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Everything posted by OrLoK

  1. OrLoK

    lore driven payment model

    Hello there *IF* DLC's were created, obviously the Arma way of implementation wouldnt work in a DAYZ setting, so forget that aspect. Regardless, we are off topic lets get back to OP's vision rather than BIS DLC stuff. Rgds LoK
  2. OrLoK

    Money back

    Hello there Contact Steam Support directly. If you have a short amount of time played, Steam *may* give you a one off goodwill credit note to your Steam wallet. Good Luck. Rgds LoK
  3. OrLoK

    @Patch 0.55 Elitists

    Right. @ all in thread Too much angst, too much shouting and insulting. Reign it in or ill start getting grumpy. L
  4. OrLoK

    OA beta

    Hello there What kind of ban was it? Rdgs LoK
  5. OrLoK

    DayZ BE Dll Error

    Hello there I have not had this error myself, but it *has* been reported multiple times. Still, I'll keep an eye out and will post here if I discover a solution. Rgds LoK
  6. OrLoK

    New gamemode

    Hello there Its against the rules if youre playing the SA. Any more descriptions of cheats or cheat names will result in warnings or suspensions. Tread carefully. Rgds LoK
  7. OrLoK

    Virtual Reality Soon(TM)

    Hello there DAYZ like all the RV games supports TrackIR. Most VR apps at the moment can emulate TrackIR Ive had limited success in Arma3 with Google Cardboard so it's likely that DAYZ will support HTC/Steam's new venture. Rgds LoK
  8. Hello there The geometry of those models is lovely and clean. Rgds LoK
  9. Hello there There are no "hidden/completed" maps slated for release other than Chernarus + AFAIK. However, with the introduction of modding we may well be able to see some conversions from A2 A3 maps. How time consuming or difficult a conversion will be only time will tell. For example one can play on A2 maps in A3 but there are still multiple errors and bugs in most many months after release. Creating and even properly converting landmasses is not an easy task. Rgds LoK
  10. Hello there Namalsk? Nah, Lingor is where it's at or United Sahrani. Rgds LoK
  11. OrLoK

    Frames per second = better?

    Hello there Lucianpin is correct in his post that this all sounds very subjective. If you have got extra FPS then super! But comparisons cant be made well without some definite parameters. Rgds LoK
  12. Hello there One has to figure in whether its worth the resources to make a Mac version vs the income it could generate. Is there a vast Mac user base that will buy DAYZ? Personally, i'd like to see a version of DAYZ on all relevant platforms from Android to Console to Mac/ipad. Will it happen? Lets wait and see. Rgds LoK
  13. OrLoK


    Hello there I commonly blouse my boots by simply tucking the trouser end into an inch of sock above my boot. Saves having to unclip or untie anything if one needs to get ones trouser off in a hurry. As to having them in game, well you might see bloused BDU's but on the whole IMHO they dont really suit the scavenger "rag tag" ethos of the game. I doubt though one will see boot bands as the cost vs reward factor for the devs would be very low. But who knows? Rgds LoK
  14. OrLoK

    This makes no sence.

    Hello there We neither issue or administer BE bans. No one can assist you here Check the above link as well as the Ban stickies. Rgds LoK
  15. OrLoK

    So if we have a FN trombone now......

    EDIT: after actually doing some research I can now understand why. Ignore me :)
  16. OrLoK

    So if we have a FN trombone now......

    Hello there Who on earth named this thing? Rgds LoK
  17. OrLoK

    Singleplayer mode on dayz?

  18. OrLoK

    Singleplayer mode on dayz?

    Hello there I too am a lover of the SP experience. As long as one's SP character cannot attach itself to the online hive then I see no issue, even though many find the idea "boring" But, dont expect it to come from anyone other than modders at this stage. Rdgs LoK
  19. OrLoK

    Ran past a truck and it killed me.

    Hello there This is a rant not a discussion. Closing. Rgds LoK
  20. OrLoK

    refund please

    Hello there A possible way is to contact Steam Support directly and if you are nice to them they will often give a one off credit note to your steam wallet. Pro Tip:Try to be a bit less ranty than you were here. FYI for various reasons, I too run XP on another machine but I dont expect to be able to play the latest games on it. Much like when XP came out there were many old favourite games that were incompatible. XP is a legacy OS, so be wary of trying to play modern games on it. Rgds LoK
  21. OrLoK

    what is duping?

    Hello there Duping is naughty and for Slitherin types only. Dont do it. As this thread is about a verboten subject I shall now close. Rgds LoK
  22. Who's just talking about DAYZ? Any vehicle anywhere anytime. :)
  23. pro tip: *never* get into any vehicle with steak. ever.