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Everything posted by Meekalew

  1. H1Z1 is not out in 4 weeks, it goes Early Access in four weeks; that means ALPHA. That means bugs, and LOTS of them. And, if you've ever played Planetside 2, SOE is notorious for bugs, even in release format, so early access is going to be quite the buggy hell. :) That said, I'm still looking forward to it...
  2. Meekalew

    Grappling Hooks and Climbing

    I think this would be an interesting idea to add into DayZ. The ability to use a Grappling hook to get on top of places you normally wouldn't be able to get to; the caveat of the system would be, when the weight system comes in (which I know is coming), you wouldn't be able to climb if you were carrying too much gear, and normal climbing speed would be 1/2 that of a ladder, leaving you highly exposed for the duration of the climb, or climb down. The other caveat would be the condition of the grappling hook, which would deteriorate with every climb, and once it becomes badly damaged there's would even a risk of it breaking while you are climbing up or down it, leaving you open to injury or death as it breaks and you fall.
  3. I can guarantee you, if the zombie apocalypse were really happening; I would choose a crossbow or a bow over a gun as a primary weapon of choice. No matter how silenced you think a silencer can silence a modern weapon, none are as silent as a crossbow or a bow. If you're in a world where zombies and potential enemies are hiding around every corner and getting from place to place quietly and alive counts, you want silence. The first bullet you fire would alert zombies to your direction, the second would send any nearby zombies coming for you from all directions. It's a part of the realistic simulation, where the smart people who want to survive would carry guns but only rely on them as a last resort.
  4. I have been playing DayZ for awhile, but I had never killed anyone; generally, I avoided everyone I met out of fear of getting shot. So, I linked up with a friend who suggested we foray into Elektro on a full server for the thrill of it... so, I said, "You're gonna get me killed, aren't you?" to which his response was, "Nah, you'll be fine!" We managed to sneak our way into a two story building, make sure it was clear, and then took stock of our surroundings. I was covering the door with my M4, and my buddy was covering the windows with his Mosin. We could see a sniper in a nearby building but could get a shot on him. But then, the sniping stopped for about 5-10 minutes. My friend snipes a few armed players with their weapons out; and then suddenly, he's out cold... the sniper in the other building somehow ended up in our building; there was no ammo 'noise' when they came in, and my friend was shot. Suddenly, I see the guy who shot my friend appear in the doorway from the room in which he appeared, apparently, he was unaware that I was in the building too, since I had been holding my fire and just watching the door... so I unload my M4 into him, and he drops. Then, as I try to admin an EpiPen to my friend, another guy comes running into the room swinging a bat wildly, and I quickly change to my gun and he's down. I try to get the EpiPen again, and yet another comes running in... so, I gun him down. My friend dies while I'm fighting the incursion, and is respawned outside Elektro. A momentary break in the fight in what's become a one person hold out, so just to be sure, I put a bullet in each of the heads of the people I had shot to absolutely ensure they are dead. No surprises. So, I continue holding down the fort while my friend is making a desperate run for the building we were in, where he tries to salvage what gear he could. Once he gets there, I'm standing there with a pile of bodies building around me... In the meantime, another guy runs up the stairs, weapon drawn, I start shooting, he drops to prone and is rolling all over the floor like a madman, while I'm plugging him full of bullets... so, he's down. It seems all of Elektro are being drawn to this building! I tell my friend, "We gotta get outta here, everyone is coming here!" He grabs his Mossin (it miraculously survived the slaughter) and what little ammo is not ruined and I'm like, "Cover me!" while I make my escape. He kills three more, running into the building as I make my way to freedom. The two of us boot it for the tree lines, using whatever we could for cover and obstacles... running from Elektro like crazy people. As we crest the hill and escape Elektro I say to my friend, "Well, at least you didn't get me killed..." So, my first combat encounter in DayZ consisted of laying out several bodies... and I don't think I'd ever go into Elektro again without an entire fireteam at my back.
  5. Meekalew

    Stashing LOOT

    I saw that, and I personally think that it is a really, really, bad idea and far too ambitious; especially with the amount of loot and items players can carry, particularly between servers, etc. Persistent backpacks and containers is more than enough.
  6. Meekalew

    Crossbow being effective

    Except, once you fire your gun, you give away your position to both players and zombies alike, so, good luck staying in position and not being forced out of your ambush position. With a crossbow, you're silent and deadly; and if the person you kill have friends with them, they won't even know what happened and likely before they do, they'll have bolts to the head as well.
  7. Meekalew

    Super Zombies?

