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Everything posted by randomspawn

  1. randomspawn

    So we can't drink from water wells?

    Agreed. We typically dump corpses in ours. ;)
  2. randomspawn

    Best Vests

    True, but the OP is asking about 'in-game' vests, not real life.
  3. randomspawn

    Best Vests

    Not sure of the current status. Last I remember, none of the vests were better in regards to damage-taking ability. The only thing that mattered was storage space. However, this is Alpha, and values can and do get changed every week or so. I'm not sure of the current status.
  4. randomspawn

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    AHHHH!!!! You can your complicated directions! I have no idea what you are even talking about.
  5. randomspawn

    whats the plan for optimization?

    I wonder about that as well. It's obvious to many players that those buildings absolutely destroy your FPS. I am not a coder, and don't desire such a job. However, they have tweaked numerous areas in the game to substantially improve the FPS in those areas. Why didn't they apply those same techniques to the new buildings? I can't imagine putting such a FPS hog in the game without those type of improvements.
  6. randomspawn

    Helicrashes in .57

    What Dean Hall originally planned, and what is happening now, are probably two VERY different games. After all, he said he was leaving as this game could never be what he envisioned. How many copies of this game have been sold? How many would have been sold if people hadn't seen all that PVP action in videos and other media. People didn't rush out and buy the game for Survival, as there was no survival in the first year of SA. PVP sells. Period. Survival might sell a few copies, but not nearly as many, probably 5-10% of the total players. I still play, and I am currently back on Stable, though I dabble in exp now and then. I just hope they can start figuring how to get some more zeds back in the game, along with keeping performance moving forward. Ever since they improved the Zed AI, the servers just seem to bog down if they have many Zed.
  7. randomspawn

    Helicrashes in .57

    I'm not saying you are wrong, but I haven't seen these mechanics you speak of. In fact, they have removed mechanics to make it easier. I almost suspect that while the dev's may publicly disdain the hoppers, a business decision has been made and overridden the negative feelings. We know that if PVP were eliminated in this game, the game itself would die. Having mechanics to allow for fairly quick gear-ups for PVP keeps the dollars rolling. I don't truly think it's this bad, but there is probably more evidence to support my thoughts than vice-versa.
  8. randomspawn

    Helicrashes in .57

    If you play on private servers, that is the way it's supposed to be. Not too many loots, as it gets divided amongst your private players. On the pubs, I've managed to get the SVD with 3 mags, a model 70 along with 2 hunting scopes, and I just dropped the kitted MP5 for a kitted AKM with 75rd drum. Also have a FNX with multiple mags just for giggles. My biggest issue is figuring out which mags to carry the most of. I can't see needing all 3 mags for the SVD, but it don't feel right to throw them away. I do like hopping though. After a restart, the tension level at the Heli crashes is intense. That is by far the most exciting part of my gameplay.
  9. randomspawn

    First Aid Kit!?

    I liked that someone said you could put hot items in a protective case, which would keep the items from making you overheat. Good idea, maybe or maybe not very realistic.
  10. randomspawn

    These new bugs are the real game breakers!

    I think, but do not know, that they felt a lot of pressure with .57. Remember, we were supposed to get .56, and it got delayed, then it was so delayed that they just skipped it and went right to .57. After running with that a while, a huge amount of people were asking for it on stable. Since the bugs didn't crash to desktop anymore, they let it into the wild. Then knew it had really bad issues, but they had been way behind for over a month, and were working all the weekends. Moving .57 to stable got them some cushion, and a few weekends at home. It's not perfect, and I do with certain things were fixed. But I also know that we are going to see times of crap game-play while they try to basically overhaul the game. I'm not 100% sure the overhaul will be successful, but I am hopeful. If we all end up on 100 slot servers, with lots of high IQ zeds, smooth animations and FPS, along with some smart static and dynamic loot events, then it's a win. If it exits beta with 15fps, 6 zombies in the while map, on 30 man servers with lootsplosions all over, then it was a net loss.
  11. randomspawn

    whats the plan for optimization?

