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Jonesy (DayZ)

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About Jonesy (DayZ)

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  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oALTjZFkx9c
  2. Jonesy (DayZ)

    DayZRP - Bumping into some Mexicans.

    Well they was trying to put an accent on where ever they come from lol.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rB7nUkpLCfc&feature=c4-overview&list=UUhNcbQ-kfwtlE__vdp-_oVA
  4. Jonesy (DayZ)

    DayZRP - Fire-fight with CLF.

  5. Jonesy (DayZ)

    DayZRP - Lake Prud robbery.

  6. Jonesy (DayZ)

    DayZRP - Robbery gone wrong.

  7. Jonesy (DayZ)

    DayZRP - Protecting the weak.

  8. Jonesy (DayZ)

    DayZRP - Balota fire-fight.

    I just post the link and it does the rest for me :/
  9. Jonesy (DayZ)

    Big ATV fail!

  10. Jonesy (DayZ)

    DayZRP - Balota fire-fight.

    Yeah I think that's the one I'm using, I'm not homr at the moment else I would check for you.
  11. Jonesy (DayZ)

    DayZRP - Balota fire-fight.

  12. Jonesy (DayZ)

    DayZRP - Cherno fire-fight.

    It's not my choice of music, no.
  13. Jonesy (DayZ)

    DayZRP - Cherno fire-fight.

  14. DayZRP is the place to be! I can honestly say that since I've been playing DayZRP I haven't once played the standard DayZ mod. Why? Because I got bored and fed up of being killed on sight constantly, I'm the sort of player that enjoys interacting with others, especially for things like robberies. How many can say they've successfully robbed or been robbed from in the standard DayZ with no one being killed? Not many, I tell you that. DayZRP is great for interacting with others, being that with robberies, camp fires with a little sing song or just simply bumping into someone in Cherno. DayZRP gives a real feel for a zombie infested world, you can treat it as a real adventure with your day to day struggle with attempting to survive the world it has now become. What are you waiting for? Sign up and get white-listed today. www.dayzrp.com