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Everything posted by Danlow

  1. Danlow

    A few videos for you guys!

    Get out of Balota and Elektro. Go north.
  2. Danlow

    This game keeps crashing all the time...

    Alright. Well, I crash sometimes too but only in Elektro on high pop servers and in certain buildings. We were holding a building and all of us crashed at the same time. We then re-joined by the beach.
  3. Danlow

    This game keeps crashing all the time...

    You were on the same server as me like 20 minutes ago. Where you running around sniper hill (in the school?) Had a stand off there with a guy but he dissapeared suddenly.
  4. It's not an argument. It's an opinion. Did I ever tell you not to play as you are? I'm just saying what I think about it, not more, not less. Yes, I know that you are new to dayZ, wasn't hard to figure that out. Insults and profanity? I used some words that can hardly be called profanity and if you can't take those words, you won't make it through life. So it is. English is not my first language so if anything what I wrote appeared like something else than what it seemed, then so be it. But let me say again, my opinion, not an argument, just my opinion of your story and your playstyle. You posted your little story here and I said what I thought about it. Simple. Or do you want me to lie and say that your story was good? Your cocky approach and replies later on was like asking for bad words. Don't start a fire and then cry when you burn yourself. Grow a pair and stop crying for words like "cowardness" and "douchebag" or life will not be kind to you. Have a good day.
  5. Well, since I promised, would be wrong not to. Here we have all kinds of people lying. From those who call themselvs "bandits" (but they ain't) to revenge seekers and fake freshspawn scouts and spies. So much for being nice and trying to offer a can opener. To my luck, most of this people are probably _not_ coming from Arma and their tactics and way of combat in DayZ was way off. (Yes, this was a clan) (more bodies outside aswell, also a dead sniper on hospital roof)
  6. 1. Everyone can play as they want, but that doesn't make you less of an idiot. :) 2. You should not trust everyone. Doing what you did is an act of cowardness. Atleast those who wanted their revenge on me ran in with their axes on full speed, or regained power and try to take me out in another way. 3. You are not a bandit. The art of banditry is being able to rob someone without killing. That requires skill, tactic and planning, when, how and where to strike. Stalk your pray until it's vulnerable. That is being a bandit! What you are is just a douchebag. I'm sorry.
  7. Just shows what kind of player you are. A really bad one. By the looks of it, he didn't seem like a bandit or a hostile person (remember you took the first shot) and he killed you fair and square. Then he's being kind and lets you take all the loot (your old loot) but instead you betray him. That's not revenge, that's pussy behaviour. edit: I've dealt with your kind many times (although I don't think you have had too much combat experience in dayZ considering how often you missed that guy) I'll post some screenshots when I get home to show you how it went for them. Hope to see you around. :)
  8. Danlow

    Doors - anyone home?

    I never close the doors of the buildings I'm in. Why? Because many people leave them open once they leave. This tactic has worked out pretty well for me. I am more careful with closed doors than open. This is especially good for the airfield. On populated servers there is no way the jails haven't been looted, doors open or not. By leaving the door open people might think nobody is there, while closed doors will always be suspicious.
  9. Danlow


    I really love the idea of taking the hood up on the raincoat!
  10. Danlow

    Some suggestions to improve gameplay

    Alot of suggestions. 90% which I don't like and which are never going to be implemented. This is a game made by Bohemia Interactive, not Blizzard or activision. Name and health bar? No. You can know your health by seeing the vision change. Real life health is not measured by a health bar. In-game clock? No, they will release watches to the game, just like in ARMA, where you can see the time. Stats? Oh yeah, when I put my cap on I get +5 intelligence.... This is a survival _simulation_ not a regular MMO. I have nothing against players who are not used to Bohemias ways, playing DayZ - Easier people to kill in-case you get caught in a gunbattle. Have a good day! edit: How serious you may be, this will be regarded as a clown-troll-thread. It's like saying that football should be played with a basketball and that you should be able to use your hands.
  11. Danlow

    Choose race

    Russian and Chinese and african are already in the game. (White, yellow/brown, black) Although I agree that there should be a latino-american variant. I am little bit like you actually, I create my character after my looks. I'm european so the white character is the one I choose. But what I would like instead is that they add (which they will) more customizations. Hair color, faces, features, facial hair, length, physics.
  12. Danlow


    Sigh, looks like many people still don't know what kind of a developer Bohemia Interactive is and the kind of games they make.
  13. Danlow

    Poison Arrows

    And of course, in a zombie appocalypse you would have the time and possibility to choose between poisons? I don't like this idea because it doesn't seem realistic. They might as well just add Pizzeria's in-game (with living cooks). "You hungry?" "Yeah, lets put our weapons down and get the local Pizzeria"
  14. Danlow


    Vitality restored after drinking alcohol? Not everyone is a 55-years experienced alcoholic bum, that after 50 beers reaches the "normal state of mind". Cocaine, on the other hand...
  15. Danlow

    Sprint Key

    Using the arrows is something you did during the 80's man :D
  16. Danlow

    Serverhopping Fix

    Add Slenderman to defend us against serverhoppers. Once you join a server under 10 in population and pick up any loot the Slenderman music should start: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VsUxNQ5nG4 And it should be more tense the more loot you take, ofcourse, by turning around will get the "You are dead" screen shortly after seeing Slendermans face up close. Fixed!
  17. Danlow

    I want the woods to be dangerous..

    Add the Slenderman to roam around the forests. That should get everyone up and running and thinking twice before entering any forests.
  18. Danlow

    Got Struck In Textures? Dont panic! Have some fun!

    If he had bullets he could shoot through the wall and kill them both.
  19. HAHAHAHA, exploded in laughter. Take all my beans.
  20. Actually, the room in the bottom floor was not closed, it was open and you could see that from miles away when he still was fighting the zombie. This guy was not careful, and it resulted in a death similar to Tony Montanas in Scarface. Which I found funny and well-deserved for not being careful.
  21. Danlow

    I'm so sorry... I had to

    I would have handcuffed them :D And played this: They would've thought "wtf?!"
  22. Laughed my ass off! LOL Have fun running back and fighting the "I'm starving"-shit early on when respawning.
  23. Danlow

    Would You Help This Person?

    I voted: 1. No 2. Yes 3. No
  24. The current update is postponed until this friday. 18.00 Central European Time (my time) I believe.
  25. 1. Don't allways shoot on sight, but when I do it's because it's fun, because sometimes I get a bad feeling about the other playing and see him as a threat. (Mainly because I mostly get shot on sight all the time) If I manage to handcuff someone I let them go afterwards, and I don't shoot fresh spawns until they rush towards me. 2. I have alot of arma experience, I win most of my firefights (even when ambushed) Is that enough? 3. None. I use my brain to avoid, kill, or capture them. 4. No.