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Santa fox

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About Santa fox

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  1. Santa fox

    Any idea when the patch will come?

    Most likely Q2.
  2. Santa fox

    Beta in Q2?

    Two posts above me nail it, more or less. Shame it went down this route as it was a pretty promising game.
  3. Santa fox

    DayZ Hunger Games Event - March 12th

    Well, I think the AoO was a tad large, alternatively try and get more long range rifles put in next time. Perhaps also change the dynamics of the area by parking cars, trucks and so forth in places to create obstacles or places where players can take cover. Announcements over TS whenever someone has died would also be nice, as well as some way to get players moving. Most of the time, the people I saw and myself were camping for prolonged periods of time, which I guess the carepackages were supposed to take care of. As for more detailed stats, I wouldn't say no to that, as long as it isn't too hard to do, of course.
  4. Santa fox

    DayZ Hunger Games Event - March 12th

    I ran into the middle then took off, actually found a few stashes in buildings and managed to wind up with a Mosin and Glock, as well as some other stuff. Took a few shots at people with my scoped Mosin and Magnum but I only managed to get them to bleed, except for the first one I got with my Glock.
  5. Santa fox

    #DayZ Logic

    Getting hit with a open hand makes you bleed as much as if your jugular was cut by a machete. You can carry a axe and a rifle on your back, but not two rifles/two axes. Taking curves too hard in cars make them roll over several times.
  6. Santa fox

    Beta in Q2?

    Plenty of better off survival games out there that outdo DayZ a thousand times over - both on new engines that are completely made for the game, and on old engines simply reworked. DayZ has lost the niche it once had, I doubt it will ever be able to reclaim it.
  7. Santa fox

    DayZ Hunger Games Event - March 12th

    So thats who killed me, eh? Dang, shouldn't have played it so aggressive, right as I put down my magnum, I saw him come around the corner and dropped me.
  8. Santa fox


    I'd much rather see MOLLE backpacks being implemented. Being able to find pockets to attach to it, perhaps US heli only spawns.
  9. Santa fox

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    M18 smoke grenades are in, as well. As far as I can tell, they can only be found at heli crash sites. These ones act more like regular grenades, though, in that they won't start smoking until they're un-pinned and thrown.
  10. Santa fox

    high military gear route

    I usually run along the bottom left, or top right of the map, following the roads and hitting the towns. Never had any trouble with food or water, usually have some fairly good loot before I reach NWAF. Can't recommend any better route than those two, it's more or less impossible to get lost, food/water is in ample supply, and several good spots to loot are on the way.
  11. Santa fox

    Police Kevlar Vest

    Seems to be on level with a regular kevlar vest. I can get ones classed for both Stab/Stick/Bullets, but the regular is that it's either classed 1 - 3, 1 protects againt 9mm, 2 against 375, 3 against 7.62x59; There has also been some advancements, meaning bullet protection vests can withstand even more of an beating than Soviet rounds. One should understand, though, regular kevlar vests do NOT protect against stab/puncture/hitting damage, and vice verse. A level 3 kevlar vest can be punctured with your everyday knife, unless it is rated for melee damage as well. Black, navy blue and white are the only versions I can acquire of bullet/stab proof vests. White is mainly with stab proof vests, though, meant to be hidden under a shirt or suchlike; Bullet proof are more operational protection.
  12. Santa fox

    The problem of DayZ SA - thread #999

    I can only agree with the earlier mentioned sentiments, DayZ has gone from being a game I actually want to be involved in, to being a dead game as far as I am concerned. A great idea, but as far as I am concerned, DayZ will never truly be the game that we were promised. After +1000 hours, I can safely say I will not bother with this game anymore, just as I don't bother with Nether. Plenty of other games have far outdone what DayZ set out to do, in less time, as well.
  13. Santa fox

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    Will there be any more explosive weapons? AT, more AP or AA options? Armored vehicles or suchlike? Is there any concern amongst the devs that bases will be easy to spot and locate, once they are implemented, due to the relatively small size of the map, having a lot of towns and populated places and such? If so, any plans to remedy this, and how would it be remedied? Is it still planned to be able to "lock down" a city or area, effectively removing zombies from that particular area while it is in such a state? Any plans on underground or similiar areas with the new renderer, or will we have to stick with above ground?
  14. Santa fox

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    Interesting update, but i'll remain cautiously optimistic about this. After seeing other mods which outperform DayZ in a lot of aspects, i'll believe DayZ is coming the game I hope, when I see it.
  15. Santa fox

    Status Report - 30 Sept 2015

    I am sure mods will fix that, and the rest of us who prefer realism over arbitrary restrictions, can enjoy the vanilla game. I see absolutely no problem with how it is now, you advance and get better gear as you advance in the game.