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About CloaknDagger

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  1. CloaknDagger

    What Do You Want to See When you die?

    After dying randomly yet again, I'm going to have to say I want to see a cause of death. Was it the falling glitch? Maybe a server glitch? Maybe I was shot in secret? Anyway, the devs don't really care about getting bugs out of the Alpha, so I doubt they would impliment something so simple to identify issues.
  2. I've been playing DayZ for over a year now, and I really like the sense of adventure, as well as the morale and discipline importance in combat, that no other game has. In what other game will seeing someone freak you out to the point of running kilometers in the opposite direction on the chance they want to kill you, or cause you to foolishly empty your AK drum magazine with fully automatic fire that you can't properly aim? What other game rewards those who cautiously stalk their targets, then kill them without their knowledge, or who calmly wait out the onslaught of an AK drum magazine while they take you out with one Mosin round to the head? But lately, things seem to have gotten worse. Yes, many more goodies have been added to the game, but the gameplay itself has suffered. Before, I would spawn in the South coast, and then move west to the SW airfield to gear myself up. Through hopping, I could get myself fully geared in about an hour. Electro was always a fun place to find a match, and you ALWAYS had to be excited when seeing other people, either for good or bad encounters. Now, things have gone downhill. It started small, with the spawns moving farther North East. Irritating I thought, there were now vastly fewed people around, it was a ghost town in Cherno, Electro, and the SW airfield. Plus, whenever I died, it added an hour to my running time to re-gear. In short, nothing but a pain, and a large decrease in fun. With the latest patch though, things have gotten worse. Much worse. The North East airfield was annihilated. Single door tents had their loot removed. While before the NE airfield was the new Electro, now there is no clear area to meet people. Without the single tents having loot, the SW airfield is now less valuble in comparison to the North West airfield, or other military instalations to gather loot. The entire map is a ghost town. To add insult to injury, I now need to run even LONGER to reach my gearing areas, and with the reduced loot, and an annoying 99 second spawn time that's actually 300 seconds because of the please wait thing, things are just more irritating. On the horizon, I don't see much hope. The devs are on one hand adding features like Heart Attacks in the name of 'realism', but at the same time, there's not a bicycle to be seen, and apparently despite their demands for realism, adding realistic weapons or ammo types is beyond them. Even on the forum, the rabid anti-fun crowd are demanding reduced movement speeds. Despite the fact the game has no vehicles yet. It seems like the devs are agreeing with them. Still no vehicles to be seen. Overall, despite some nice weapons and such, the fun in the game has gone down sharply. It was already hiking simulator, but this is completely absurd and unacceptable. If it continues, I don't know how much longer I can play. So I ask you forum, what do you think of the ever increasing running time? The incredibly annoying spawn locations?
  3. CloaknDagger

    Why would you leave the North-east corner? Ever?

    Blah blah blah, I don't care I just want to have fun.
  4. CloaknDagger


    No, people are not all mentally handicapped, nothing is stopping a soldier from becoming a physicist. All skills should be gainable.
  5. CloaknDagger

    Why would you leave the North-east corner? Ever?

    I would love to stay near the players, but seeing as how the NE being the spawn area, there ARE NO PLAYERS there, other than naked fresh spawns. I take HOURS to run to the SW airfield to gear up, but I do usually end up moving up the east coast to around Electro to find people.
  6. CloaknDagger

    Shouldn't zombies also bleed to death eventually?

    By that logic the zombies should have a hunger/thirst bar and die from that.
  7. No, because moving your gun at the speed of a snail is stupid.
  8. It's slow enough to make the game STUPID, and that's a problem.
  9. Foregrips should increase the handling of the gun, I mean, of course, that rediculous turning speed limit. But, first the turning speed should be improved to be less rediculous. The downside of foregrips is that you give up a grenade launcher or shotgun on the bottom of the gun, and increased weight.
  10. CloaknDagger

    Golf Bag Backpack/More gun carrying

    The current gun carrying system makes sense, to a point, but I think that it's dumb I can't have more than one primary weapon. While obviously it would be rediculous to carry around five guns, I think there should be some equipment that lets us hold more. A perfect example is the chest holster. I love it, but unfortunately, the vests make it unusuable/redundant. What about leg or waist holsters? Or, as I mention in the thread title, a golf bag instead of a backpack. A golf bag would be pretty obvious to spot, but it would be good for carrying a Shotgun and a Ruger in at the same time, or other longer weapons without worry. On the downside of course, you would lose your backpack space. I think it would add an interesting tradeoff to carrying more primary weapons, and at the same time give people more options. Thoughts?
  11. CloaknDagger

    compass is not pointing straight

    The compass is broken, hold alt and tilt your neck while walking straight, notice the compass moves in your hands.
  12. CloaknDagger

    AKM or the AK-47?

    Don't forget infinite durability. AK-47 forever!
  13. I just got back from work, and I was ready to play Day Z. I messaged my new Day Z friend on steam, and it turns out that he was ready as well. But, of course, the day was long, and by this time, I had to poop. And now I have realized that this is what Day Z needs. No, I'm not shitting you. (Yes I am) Think about it: Players get a new status and statistic: Bowel Movements Over time, it will increase, dependent on food intake and physical health. If you eat too much, you will fill up much faster, and if you are sick, you could get diarrhea, which would lower the amount of liquids in your body, damaging your hydration, perhaps fatally if you mismanage it. If allowed to reach a certain point, Bowel Movement will literally make you shit yourself. This would lower the quality of your pants slightly, and 'infect' all items in said pants. This will tie well into the disease mechanics that the disinfectant spray is supposed to be involved with. You can take action to reduce the Bowel Movement status, however. At any time over a certain minimum, you will be able to voluntarily defacate. As expected, you will crouch down for a moment and do the deed. This will however, make a bit of a mess. It will infect YOU, since you have poop smeared on you. A risk of infection could occur if you don't fix it. There would be two simple ways to combat this: 1. Toilet paper. You need to wipe your butt, so use something to do it. Maybe rags or bandages, or later actual toilet paper. Rags would be able to be cleaned later, like old-style diapers before they were disposable. 2. Water. You could just take a bath to clean yourself. This would remove the dangerous shit buildup in your ass, but would subjected to the dangers of the soon to be implemented wet mechanics. -------------------------------------- So, to summarize: New Mechanic - Waste + Ties into Disease mechanics + Additional Realism + Simple to implement and tools are already in game for it. + Another facet of living in the Post-Apocalyptic world. So, forumers, Devs, what do you think of my idea? I was joking at first when I thought of it, but then I realized it actually made a lot of sense, and I think this could actually add something to the game, and also make it pretty much the only videogame to actually have this feature. Or am I just full of shit? (I'm not, I just went and it felt great)
  14. CloaknDagger

    What to carry?

    Well it looks like fate wants me to travel more lightly. My sawn-off, after I fired one round, refuses to reload on R, but when I try to reload it manually in inventory, says it's full, despite giving me a click on firing. So much for all that shotgun ammo. Similarly, my M4 simply disappeared when I dropped it. It was in my hands, but not my inventory, and on switching weapons it wasn't on the ground either. So Magnum + SKS + 45 it is for me, I guess.