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Everything posted by Phoenix777

  1. Phoenix777

    why do YOU play DayZ?

    To scavenge for items... I have a minor packrat/ hoarding problem To explore the world ( still fairly new to the game, and they are occasionally adding new stuff.) To help people ( just cause I'm a nice guy, and it helps keep me from walking around with a full inventory with nothing to do with it.) To have fun and tense situations with others. ( I don't play on full servers that often and I usually avoid major cities, so I'm still at that stage where every time I see someone or hear a gunshot it sends me into instant panic mode, plus it's always great to see that panic relieved when the guy you see isn't an ass) To work on talking to people. ( main reason for the panic mentioned above is probably an innate social phobia. In some ways friendly players scare me more than KOSers. Lol) -------------------- I do agree though, that some kind of story or goal would be cool, though it could take away from the openness, free, roleplay, sandbox aspects if done wrong. For me, some more unique buildings, notes, graffiti, dead bodies in interesting positions, etc. would be enough. However.... There's only so much they can do with the ARMA assests, and server load restrictions.
  2. First off you want to log out, because in the time it takes to contact someone, and for them to get to you anything can happen. So find a safe place to log out first, and do that.If there's a status effect in your inventory screen saying "sick" you'll likely need charcoal tablets ( antibiotics don't do anything yet) but it depends on how you got sick. The gray screen is due to a lack of blood. On the first post of this topic you'll find a link to TMW's website and teamspeak. Your best bet is to go on their teamspeak and join a help needed channel. If no one responds after a while you can try asking in the open channels or poking people with the TMW tags. Once you get ahold of one of them they can help you out and give some more detailed advice.
  3. Phoenix777

    Sneaky server update! (confirmed)

    It was actually a 1 hr reset server. :P I think the admin may have been on purposely reseting it though, because it didn't always seem like an hour had passed.
  4. Phoenix777

    Sneaky server update! (confirmed)

    I wonder if this tweaked existing spawns too. I mean I had checked the NE fire station about 6+ times looking for protective cases. Each time the fire station was untouched, but no cases to be found. Yesterday I logged on real quick, checked it and found 2 cases just sitting there. Maybe I just got lucky though.
  5. Phoenix777

    Sneaky server update! (confirmed)

    Who wants to bet there's a character wipe coming up wherein they add loot respawn and make things like: axes, M4, mosins, and weapon attachments very, very rare. To me at least that would be the way to go. Let people have their fun with all the new loot locations, collect everything to become the ultimate badass, and the BAM! Remind people this is DayZ, not COD. I mean I'm all for more exploration, but not instant gratification. I mean hopefully they'll eventually have enough item diversity that you can always find something interesting in places, even if its not "teh leet military gears!!!!" Personally what I'd like to see is a degree of randomness to it, like... Maybe one or two military grade weapons per military base, fire stations for fire axes and protective gear, police stations for basic low power pistols, and maybe a shotgun. The catch however, would be that there's always a very small chance that say... The police had some contraband weapons, or there's a vest or assault rifle. For military it'd be stuff like heavy artillery, LMG, helicopter parts, and there'd always be a very small chance of houses having their personal hunting rifle or pistol. Something to make the world seem more alive like: " okay, so the guy in this house must have been a hunter" " oh wow, I can't believe this rifle wasn't looted from the PD when things first hit the fan" "Looks like this helicopter was transporting an infected and it must have attacked them mid flight." I mean right now there's just so much high quality gear just all over that it feels very gamey; when finally finding that epic loot should feel like an experience worthy of a grand story... Not just: "Oh look! ANOTHER infrared scoped SVD rifle."
  6. Phoenix777

    Would you shoot me...

