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Everything posted by McLickin

  1. McLickin

    What is the point of this game?

    The point is to hunt, fish, shoot your rifle for no reason and drink 100% alcohol! 'Merica!
  2. McLickin

    Very is everyone at?

    Where am I at most of the time?... Well that conversation deserved some Beans and a Cola. Personally I don't treat this game as a PvP considering I have way too much trust with everyone I see and they just end up killing me... Oh well, it's hard being nice. I'm more of a PvA, if you were to put a title on it player vs Animals, although the animals don't really attack. In other words I love being a hunter! I've spent countless hours running around with my Sporter 22, axe and a fire place hunting and cooking meat. Idk why but things like that get me going! I sit mainly on the west side to be honest and the only reason why I ever server hop is to be in a full lobby. Anyway that's where I'm at, if anyone wants some free meat you know where to find me! Happy hunting! (Whatever it is you're trying to kill... Grimey Rick ;) )