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Everything posted by OrLoK

  1. OrLoK

    Will my computer run dayZ

    Hello there Easiest thing to do is try Arma2free. See how it runs. Rgds LoK
  2. OrLoK

    The reason why we need Hackers

    quite right. rgds LoK
  3. OrLoK

    I was victim of a hacker

    Hello there, Not the best attitude to have there, old chap. rgds LoK
  4. OrLoK

    UK666 Admin Abuse

    Hello there He may not be allowed to, but that is a power he has. Rgds LoK
  5. Hello there. My pleasure. rgds LoK
  6. No need for that, He was being polite and was trying to assist. He is quite correct as well. Also, this system is open to abuse. I can be annoyed at a server and then post that servers details. Or if I want a quieter server so I can farm, I post a warning and then can farm to my hearts content. Like the poster you insulted, I also applaud your sentiments. But in this format it simply wont work. Rgds LoK
  7. OrLoK

    Six Launcher not working,

    Hello, if you dont want to do it manually try using the Armarize launcher. I don't know if the dayz commander (thread here on forums) downloads, worth a look though. Rgds LoK
  8. OrLoK

    What happens when you log off?

    Hello Yes, you are *immune* when you log off, and yes, you still consume food and water to a lesser degree. Rgds LoK PS as the above poster says The food aspect may have been removed. It was never really an issue though.
  9. Hello If I were you I'd check out the Arma forums as long range sniping has been discussed to death and even tables have been drawn up. Unfortuneately with DAYZ 1km rule, engagements over this range are going to be difficult. Using a spotter system might work, but your guys would have to be very well trained and disciplined. Perhaps with the addon of something like the built in artillery computer for spotters this could be achieved. It does however seem like alot of work for something that could be achieved with a couple of decent snipers, or chaps with suppressed weapons. Good out the box thinking though, keep it up. Rgds LoK
  10. Hello all Regardless of whether its a good idea or not, just to let you know there are several A2 mods that do just this, from After Action Reports to Spectator Cams to Action Cams. So, once the kinks had been worked out it is possible, and the means to do it exists now. Rgds LoK
  11. Hello there, Surely this should be in the DAYZ stories sticky? rgds LoK
  12. Hello there does the game work when you don't use the launcher? I assume you mean sixlauncher? Rgds LoK
  13. OrLoK

    Can you run DayZ? Find out here

    Hello there as the OP says, use the site as a guide, *not* gospel truth, as with any site such as this. It will not guarantee you can "max" out DAYZ even if it says you exceed requirements. rgds LoK
  14. OrLoK

    Cannot place a tent - Friend can

    Hello there I too, am having this issue, so you are not alone. I've yet to be able to use a tent, it would be nice to know how. I get the same "you cant place a tent here" type message wherever I place it. Rgds LoK
  15. OrLoK

    ARMA II Free Edition?

    Hello there You have been advised. You have to BUY OA. you can try bodging it with A2Free but you still need OA. Sorry, chum. Rgds LoK
  16. hello there Also, be aware that any person running a server can make a @hive folder, it wont definitely mean its an official one. You can call your addon folders whatever you wish, I remember seeing one called something like @myhiddenpornstash. Rgds LoK
  17. OrLoK

    ARMA II Free Edition?

    Hello You need to make a purchase. In the meantime download a2free and get some practice in. Arma doesnt play like other games, and its also a good way to see if you system can handle it. Lastly its great fun Rgds LoK
  18. OrLoK

    I'm worried!

    Hello there Firstly why did you do this? Ive never heard of that as being a good thing. It sounds like you have implemented a lot of things and may have made a simple mistake somewhere. My advice is to reinstall (sorry but if youve been overwriting files then its best to start with a clean slate) and use the dayz commander/armarize/sixlauncher and find which one is more suited to you. Dont go the whole hog and try to edit everything in one go. DAYZ can work without command lines so get it up and running then add them Take one step at a time. Rgds LoK
  19. Hello there Surely *common sense* should rule? If ones server is being hacked, I very much doubt the devs will blacklist you for banning the said offender. Any unjust bans can be appealed. Use the rules as a guide not commandments written in stone. Rgds LoK
  20. OrLoK

    There's no guns anywhere

    Hello there For the beginner the best place to look is in Barns. There is almost always a weapon or useful loot in those and many are away from dangerous towns. rgds LoK
  21. OrLoK

    To play, or not to play?

    Hello there This is an issue within the game, there needs to be a reason to continue once one hits their particular ceiling. Game Mechanics included to rebuild society might help. That would give the non-Bandits and Bandits something to do. Think Mad Max 2 rgds LoK
  22. Hello there what would you like us to post? Or are you just having an annoyed rant and want no replies at all? Rgds LoK
  23. Hello Lingor for the voodoo feel The maps from Iron Front (an arma based ww2 mod/standalone) The important thing being that on those maps almost all buildings are enterable. Rgds LoK PS Iron Front's main map is larger than Chenarus :)
  24. OrLoK

    Day Z etiquette

    Hello there Etiquette seems to have gone out of the window recently. My advice is to avoid strangers and don't kill unless you are threatened. Hopefully mechanics will be added to curb the KOS culture that's risen up. Rgds LoK
  25. OrLoK

    Q. Can zombies open doors?

    Hello there Zed will open (walk through) doors and can hit you through walls as well. They can also climb ladders. Basically wherever you can go, they can follow, after some time. Be careful hotswapping weapons when you have no free slots left. Backpacks/tents/the inventory has a habit of *eating* weapons. rgds LoK