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Everything posted by randomspawn

  1. randomspawn

    Father Christmas

    Haven't bothered, but they say it goes back to the old Arma days.
  2. randomspawn

    a Glimmer of hope after 2 month break

    Agreed. I guess they considered it a bug, but for many, it was a feature, and a nice one at that. I understand that some think you it can destroy immersion, but someone magically appearing or disappearing also does the same thing. At least the sound let you know that magic was happening somewhere close.
  3. randomspawn

    Private servers

    Nah, server performance has been too low to make them private. That being said, I wonder what the big deal is about a private server. If you take out the KOS element, the game would become a very boring running simulator. Imagine, being on that packed server full of guys running around waving at each other. I guess you could make swarms of people to help take out the zombie threat. That seems....wonderful. As for the guys who say they aren't playing SA now due to the KOS problem, I am shaking my head in confusion. What is the big deal if you get killed? Are you married to your pristine vest or something? Even if you in love with your gear, you can go hang out in 80% of the map and never see another player. As long as you avoid the hotspots, you will be fine. Last night, as I'm stalking in Berez, I pause a bit while watching a movie on TV. I got shot and killed due to the distraction. This is not a big deal. I just hop back on the horse and do it again. I certainly am not crying about KOS.
  4. randomspawn

    When do we get Tents

    Oooh, there it goes, round that corner. Just hang on good buddy, i'm gonna catch you...
  5. randomspawn

    fix the car for job

    Ok, I either feel strangely excited, or I'm about to puke. Uh-oh, it might be both....
  6. randomspawn

    Funny troll against server hoppers....

    people read the names on a server list? when I server hop, i do it the right way. I catch a server right at the reset time, hop in while it's still empty and hit the high profile area my toon is parked at. Sometimes, it's just a firestation because I'm looking for a case, or maybe the NWAF where I can hit tent city or the control tower. Other times its the military base south of NWAF with the 3 sets of barracks. I don't bother reading the player list, and I am seldom on for longer than 5-10 min. If you manage to hunt me down in that amount of time, you are probably hacking anyway. When I am hunting and not hopping, I just try to pick a highly traveled area and do some damage. My player interaction count has dropped a lot since .46 went live. I am heading back to Berez to see if it is still lively now. This toon has been alive too long anyway. His boots are starting to smell funny.
  7. randomspawn

    When do we get Tents

    Are you looking at just having some place to go lay down or something?? I thought the killer part was the persistent storage?? If so, then it could just be a specialized container of about 12 slots that you can take and drop in the woods. A tent isn't necessary at all. I have NO desire to ever see a tent. Experience shows that after each patch, tent loot disappears. I figure it's just as likely our persistent gear will disappear from any erected tent as well.
  8. randomspawn

    Heli crash sites fixed after maintenance?

    I will say it's amazing how we kind of fluctuate on our feels for the game at times. Sometimes, you just feel like you love the game, and it's getting better every minute, and other times you think the developers are still on spring break and have no intention of ever returning. Some will always hate, and some will always love, but those of us in the middle, we can cover both emotions pretty quickly at times.
  9. randomspawn

    A very big complaint

    I would awaken on the beach, turn on my android phone and pull up the stored map I have of the apocalypse area. It's just the way I roll, but I imagine others don't carry an apocalypse map with them, which would make it more difficult.
  10. randomspawn

    Tents with wooden floors never have loot/gear

    Don't worry, the loot mechanic is just a placeholder for now. It will be revamped with a new engine in the new year with a new lead developer with a new project team that was newly acquired with new financing.
  11. randomspawn


    Bad grammar, that's why. Just bad grammar. If we solve the grammar problem, world peace shall be known.
  12. randomspawn

    hidden Fake death animation?

    Having a partner up the way a bit to shoot him when he comes to loot your fake-dead corpse would be cool. Also, for realism. I can do it in real life, and it sounds cool. I also want a Fred Sanford heart attack animation. "I'm coming to join you Elizabeth!!!"
  13. randomspawn

    What powers do admins have?

    telekinesis, kyle. mind bullets
  14. I wall pee all the time. Except for some weird looks from the sorority down the street, it's nothing really wrong with it. Now, as for the broken legs, it's happened to me and sometimes it takes the server a second or two to recoginze it. You might already be looting something from a bed upstairs, and BAM, "DOWN GOES PLAYER". Irritating, but there is nothing to fear but fear itself!
  15. randomspawn

    Why would you leave the North-east corner? Ever?