    I saw an update from Hicks that the next 5 or 6 patches would just be doing 'random stuffs', and then they will have some more patches of 'gun adding'. I suspect that when that is done, they will have a few patches of 'adding vehicles', and then patch .72 is scheduled to be 'refined swimming strokes'. After that, full optimization is scheduled.
  12. randomspawn

    dropped weapons

    I don't think it is 'biting off more than you can chew', it's more like finding a way to change a habit that you have had for years. I hate the new system, as I've lost weapons, but I also understand the idea, and think it might be best in the long-term. I like the idea of being able to move my pistol to my hand, and maybe pick up 4 small items for inventory that I might need later. I would do this if I my inventory was full, but I needed a few cans of peaches or I found a couple magazines for my rifles. It was such a thoughtless issue before, we never even thought about it. I do think adding in an extra cue would help, but I also think I will adapt on my own eventually. I just hope I don't lose my SVD, mod 70 or MP5 before I get it perfectly.
  13. randomspawn

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Perhaps related, but I can say that when I am in that new school building that some cities now have, my performance drops drastically. That thing really kills my FPS. Not sure why that building is so bad for my PC, but it is. I have quit entering that building. I try to stay on 1st floors, and sometimes venture up to a 2nd floor of small buildings now.
  14. randomspawn

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    mmmm, Togo's!
  15. randomspawn

    smersh backpack

    Guard shack in east severograd usually spaws full set. You may have to shuffle the items to find it
  16. randomspawn

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    To see Inside Out, the new Pixar Movie. They should be back when they run out of popcorn. Zed's love the popcorn... :P
  17. randomspawn

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Fairly sure I seen talk of this earlier in the thread. Last I checked, you could search inside a thread to keywords. Give it a try and let us know what you find.
  18. Been this way for months. It worked for me, as I got an SVD last night by hitting a chopper on the restart.
  19. randomspawn

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    I do agree with this, as that is why they often put new items in every corner in every building. That way, it gets tested lots of times. But, throwing a patch or two where loot is very scarce can have long-term benefits as well. It was just that scenario that allowed them to see the problems with foraging, and they ended up buffing apple picking. I hope they toy with it a lot between now and beta, and have it 95% correct by then. Right now, I have a fully kitted MP5, a Model 70 w/ hunting scope, and an SVD with a single mag. That is probably a bit much for one guy to carry, so changes will need to be made.
  20. Agreed. We saw this week that nails have been added to the spawn cycle. I don't think they were there the first week of .57. @OP: if you are truly able to kill the guys looting the choppers, you will never need another loot spot.
  21. randomspawn

    Airfield Towers.

    I'm not sure. It helps avoid PVP, that is for sure. But, avoiding PVP might not be the best way to continue to build a player base for the future DAYZ. My guess is they will create some specific loot areas for specific items. They will keep some randomness in there, but you should have a higher chance of finding netting on a boat, and less likely to find it in an ATC at the NWAF. I think the Dev's want to keep some PVP in the game, as they keep adding items that are really tailored to PVP style, such as the new SVD, plus all the silencers and such. These items aren't for hunting the random cow or deer.
  22. randomspawn

    Sprained Ankle - what are my options?

    Def a lot of bugged status stuff now. I've had sessions where I would drink 10 bottles of water and still be just dark green hydrated. Log out and back in later, and boom, status updates and I vomit everywhere. Ooh, nasty!
  23. randomspawn

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    I understand that, and that is why I said it would get me in trouble saying where items were. The reason I went ahead and gave specifics was the current state of loot. The system is broken, and they indicated it would be fixed soon, maybe even hotfixes. It won't be this way for long, and right now, everyone knows where to find lots of loot, but adding a specific location for a 75 drum isn't that bad. Lots of input here already about where to find hunting scopes and such.
  24. randomspawn

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Yeah, the trick is carrying a kitted MP5, kitted AKM, and kitted AUG, with none in your hands. That way, you can still pick up an SVD if you find one...
  25. randomspawn

    I killed myself... on purpose

    Suicide is a common thing in this game, and these forums. I find it better to approach a firefight when you have extremely low odds of success. The thing I don't like is when desync decides to kill you. That is a tough mother...