. Believe it or not the customer isn't always right. As to middle age? i'm not far off 50. I don't see things your way. The devs have communicated what's going on throughout development (at times better than others) but in recent years have given us the Trello, the SR's as well as tweets, friendface etc etc etc. All the info is there, we know the end of ALPHA is in sight. Just hold on a little longer, in the next few months the "content" patch will hit.
  2. OrLoK

    It's Been 6 Years

    It will be finished. Im sorry, but EA is a long old haul and nothing is guaranteed. Tester? No not really but obviously we can gather data from the player base. Supporter? Absolutely. Just as I am. I've also been here a long while and have put a little bit of effort in to the community over the development. I don't expect anything back. I expect development to be finished when it's finished. There are other games I've bought in EA and Ive not touched them for years. As to banning you, if you've had enough, why not go do something else for a bit and come back later? Getting so angry to wish to be banned seems like cutting of your nose to spite your face.
  3. OrLoK

    It's Been 6 Years

    Early Access games are not for everyone which is why we actively warn folk and even advise them NOT to buy the game regularly. it's for supporters not for casual players imho.
  4. OrLoK

    Making developer's take action

    we're getting a little off topic, guys n gals. we're not going to solve global issues here so let's get back to DAYZ.
  5. OrLoK

    Making developer's take action

    Hello there Keep away from Early Access games. Buy them when they're complete. Rgds LoK
  6. OrLoK

    Status Report - 25 September 2018

    We are aware of the new xbox area teething problems and plans are underfoot to make things *better* but these things always take a little time to organise and sort out from behind the scenes. Bear with us!
  7. OrLoK

    Status Report - 25 September 2018

    hey, as long as we *blues* can see it, thats all thats important :)
  8. OrLoK

    Status Report - 25 September 2018

    odd. i shall ask others to check!
  9. OrLoK

    Status Report - 25 September 2018

    Ill sort the gif issue today. done
  10. OrLoK

    Status Report - 25 September 2018

    On the flip side I have had others complain to me that the forums are not as active as they were in their heyday. "A beginning is a very delicate time." Things will find their equilibrium as they did before. Patience is key.
  11. OrLoK


    Bullets not registering hits is a known issue.
  12. OrLoK

    Somehow I didn’t get the kill

    The game is *VERY* incomplete. At this stage expect bugs galore and for things simply not to work. We're only in ALPHA stage at the moment. Patience is key :)
  13. OrLoK

    Game was fun for a while

    If you call someone a "dick". Thats not helping the discussion. Now move on, guys an gals, please. Mod actions are not up for public debate. (thread cleaned)
  14. OrLoK


    If you think a user has overstepped their bounds report them, dont engage them. AFAIK, @Bombarding has done nothing wrong apart from advise. Its not up to you to judge, its up to us.
  15. OrLoK

    Game was fun for a while

    @CarlTheGooner You've already been warned not to have a go at folk, whether folk are assuming X or Y correctly or not doesnt mean you can have a go. You may not think you have been awkward but from someone reading through this you have come across as the difficult one in general. Have a cup of tea and relax. Take this as friendly advice.
  16. OrLoK

    Why is everyone an ahole in this game?

    it's a tough issue to address. the quick answer is because it's the shortest and easiest path to success on the whole. however, it is also the laziest and ultimately least rewarding. as others have said, don't be like the lazy folk, "play your way", it won't be easy and will often frustrate but when it goes right then it's all worth it.
  17. OrLoK

    No real emphasis on group/clan play

    FYI, guys n gals, the Xbox LFG/Recruitment sub forum (fora?) will be implemented sometime tomorrow, my secret sources tell me.
  18. OrLoK

    No real emphasis on group/clan play

    ill talk to the devs and see if we can address this.
  19. OrLoK

    Closed Preview codes

    Follow the devs on Twitter, they posted a whole bunch of codes there as well. Im sure more will turn up!
  20. OrLoK

    Closed Preview codes

    so generous! Lovely gesture.
  21. OrLoK

    I know, but be patient.

  22. OrLoK

    I know, but be patient.

    Note: @everyone if one insults the devs or makes up lies such as "dayz was a scam" you will be moderated. First and last warning for the thread.
  23. Thread cleaned. Use of homophobic slurs will not be tolerated.
  24. OrLoK

    How Many People Were Killed By You?

    necro thread from 2014!