    That is what makes it interesting, yet frustrating. We see what they have so far, and we see a lot of potential. Hordes of zombies may be an issue, though it might depend on the stealth detection. What would be fun might be throwing a flare around a player so that the horde attacks him. Then again, we have no idea what the servers will be able to handle in the future. Will it be 100 person servers but the same amount of zombies, or hordes of zombies on 40 man servers, or something that has both??? We know that the game has sold a lot more than anticipated, and we don't know how many more it will sell, or how hard BI will push it. The game in it's current state is not survival at all. If the hunting mechanics and cooking mechanics are close to finished product, then it never will be a survival game, imo. But I also understand that having an area of the game where players can just go and 'get away from it all' is somewhat important. It's not my style, but I'm only a single player among millions.
  16. randomspawn

    Best, worst thing you've ever done?

    I shot a lot of people in cold blood.
  17. since it's just you, and it's happening multiple times while being watched by someone you trust, then you are probably having lag/latency spikes. the game sees you down on lower level, and next thing you know, you are up on top floor. The latency didn't allow for the full movement, so it sort of 'put' you on the top floor, destroying your legs in the process. If this is the case, fix the latency. If it's something else, maybe someone else will have ideas.
  18. randomspawn

    Why would you leave the North-east corner? Ever?

    I disagree with you, kinda/sorta. The game is about survival, but unless you are talking PVP survival, it would be the most boring game in the world. Most have said it at some time or another, but the game is about player interaction. I don't care how big and bad you make the zombies, other players will always be the scarier element. If you are enjoying the hunting cows and fishing, along with the cooking and that is your main part of the game, "just wow". So far, this game has zero difficulty for surviving the PVE world, absolutely zero. If you think the PVP has become boring, then I can't imagine what you find enjoyable. If they make the changes they have talked about, we are still 6+ months away from a playable PVE experience. Until then, strap on the AKM, and enjoy the ride. There isn't anything else to do.
  19. randomspawn

    What Do You Want to See When you die?

    Very simply, what I want long-term depends on how they develop the game long-term. If things are buggy like ladders and stairs, I need to know that it was fall damage that killed me, and not a sniper shot while I was climbing a ladder. Right now, you often have no way to differentiate between buggy s/w and actual game mechanics. The real question is being able to identify who killed you. Example, the guys in the wall at the jail building point the M4 out the wall and blow my brains out. I have almost NO INFORMATION to report to server admins. I don't think I need a Steam ID on players, but seeing something like 'fellow survivor Jim shot you 3 times with an M4 from 6 feet' would be helpful. But if they have a better way to report hackers, then I don't need such a message. It all depends on the developers. If I am still dying to wall hacks and ladders 12 months from now, then I will consider this whole DayZ project as unfulfilled potential.
  20. randomspawn

    Mosin + Bipod?

    I actually feel 2% happier if I shoot with the bipod. Therefore, I refute your statement as a falsehood. BOOO!!!!
  21. randomspawn

    Merged thread is merged... nothing to see here.

    Blah, the note mechanics are not very effective. You can't walk up to a note and tell if it has been written on without picking it up to inspect. It should change description once it's written on, something like 'hand-written note' vs 'blank paper'. None of this is worth the effort on servers that reset every little while. Also, any item placed in the middle of the road should be viewed as a trap. The minute you go to inspect the item, you get popped by a sniper. No thanks.
  22. randomspawn

    Confirmation - Legs break when picking up object

    agreed. i've went upstairs in the jail buildings, and while standing in the main loot room, had my legs break for no reason. it's just the latency/lag caught up and it broke my legs. OP, crawl outside if possible, take your axe to a tree and chop to get some wood, chop that into sticks, and make a splint. broken legs are much easier now. also, sticks will stack 4 deep now, so you can always have a lot with you just in case.
  23. randomspawn

    Location is unkown.... Need Evac A.S.A.P

    wait, i thought Berezino had a dome that prevented you from leaving the area???
  24. randomspawn

    Ponds are dangerous!

    If that is the pond between Novo and Polana, yeah, it's a deathtrap. Lots of guys were begging for someone to kill them. I try to avoid ponds now. and wells. and ladders. and stairs. well, basically I stand in the middle of the field and watch the clouds go by. it's fun
  25. randomspawn

    To the bus stop guy in Berezino

    Like it matters. He would be probably be better served if he was forced to respawn closer to a town that wasn't already looted. Personally, I don't see much difference between murdering and taking all of someones gear. Either way, you are hosed, and you are starting fresh.