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Everything posted by Phoenix777

  1. Phoenix777

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Step 1: click on server nameStep 2: click connect Step 3: press enter Step 4: repeat step 3 until you get in the server It's a bit easier and faster that way.
  2. Phoenix777

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Try selecting the server, pushing connect, and then when it says: "server full" or whatever then just push enter to get rid of that and push enter again to attempt to connect and then you should be able to chain it so that it will keep attempting to connect and getting rid of the "server full" notification.
  3. Phoenix777

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Enter enter enter enter enter enter enter enter enter enter enterYeah just pressing enter works too. I was clicking connect, dismiss, connect ,dismiss, connect, dismiss, etc. and the guy I met in experimental and was steam chatting with told me: " uhh I think just pressing enter works too"
  4. Phoenix777


    Was the bush thing an action prompt? Because you could always beat bushes into submission, even on stable right now. From what I've experienced and heard from others the rubber banding is usually only cause in buildings and if you crouch walk out of the buildings it doesn't happen very often... I think it's mostly just the 2 story buildings that do it.
  5. Phoenix777

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    From Svetlojarsk take the train tracks west ( away from the ocean). Keep running and it will be on your right, while chernaya polana the old "new" town will be on your left.
  6. Phoenix777

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    I thought those were server restarts... I played yesterday with some guys I met after spawning; I'd say the "session lost" came up about every 2 or 3 hours at which point when rejoined it everything would be reset and there was always only like 11 people on the server(everyone mass rejoining at once) so yeah, just like a server restart.The new town is nice. I have a crappy computer like the dev was warning about, but I didn't notice any lag or issues in the town, maybe it's just because I have most of the graphical settings near minimum.
  7. Phoenix777


    I have a fishing rod, and a hook, but only found out about the earthworms after I stopped playingn for the day. Ashwood sticks can appear as loot from chopping down a tree, so there's the way to get that. Also it's funny how the Ashwood stick/fishing rod takes up a whole row in your backpack so it's better to have it on your back, while the axe takes up 1 or 2 less spaces in your backpack. So if you want to look less threatening while still being just as effective put a fishing rod on your back and your axe in your bag.
  8. Phoenix777

    Sticks on forest floor?

    It's the ones that are at about ankle or knee level. If you just walk around stopping every once and a while at a shrub on the ground, looking at it, and mashing "F" you should find it fairly quickly.I first figured it out by the Rify just pushing F at some grass underneath a tree.
  9. Phoenix777

    Experimental patch..what a winner!

    Well the update does add a fair bit of goals to go for, I mean just think if you wanted to roleplay as a hunter or a food salesman you'd have to:Get an axe Cut down trees Make a fireplace Get a pickaxe to mine stones and upgrade fireplace Find ash wood sticks to make a bow and fishing rod Find worms and fishing hooks Find a knife( I'm guessing you need a knife to skin animals.. I only killed a cow and we couldn't get anything off it) Go fishing and hunting for animals Find matches to start fire Cook meat I mean unless you meta game and look up the most efficient way of doing everything you could spend at least a whole day exploring and trying to achieve all that. Sure it's not building bases, restoring factories, sabotaging bandit bases/factories, restoring helicopters, and spreading love and joy to the wastelands... But it is a step in the right direction, definitely better than: Spawn Run to airfield Get gun Get food Get meds Be bandit/hero/medic. @LeChat: for me at least I sometimes get very laggy when joining the experimental servers and all the textures/models take a few seconds to load, meanwhile I can walk through some walls. You may try that to escape.
  10. Phoenix777

    Sticks on forest floor?

    You find a small bush, and press f to search for kindling.
  11. Phoenix777


    So do items you put in the fireplace make it burn longer or no? I noticed they do disappear after a while when the fire is going.
  12. Phoenix777

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    For any easy way to get a bow just chop down some trees. first tree i chopped down had a ashwood stick among the lumber. 2nd one i didn't find anything, by the third one my axe was ruined... I used it to make a fishing rod though(which i don't know how to use) since i didn't have any arrows
  13. Phoenix777

    "Please wait" and then "Your dead"

    I actually tested this out last night. I was with a patient when the server restarted, he rejoined a server in his area (Australia) first, and i joined a little bit afterwards. When "please wait" came up, I asked him if he could see me, he said no. It lasted for at least a good minute or two since his server had 200 ping for me, and it wasn't until like 5 seconds before I spawned that he said that he saw me. I just wanted clarify that, because I know that I was always freaking out when I was joining laggy servers and it felt like I was a sitting duck for several minutes. It sucks that you can't do anything but I just imagine it'd be a lot more buggy or immersion breaking if they made you invisible or invincible for the first 10 seconds you're on the server.
  14. Phoenix777

    UN / PRESS Gear Neutrality!