    Stop killing them with guns, that should solve your problem. Gunshots draw them like flies to a rotting feast.
  8. Meekalew

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    Sure, as long as your body suffers the physical side effects of ghillie suits; such as extreme overheating, slower movement and ability to perform actions due to extra weight and encumbrance of wearing them, etc. I don't know why people want to turn DayZ into a military sim, that isn't what it is.
  9. At least with Planetside 2, they got their act together and are releasing weekly updates on schedule now! I'm sure DayZ will start to eventually pull it together, sometimes, it takes time for a team to start to mesh and sync. Sometimes, a long time. Especially when they just added a bunch of new people who need to acclimate themselves to the game, code, and people they are working with.
  10. Why do you play on the server type you play on? Regular or Hardcore? To me, playing on Regular feels more like an arcade game while Hardcore feels more like an experience immersion. The reason I like Hardcore is because you are actually confined within your environment as opposed to being semi-detached from it; you are completely a part of the environment and game, you look around by turning your head as opposed to getting a panoramic image 20 feet above your head highlighting all the dangers that lay ahead. I like that snipers have to expose themselves to get a first hand look at what's around them and they just can't hide in grass or on buildings and do a 360 camera twist from above their body to know what targets they have. I like that in Hardcore you need heightened awareness and faster reflexes to live or die... you don't see zombies or people coming as they run from around corners, fences, buildings, or around trees until they are pretty much in your face. It also seems to be, there are less KoS types on Hardcore; people are there to immerse themselves in the environment, and are not playing the PvP game quite a much as the survivalist game. Finally, it seems like the people who play Hardcore are generally older, and have run into very few children or teens on the Hardcore servers, they seem to stick to the Regular servers. These are the reasons I prefer Hardcore. What about you?
  11. Meekalew

    Reason why Bandits rise and heroes die.

    Once the game is more developed, there should be private servers; but when they do, they run on their own hive. And none of the gear acquired in private servers should be transferrable to public servers. Solves everyone's problem.
  12. They should call 3rd Person Servers "Easy Mode" and 1st Person Servers "Normal Mode"; bet most people would join the Normal Mode servers; leave out the Hardcore word entirely. Or make a Hardcore Mode server on top of that where if you even fart you have 40 zombies come rushing at you.
  13. Honestly, they don't.... they get motion sickness from the FoV, which they can adjust. If they got motion sickness from 1PP they'd also get motion sickness from 3PP, because it's pretty much the same; just one has a slighter wider FoV; that's what gets them, a smaller FoV. So, if they widen the FoV, they wouldn't likely have the motion sickness.
  14. Meekalew


    If they made night time affect textures directly instead just via ambient light, it wouldn't matter what they set their brightness or gamma to it would still look black in the dark.
  15. No, they don't. They pay an outrageous price AND agree to a specific set of terms and conditions; if they invalid the terms and conditions the price they paid is irrelevant. People tend to ignore terms and conditions on software they purchase or host to their own detriment, or rather, ignorance.
  16. Meekalew

    Very curious about choice of gender.

    Because everyone, deep down inside, really wants to be a girl. Hell, everyone started out as a girl before they got gender confused and became men, so we virtually fix that mistake.
  17. Second Life isn't all that silly. I used to gross $4,000 USD / month creating things for just five hours a week there. What I made in Second Life was used to start up and fund my real world video production business. ;)
  18. Meekalew

    Just been killed by a teleporter!

    I never understood why devs don't code in basic anti-cheats in the server; it takes almost no resources to remember player positions and if player position A is exceedingly different from player position B within X amount of seconds that would be impossible to reach by running then to instantly kick the player (not ban, just kick). Same goes for ammo checking, etc. The server have to process and forward all these calls to nearby clients, an extra count check is not going to lag a server at all; it's networking that slows down servers, and none of these things would slow down the networking.
  19. Meekalew

    Is there really any point to...

    I generally carry the M4, the 45, and the .357. And yes, I'm friendly. :)
  20. Meekalew


    I'd be careful with these. Anything that modifies or injects changes can be mistaken as hacks and banned. Anti-cheat software doesn't often look at what software like that does as much as how it does it.
  21. OMG! How do you do that without your all seeing cheat mode? ;)
  22. Meekalew

    Serverhopping mother-effers

    How do people not hear other people in the building? If I'm in a building, I can hear the footsteps of another player outside of the building, let alone inside. Inside the same building, there's no way you're going to sneak up on me fast enough to kill me silently. When you clear a room, keep your back to the wall, the entire time.
  23. To me, the best part of the gaming isn't being geared up and surviving PvP encounters; the best part of the game is being a fresh spawn and surviving interesting experiences; The search for gear as a weak spawnling is where the real challnge of DayZ lays, the encounters you have during the search, and the missteps and "barely escaped" tales of the unarmed spawnling. I think that's where some of the most interesting stories sit in DayZ. Having guns is all find and dandy, but the adventure while surviving and getting your guns... that's where it is.
  24. Meekalew

    Do you think Zombies should be headshots only?

    I think shuffling, slow, unmotivated zombies would make DayZ that much less interesting. It's far more intense when you hear that scream and you suddenly have a half dozen zombies barreling down on you (Experimental) at full speed, and your only chance to survive is to out run them, less you incur the wrath of a horde.
  25. Meekalew

    Burning loot.

    .... to ambush them, of course.