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Everything posted by Glasklart

  1. Been playing for around 2 hours now, so far no crashes. So right now it seems like it is fixed. Will edit if I start crashing again. =)
  2. I've noticed that if you go into localappdata and delete the DayZ folder you wont crash for a while. Been playing for one hour straight without crashes, but as soon I restart the game or leave a server I crash again when I rejoin. Might be a small temporary fix for this highly annoying and frustrating bug, my leg has been broken three times because of this. :( Anyways, you can find the local appdata by searching for %localappdata% in the Start menu.
  3. Glasklart

    DayZ keeps crashing when I try to join a server?

    Version 1.211 for me. It's odd though, sometimes I crash instantly, sometimes after an hour.
  4. Glasklart

    DayZ keeps crashing when I try to join a server?

    I have this problem too. I made a thread last week, it fixed itself temporarily when I reinstalled the game. Didn't last to long though. :(
  5. ^Pretty much the title. Everytime I join a server, the game crashes, giving me the response "DayZ has stopped answering". Been trying different servers, same issue on all of them. I played for an hour this morning when I sudden got a game crash. After this it has kept on crashing. Also tried mixing with the game settings. No luck so far :/ Any ideas?
  6. Glasklart

    Game crashing as soon I enter a server.

    What I was expecting too first, but how ever I've tried to play on Very Low. Same issues sadly. Guess I gotta reinstall the game and hope for the best. :) edit: Reinstalling the game seemed to have worked.
  7. Glasklart

    Do you leave your morality at the door?

    I kinda try to play this game the same way I would act if an actual zombie apocalypse would happen in the real world hehe. Which means I would probably only trust my close ones. I usually stay away from the more populated cities, and mostly only visit the airfields and military camps if I got proper backup. The other day me and a friend was at the airfield at Balota, we were looking for a LRS since it was the only thing missing from having our characters "complete" so to speak. We spotted 3 other guys chrouching their way to the ATC,from the hangars. We had complete vision of them and we were really close, so if we wanted to we could probably take them all 3 out before they would have the chance to fight back, but choosed not to since they werent really a threat. I only kos people if I accidentaly stumble upon them and if they got their weapon raised. If they dont I usually walk away having a close eye on them incase they would raise their weapon and try to kill me.