    Personally I'd go with a: Wool coat red, blue, gray, or brown for that civilized doctor/therapist look. Hopefully a red cross helmet or some other kind of "medic" headgear in the future, but yeah until then I'm wearing UN. Cargo pants of various color Bow since it's mostly just for hunting and is useless at the moment And a handgun for zombie protection and last resort combat.... I did like using the shotgun for a bit because it's so weak that it might scare or injure the KOS people, but it won't kill them. I've even had KOS people apologize and give me stuff after I gave them morphine instead of finishing them off.... Unfortunately I doubt the shotgun really portrays a "friendly" image though... I might consider keeping a sawed off. What I'm really looking forward to is tazers and stunguns, maybe some tranquilizer weapons... I wonder if an epi-pen would counteract someone starting to go unconscious from a tranq. Edit: Not to fond of the press vest... I mean, how can I be both UN and the press at the same time?:p Also it's rare and offers the best bullet protection, so a lot of people will want to kill me if only for the coolness of rare items, but then therein lies a problem with my bow as well...
  15. Ahh, I just couldn't stop laughing through the whole thing. :lol: Its so much fun to just not shoot people sometimes, this is why I love alchestbreach, he definitely has his own uniquely crazy charm.
  16. Phoenix777

    Could somebody please kill me?

    hmm, I didn't know the devs offered this support. I'll definitely refer anyone to it that's trapped in the ocean or stuck in a wall, I wonder if anyone's actually been helped using that, and what they do... I'm guessing they just kill your character. I can definitely see this being exploited by people to get a better spawn or whatever, especially if they just move your character and don't kill it. Regardless though, this doesn't really qualify for the support since he wasn't actually stuck... Just sort of stranded out in the wilderness, and with the recent development of getting "stuck" in the police station he could still be healed, or killed by someone( and probably wiggle out of it somehow) though I can't say for sure how strict they are with providing the support, hopefully it's not just an honor system because of the potential for abuse. In any case, if you ever need medical help I'd recommend checking the Medical Assistance topic For best results make a post there, and then join the trusted medics teamspeak at: ts.tmwdayz.com Join a help needed channel and wait for help. (feel free to ask a member on the teamspeak if you're waiting for a while) They can help figure out your location and head out to help you.
  17. Phoenix777

    Do we really NEED status messages anymore?

    Yeah, it's mostly for testing; like say its raining and you enter a certain part of a building and it starts saying " I am getting wet" you'd make a report that there's something wrong with that building. Basically they're like debug messages... Hopefully they'll get rid of them or make them much more rare when the game finally comes out.
  18. I was carrying the maximum number possible, (even 2 or 3 protector cases inside of protector cases) and I never noticed any desync issues.
  19. Head on to the teamspeak and join a help needed channel for the fastest response. See above posts for link. ;-) If you don't get a response after some time, feel free to politely ask a TMW member in one of the Channels if they can help you.
  20. if you still need help try the teamspeak server at: ts.tmwdayz.com There is a few members on right now that should be able to help you
  21. Phoenix777

    Broken Leg and I have nothing?! (Help)

    Pay a visit to: ts.tmwdayz.com That's the trusted medics teamspeak server, they can find you and heal you up. I would help but I'm at work and get off in an hour and 30 minutes, so if you can wait I can help you then. Ironically I healed someone's legs at this exact time last week, but this week my schedule changed. If you don't feel like waiting you should be able to find someone on the teamspeak to help you. Also be sure to ask them lots of questions; they're very knowledgable on the medical system and can help you find your bearings in regards to playing the game.
  22. Phoenix777

    Discussion on the "Hide body" option

    Kind of off topic, but this reminds me. I checked out the dayZ mod recently, and one thing I found really annoying was how you had to crouch down every time you opened your inventory, checked items, picked something up, you couldn't run with your inventory open,etc. I wonder if they're planning putting that level of inconvenience back in.... Maybe for hardcore mode.
  23. Phoenix777

    I managed to trick myself *facepalm*

    I've experienced and seen in a youtube video once where a players mic will transmit to everyone... I'm assuming its the admins mic since when it happened to me it was a guy talking to someone in berenzino for like 10 minutes. Talking about how it's his server, his clan, favorite games, etc. this was with me and a friend being all alone in the wilderness and we both heard it. As for the youtube video, it was a youtuber in solnichny that came across about 4 other people that were hearing some random guy talk. My stupid moments usually involve freaking out over road signs and tree leaves both of which sometimes look like other players running down the street when in running.
  24. Phoenix777

    Discussion on the "Hide body" option

    Well doesn't have to be full cremation... It's the thought that counts. :) Also the game will never be full survivor mode. You'll always have people that just want to troll, fool around, help people, etc. I mean we're talking about a game where a newspawn may run for hours across the entire map just to give some stranger a shot of morphine... And then the stranger laughs and shoots him in the face :( Sure the game may get to the point where you can't do things like that and have to really focus on surviving and that's awesome, but there will always be people that try to subvert the game mechanics for their own intentions/goals/enjoyment. /off topic. :-D I guess a more practical use could be bandit roastings by heroes. Set up a little outpost with some guys burning on the fire as a warning to any would be bandits. It Would be a much more effective way of leaving care packages for new spawns since the fire would draw a lot of attention. I shudder to think at what the bandits would plan to do with some of these proposed mechanics. Lol
  25. Phoenix777

    Discussion on the "Hide body" option

    It would be great if you could burn bodies. They would provide heat, destroy everything they had in them, and if you're feeling adventurous you could use it for a meal or two.Also the sense of dread that corpse runners would get when they see that plume of smoke come up would be delightful. Also I guess nice players could take all their gear off first and just leave a note like: " good fight, I thought you deserved an honorable funeral, go ahead and take your stuff."