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About tigersrule777

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    On the Coast

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  1. tigersrule777

    One other person on the server and he killed me

    But can you trust people? How was he suppose to know that you wouldn't have tried to kill him? It would be so much more fun if people valued trading items more than killing people, but fear drives people to murder. If I was one other person on the server and saw the only other guy, I would try direct communication. I feel as though it is much easier to be friendly there because there is more loot to share and less chance another player will see the opportunity to kill you both while you're talking. On a more populace server, however, I would be more inclined to kill people faster, because I don't want to give my position away to people I am unaware of. Fear always drives murder. I've only killed 3 people in my dayz time. One of them was an accident when I was trying to shoot the zombie attacking him. The other two were out of fear, but a weird type of fear. I was afraid of communicating with them because I was embarrassed to speak in direct chat, and afraid to take my guard down long enough to type. I didn't want the embarrassment so I killed them. I felt terrible. :/
  2. tigersrule777

    One other person on the server and he killed me

    Solopopo? How could you possibly pin it down to someone when you have no idea where I even live?
  3. When we log into Dayz we choose servers that are close to home, right? Servers with low ping. So how would you play with someone in a different state, country, or maybe even continent than you? Sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm new here...
  4. I got onto a sever that had one other person, and I was in electro. Literally 7 seconds after spawning he hit me with an axe and i went unconscious. I didn't even know he was there. I had a gun, but if he was the only person on the server I would have under no circumstances shot him...I don't usually call "hacker", but what are the odds really that he would have been right there when I logged on?