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About Nickboom

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  1. So I spent a good 30 minutes attempting to connect to an experimental server and failed everytime, last night was able to connect to one in the UK (I'm in the USA) but it then quickly restart before I could really mess around. The second a slot in a server opens someone nabs it up, honestly counting them I only see about 6 or 7 of them and every single one is filled with 30 people. If there is a reason that they cant have some more servers then I understand but frankly we could do with more servers espically for this many changes.
  2. Nickboom

    Trading 32,000 SKS Rounds

    Me thinks this is a trap considering the amount of people with max inventory you would need to have in order to even attempt this trade and how did you get 32000 rounds.....
  3. Nickboom

    How do you think DayZ Standalone is going?

    Man I love this game, first off what super early alpha can you sink at least 30 hours into before you start to even get slightly bored (sides old minecraft). I'm looking forward to what the Dayz team puts out. PS I heard rumors that they will add nudity (Hope they add a censor option as well)
  4. Nickboom

    SKS l Overpowered or just good weapon ?

    It's called a gun...it kills things. Though your aim is kind of shitty, should only take 2 shots :P
  5. Nickboom

    How to convince a friend to get dayz

    Heres what you do, shoot him in the legs, handcuff him, force him to eat chemical spray, then point him towards the computer telling him he can do this to others on there.
  6. I hate to be the guy but its called Alpha mate, the game isnt optimized therefore they need to cut corners to make sure we can have a decently smooth experience. I mean the Dean and his team could have easily held the game back till it was perfectly ready and then released it. Also right now they are working on having a solid foundation to bulid the game upon, zombies are apart of this but if they focus so much on zombies then they stop making weapons and then everyone bitches about the lack of weapons. Honestly I'm impressed the Dayz team is being extremely humble and sayings its their fault for not communicating well.
  7. Nickboom

    hunting and executing medics LOL

    I just wanted to point out a few things, first off lets assume that the medics arent really good people who genuinely help others and are instead giant assholes who kill people. Your plan is still flawed because one your *telling them what your doing* I mean if your going to be an evil jerk at least do it right, that would be like me yelling at a server forum I'm going to start to hack on their server I would be banned in an instant. Point 2 the medics are *massive* your 7 buddies assume that your starting some sort of revolutionary movement and that people will flock to your cause, I hate to inform you but you might get one or two people but after that you would be killed and blacklisted forever. In fact according to Guppy you *already* have been blacklisted. Honestly if anything I call this a giant fail, man you can even pull off being a villain right. Edit: Also if your going to be a villain could you please be a bit more...intelligent rather then LOL WE GOTZ YOU GOODZZZ!!!!
  8. Nickboom

    Some suggestions to improve gameplay

    Oi not to discourage you but quite a few of these are a bit too "arcade". For example your idea of marking friendly people with green names and bandits get a red name is kind of unrealistic (personally I want some simple way to mark players that you team up with so you can tell at a glance if they are your buddy keeping in mind a game doesnt allow high levels of personal details which allow humans to figure out one person from another.) However the bandit markers are totally unrealistic, in real life when your walking down the street you dont see a giant IM A MURDERER name pop up on some guy. I am for some way to tell if someone has done some naughty things, for example you might see blood spatter on their clothes and hands this I feel is a nice sudden way for people to try and figure out if someone is a crazy murder. A health bar im totally and completely against, health can easily be approximated by seeing how blurry your screen is, not to mention I dont have a life meter in the corner of my eye. Choose area to spawn im iffy on, while I wouldnt mind a sort of general "spawn near so and so city" (limited of course and not right where the city is) I dont want any silly + to stat items either gloves and glasses dont suddenly make me more dexterous or smarter. Aside from that most of these ideas are fairly solid and should be included.
  9. Honestly, I wouldnt mind nudity PROVIDED they have an option to blur bits out. Going to the bathroom though is kind of strange, however I do trust the devs to add it in a way that makes sense and isnt just an annoyence.
  10. Honestly, I wouldnt mind nudity PROVIDED they have an option to blur bits out. Going to the bathroom though is kind of strange, however I do trust the devs to add it in a way that makes sense and isnt just an annoyence.
  11. Nickboom

    Why Day Z is "Fundamentally Flawed"

    Dean isnt just running off he is staying on for at least until next year and then longer if needed. But I mean the man has been away from home for a good 3-4 years. Dean feels like he is going to hinder the vision of Dayz later and has openly admited that he isnt a easy person to work with.
  12. Nickboom

    Friend marker

    No no you guys are getting the wrong idea. The friendly marker would only be seen by you and would be reset on death. Its just a simple way to keep track of your buddies because once you get in bigger groups it actually gets very hard to know who is your buddy since everyone looks very similar once you hit end game gear.
  13. Nickboom

    I don't understand this game.

    Honestly I wont lie your best bet right now is to just...fuck around ya thats it. In its current state dayz doesnt have much other then players and looting. The looting is fun for a few hours and then it gets boring. Honestly I just go hang out around big cities and mess around with players there and if I get killed then I get to rediscover the joys of finding a unrotten fruit ^_^
  14. Nickboom

    Friend marker

    It wouldnt prevent friendly fire it would just allow you to idenify your buddy at a glance right now our characters all look the same which is a flaw in real life people have different shapes and such so this dot thing would be the next best thing. (Minor note making someone "friendly" doesnt make it so they cant attack you in fact if a bandit wanted to really get someone they could easily use this to track them.)
  15. Nickboom

    Gameplay Mechanics Pt2 - The Infected

    Hmpf first person I have seen who doesnt want them to be taken down by headshots only. I like all your ideas though I think more mutations would be cool I cant really think of any my self. However I really like the randomization in zombies which kind of does make it a lot more interesting.