    Does anyone else, just not care about camo? I mean the most I will usually do is wear a green backpack, or wear camo if I haven't found anything that looks good yet. I usually go for blues, grays, and sometimes reds. I'll do other colors too if it meshes well with what I have, but I rarely do TTsKO or hunter pants. I don't know, to me it seems like if someone is near me they're going to see me regardless, so I might as well dress in appropriate "casual medic/friendly" clothes to suit my play style. Unless you're hiding in grass trying to counter snipe they're likely going to see or hear you running anyway; so I don't really see the point..... Not to mention Camo stands out more in the cities. As far as head gear goes, I have a UN helmet and a respirator, no glasses. So as far as protection goes I may as well be as protected as a camo guy anyway. (military jackets don't have extra protection do they?) The only real conundrum for me is storage space... I have a UK vest for storage, and the extra room in TTsKO jackets sometimes tempts me into wearing them, hopefully we will be able to dye/spray paint everything in the future, that way we can get some more diverse load outs and we don't have to be GI Joe just because we're a packrat.( possibly at the cost of condition degradation.) For masks, what I look forward too is more character customization: different haircuts, scars, tattoos, facial hair, facial structures, etc. This way masks will become a much bigger factor; seeing someone's face will let you know who you're dealing with and they can't try to trick you or come back after you kill them pretending to be an innocent new spawn.... I still want to see a video of someone taking potshots at people , running away, changing clothes, and making friends with the same people they just shot at; I think it would be hilarious. I mean Alchestbreach kind of did it with someone where they both died and met up as new spawns, not realizing they had killed each other until the very end, but that was unintentional. What I want to see is some more really fun and creative bandits, instead of this KoS, force feed, "weapons test" stuff. which is getting kind of old.
  7. Phoenix777

    Ethnic Discriminations

    This is why I play as a black female in game. If someone's a bigoted jackass, I either get racism or sexism to show me their true colors before I even talk to them. It works pretty well, I've been called a "bi***", and "n*****" countless times as people tried to kill me. As far as other kinds of discrimination go, I have heard people with other accents, but only interacted with one, and it never came up... Only other one I remember was a Russian accented guy that killed a guy on sight while I hid somewhere. Then again I usually play on the west coast servers due to having better ping.
  8. Phoenix777


    Also note the pinned topic: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/160262-need-medical-assistance-in-dayz-sa-find-your-medic-here/ You can request help there, on their website: Tmwdayz.com Or teamspeak TS.tmwdayz.com Fastest way is always teamspeak
  9. Phoenix777

    -O blood type

    http://tmwdayz.com/ They have a few blood mules already amongst their members but more is always welcome I suppose. For safety reasons they may want to test your blood again so they're sure. Also if you're really committed to helping people you might consider joining too.
  10. Phoenix777

    Accelerated time- whats the deal so far?

    I can just see it now... Newb: help I'm bleeding!!! What do I do? Guy: I'll help you! Okay, what you need to do is- *music starts* Friendly guy: Don't shoot! Don't shoot! I'm friendly! KoSer: oh thank god, it's so nice to finally meet a friendly player, wanna work together? Friendly player:alright let's go! 5 minutes later *music starts* Friendly player: OH SH- *you are dead*
  11. Phoenix777

    So the patch broke the anti-combat log system

    I crash a lot and a friend told me that I was continuing to run in place one time I crashed. We were running together at the time. So it probably isn't an instant log out for crashes/ en process I crash a lot and a friend told me that I was continuing to run in place one time I crashed. We were running together at the time. So it probably isn't an instant log out for crashes/ en process
  12. Well you got a point... Hopefully they fix the respawn method before they fix zombies skidding down short distances and dying. Or.... Maybe the respawn script doesn't account for zombies dying to something other than players? A guy can dream. Or you could always do it as a two man team. One distracts while the other loots.
  13. It's funny because just last night I had two zombies that were chasing me down a hill , sort of skid off on front of me and die from fall damage in assuming. It wasn't even that steep of a hill. I'm guessing that was before the patch, so it may be worse now but I can just see the exploits now: fire your rifle on hill above town Wait for zombies to surround you Run down hill Mass zombie graveyard Town free to loot.
  14. I get the feeling that in some cases the people posting just read the topic title and reply without knowing just who's offering the help or what the procedure is. @JudgeLazar: not sure if you tried the Team Speak server, you posted pretty early in the morning and it was almost empty when I was online an hour before, but if you still need help you should check their Team Speak address in the first post. Also no need to be as paranoid there, as long as you're dealing with a TMW member(s) you can be assured they won't shoot you as long as you don't attack them. Also worth noting that its not possible to walk with your hands up.
  15. @Roger Moore, mitchpee, and ckid222: your best bet is to find a safe place to log out if you can, log out, go to the TMW teamspeak in the first post here, and join a help needed channel. From there they can coordinate with you what to do and help you figure out where you are if needed. I helped out TubNodes last night because I saw he had just posted and I was in the area. Still let him know about the teamspeak channel and that I wasn't affiliated with TMW, just in case he wanted a more coordinated and trusted assistance. You see, here on the forum you don't know what you'll get. Anyone can be a bandit wanting to rob you, psycho wanting to to torture, a newb that doesn't know how to treat your condition, or... In TubNodes case a newb like me that doesn't know his locations. ( I did find him eventually and he uhh, was healed) Even if you aren't comfortable with teamspeak, there's also the form you can fill out on their website, and include your preferred communication method. I'm not sure how that works though. Maybe they have a special board on their forum for those requests or it sends out a notification, or something. I know a few of them probably check this forum regularly, and there's helpful people like me but just remember there's always alternatives to expedite the process if you're getting desperate.
  16. Phoenix777

