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Everything posted by Lerchiosi

  1. Lerchiosi

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Has anybody else noticed it is raining inside buildings now ? (on experimental) or is that controlled by a video setting ??
  2. Couple of days ago, I opted out of experimental after the .45 servers disappeared. After re-downloading the stable branch I could not connect to any servers. With the error message 'Bad version, server rejected connection' Now I've realised the stable branch version downloaded from steam is 43.116251 Ive tried opting back in to experimental and then opting out again but version .43 downloads again. Also tried removing DayZ (and all data) from steam and reinstalling (5+ gb's) but I'm still only getting 43.116251 and not the current stable (44.123800) Can anybody help ? I'm assuming something has gone wrong in steam.
  3. Validating and fix :D worked, thanks very much indeed !
  4. After validating it said : '1 file failed to validate, will reacquire' its downloading something <> 500mb, will report back in a min . thanks !
  5. Yes, many times. Re-booted also several times. I removed all DayZ data files from steam and re-installed but still no joy. I'm guessing some kind of file which instructs steam to download a certain version maybe has corrupted ? Any files safe to delete on steam which may fix this ? One thing I have noticed, is a Steam bootstrapper error which happens once on windows startup. But havent had this problem today .. :/
  6. I personally welcome the new running animation and running speed. Agree with other posts that some zombies should be faster than others. One thing I would like to see in the future would be more 'Roaming' from the zeds when they have no target. Currently are motionless. Zombies can still hit you from a lower floor, needs a fix along with proper path-finding and building navigation. Maybe the zombies could have spawn points in the woods outside villages and have a waypoint pre-set to return where it was killed to simulate a horde. More zombie spawns inside houses please.