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About Karatii

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Karatii

    Condition determines slots?

    Well shit. thanks a ton =) I also have to say I have no idea what the fuss is about the zombies. sure thier faster and whatnot but all you gotta do is sidestep and strafe and thier simple from how fast they sling shot. and I also noticed since this patch they turn REAL slow once they speed up making dispatching zombies a breeze.
  2. I logged on today and noticed that my TTsKO pants and shirt were badly damaged then also noticed that I could not put a 6th 1 slot item in there. I was wondering if they implemented quality effecting how much you can hold yet or at all?
  3. Karatii

    DayZ Standalone Opens Up In a Clear Window

    Splendid! Enjoy
  4. Karatii

    Um... I think I broke the latest update.

    I love how that one zombie just shot forward into some kinda warp and disappeared to the earths core apprently
  5. Karatii

    DayZ Standalone Opens Up In a Clear Window

    You can usually go into your documents and mess with a Ini. file. It probeb;y has something to do with the windowed mode and the resolution you changed it too. Heres a guide on steam to help you along. its to improve your FPS as well http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=216291078
  6. Karatii

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Aw man thats cool thanks for the info =) yea but what I was saying that the infected are Zombies just a different type. Zombies can be the undead or living, slow or fast, cannibalistic or just violent. yes fast undead zombies exsist in media and storys. ps. I would actually like to see both. wouldnt that be interesting. fast and slow
  7. Karatii

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    So I pretty much caught up on this thread (Alot of pages to look over) and out of everything (Not relighting that fight), there was the argument over if the NPC's/AI are zombies or infected. Then that really got my my mind going. Are zombies and infected completely different entity's/creatures etc etc.? Why cant they be both as fevero mentioned? Maybe One is a subcategory of another? Now to the reason for the post. I personally thought infected were a sub-category of the Zombie mythos/idea. The general Idea that Zombies are a being stripped of it’s will, humanity, and normal behavior by outside forces either supernatural and mundane***. I went around to see if my Idea was even supported. The fine gentleman hoffa posted the definition from Webster Dictionary re-enforcing what he thought the definition is. hoffa if your still around was that a hard copy definition? If so is your copy updated? That seems to be the short version of the definition. Here is a link to the website for their full definition just a scroll down notch away with hoffas posted definition above : http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/zombie. This caught my eye. "b : a person markedly strange in appearance or behavior" Wouldn't this describe infected? I mean undead are not people/person anymore, are they? But infected are. Just sick people that are "markedly" strange in appearance or behavior. How about this wikipedia entry? (HAHAH i know we can't trust everything on there but food for thought) "The turn of the millennium coincided with a decade of box office successes in which the zombie sub-genre experienced a resurgence: the Resident Evil movies (2002, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2012); the Dawn of the Dead remake (2004),[1] the British films 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later (2002, 2007)[16][17] and the comedy/homage Shaun of the Dead (2004). The new interest allowed Romero to create the fourth entry in his zombie series: Land of the Dead, released in the summer of 2005. Romero returned to the series with the films Diary of the Dead (2008) and Survival of the Dead(2010).[1] Generally the zombies in these situations are the slow, lumbering and unintelligent kind first made popular in Night of the Living Dead.[18] Motion pictures created within the 2000s, however, like the Dawn of the Dead remake, and House of the Dead,[19] have featured zombies that are more agile, vicious, intelligent, and stronger than the traditional zombie.[20] Some are not cannibals craving "brains", but instead behave as "vectors" in spreading the infection to the non-infected, (as in Helix and World War Z). In many cases, these fast-moving zombies are depicted as living humans infected with a genetic-mutating and/or mind-altering pathogen (as in 28 Days Later, Zombieland and Left 4 Dead) as a result of an epidemic or biological agent, instead of being supernatural "undead" or "re-animated" corpses." There are little shreds of this all over the internet, books and other references but the one source I read sums up how I feel about zombies/infected and is attempting to define what a zombie is and what causes them. Also points out that George Romero did not create the idea of zombies, he brought them into popular culture. Essentially they don't have to be slow and eat flesh to be a zombie. Heres that site - http://www.thezombienation.com/zombies-defined/ I am just being open minded about all this and hope that this might help people do a little digging of themselves and decide for themselves. TL,DR Ask your self are zombies and infected completely different entity's/creatures etc etc.? Why cant they be both the same thing? Maybe One is a subcategory of another? My opinion is zombies are beings stripped of it’s will, humanity, and normal behavior by outside forces either supernatural and mundane*** Quick reference links for what I have here: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/zombie http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie_(fictional) http://www.thezombienation.com/zombies-defined/ ***Quoted from http://www.thezombienation.com/zombies-defined/. I couldn't think clearly at the time to describe the whole point of this being its 630AM and I am half awake.. PS. I can't wait till Zombies are able to not go through walls. Besides that, love what you guys did with the patch, keep up the great work.