    Punishing the aggressor - How far is too far?

    Kill'em with kindness! 1: Disable them with handcuffs, break legs, unconscious, whatever 2: Take away everything that can be used aggressively 3: Fill up their inventory with bandages, saline bags, splints, defibrillators, food, keys, etc. 4: get them healthy, share advice/knowledge about activity or available loot in the area. 5: run away. The whole time if they're insulting you or being an ass just ignore it, and keep being as nice as you can be. I had one situation where I straight up ran from an unarmed guy insulting me, saying he wanted my pants, and just laughing and calling me a pussy for running when I had an axe and two guns... Of course he did have a friend with a gun that shot at me. I lost them in an apartment building. They thought I went upstairs when in fact I just stayed on the 1st floor. eventually they left assuming I logged out. My only regret is that I didn't leave my pants at the entrance to the building just to screw with them and show that I was a nice guy, not a pussy. lol ...Alternatively I posted my ultimate "dick move" idea here Take everything he has while assuring him you're going to let him free, hacksaw the cuffs off, THEN shoot him in the legs.
  17. Phoenix777

    How I Appear as Friendly as Possible

    Personally the lack of even a melee weapon on a well equipped player seems really suspicious. If you have a backpack, coat, and cargo pants chances are you also came across several axes too and are just looking to fool me... Maybe try carrying a sucky melee weapon on your back. Maybe a baseball bat, or a fire extinguisher. It might make them think you're so new you don't know how sucky they are or maybe you're roleplaying as Gordon Freeman, a mechanic, etc. Anyone here know all the details of melee weapons? I was once in a fight with a fire extinguisher guy and it seemed like the fire extinguisher was a very good defensive weapon. seemed like the majority of my axe hits kept clanking against the extinguisher. Too bad you can't spray paint the extinguisher though, because I always worry reds and oranges are going to make people want to kill me. lol
  18. Phoenix777

    New spawn gun fights?

    While I personally like being nice to people and helping them out, thus being nice to new spawns especially because there isn't as much of a threat.... I can also see that messing with new spawns isn't the worst thing evar!!!1!!1I mean, if you did it in the right location the new spawn might even ask you to kill them, and killing a new spawn on the coast that has nothing is sometimes the equivalent of giving them a piggy back ride a few km away, and hey if you do it in an interesting way they might even get a laugh out of it. That being said though, I still wouldn't do it unless they attack me first or ask me to kill them Now if you want to talk about the actions of a devil incarnate I'd say it would be more like: 1: Ambush a fully equipped guy 2: Handcuff him 3: take all of their stuff 4: Destroy their items in front of them one by one 5: Keep the clothes/backpack so they have no storage capability 6: Take them out to the woods or the most desolate area 7: Leave them there... Breaking legs is optional and would probably be taking it too far since they'd have to get someone to heal/kill them or wait to starve to death.
  19. Phoenix777

    Well / Spigot / Fountain Kills

    I usually strafe around the well in a zig zaggy circle.... Even if I'm way out in the wilderness and its a low pop server.
  20. Phoenix777

    You were so friendly, u scared me

    Kind of reminds me of myself except I don't attack friendlies, I just have panic attacks over the pressure to talk to them and stuff. I usually just wander off or leave them stuff and run away... Hostiles are just so much more predictable and safe. Lol
  21. Phoenix777

    How many have you killed and why ?

    About 60 hours And probably about 8 kills all together. 3 asked me to kill them 2 were new spawns that randomly got in boxing matches with me as a new spawn And 3 were due to paranoia/stress. I was in elektro under constant sniper fire, dead bodies all over, m4 guys roaming the streets, and all I have is an axe. While running into a factory trying to take down a sniper I notice two guys with guns and melee weapons also running in. So I hide in a shed, close the doors and wait. As the door opens a fire extinguisher guy walks in and I take a slice at him , and chase him outside... Eventually I'm running in circles as him and his axe buddy try to kill me but I win in the end, the third kill was a new spawn that got in the middle. Only one of them spoke and that was towards the end, just a " why won't you die!" Followed by a "damn black man always keepin the white man down" when he died( I use the black female model.) I kind of felt bad, especially about the new spawn. If it happened again I'd probably try to talk or just surrendered and ran if they attacked... I mean most of their stuff was ruined anyway, and even though they both had mosins I doubt they were the ones trying to snipe me.
  22. Phoenix777

    What do a mute person do?

    So is the soundboard a female voice, or are you letting them know you are a female? Doesn't really matter either way, it's just I've known women that intentionally used masculine pictures, and avoided admitting their sex just so people wouldn't harass them, would take them seriously, and wouldn't accuse them of faking their sex... It's pretty sad when it's easier to get people to believe a lie than the truth, and when people have to go to such extreme measures just to be a part of something. As for the disbelief... The rational explanation may be that they feel like they're trying to be exploited or pandered to... Men having a natural weakness towards women for the most part. A guy says " don't shoot, I want to be your friend!" And it's a toss up wether you believe them or not, but a girl does it and its more like "oh my god, I can't shoot a girl, maybe she really is friendly".... Amongst other "hopeful" thoughts. So when they hear a girl or someone claims to be a girl they may feel like its some guy trying to exploit trick them... This is looking at it from a tactical and logical point of view, there is obviously in some cases a sexism, resentment towards women, or just plain jerkiness involved. By no means am I saying that you have to hide your sex, or you have to use a male sound board... I wonder though, if a nonchalant attitude might help. Like either type or include a voice recording of: "Yeah, I'm a girl, and yeah I'm mute... So what? I don't care if you don't believe me. I'm not going to attack you unless I have to defends self and that's all that matters." You could always shorten it just the "so what" part, Or to the "I don't care if you believe me" part. Maybe change the last part to more or less threatening options. I mean by essentially dismissing their opinion it might help show that you're just being honest about who you are and not trying to gain any advantage or trick them. Maybe save it for the doubters though because if someone really doesn't care about your sex it may seem a bit overly defensive. -------------------------- OFF TOPIC: (update on my personal hurdles with DayZ and social anxiety; ignore/skip if you want)
  23. Phoenix777

    Any Good Samaritan Doctors Out There?

    Trusted Medics of the Wasteland. Their websites here: http://tmwdayz.com/ Which has a form you can fill out to request help TeamSPEAK (not teams peak lol... Stupid iphone autocorrect) Is like a chat room with voice, it's use in games to communicate better with team mates. There's a link to TMW's teamspeak on their website, but you'll need the teamspeak program first.
  24. Phoenix777

    Any Good Samaritan Doctors Out There?

    Check the pinned topic at the top. There's several hero/medic organizations you can contact. Main ones TMW which you can post for help from here, at the it'd website, or on their team speak. Teams peak is your best bet.
  25. Phoenix777

    My ultimate friendly outfit

    My current friendly outfit is: tan tactical shirt Beige cargo pants Yellow/ orange hard hat Orange mountain bag (Optional) defibrillator or med kit in hands To me it's just the right combination of inconspicuous and calming... Also it makes you look like some kind of pathetic sewer technician If I wanted to focus solely on friendly looks though I'd probably do: Blue checked shirt UN beret Blue cargo jeans Blue school bag