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Everything posted by randomspawn

  1. randomspawn

    Server hopping

    nothing wrong with jumping servers, due to the state of the loot system. that being said, if I'm logging in with a fresh toon, I will look for a server that is freshly reset and hit it up. If enough join, I hang around and have fun. if not, I will wait a bit and then find a server with more aggression.
  2. randomspawn

    Top 5 things you want in DayZ

    Please. No fishing, as I get WOW flashbacks just thinking about it. I want to see the description on notes ro be different if it has been written, such as hand-written note or something. Not sure about diseases and such. Most toons last hours of gameplay, not weeks. Hard to contract scurvy if you die every 12 hrs of play. What I really want? Maybe some objectives. Otherwise it's just hunt gear and hunt people.
  3. randomspawn

    I've heard talk of horses...

    I can't speak to donkeys, but horse meat tastes good. We need horses...
  4. randomspawn

    Shot within seconds of loading

    If I am in a base and see someone logging in, I kill them. I don't let it finish the log in sequence. Too risky. I've seen it multiple times. You got unlucky. If it happened to me and the server was restarted, I would consider swapping over to a server that has no players just so I could get to a safe zone. Then again, it's so easy to gear up, it's no big deal to die anymore.
  5. randomspawn

    I can't stop killing fresh spawns.

    And therein lies the quandary. You said it yourself, the only endgame right now is PVP. Therefore, why would the developers want to do random spawns around the map? If the only real thing to do is PVP(which I agree with), then the idea should be to keep them closer together and let the last man standing be declared the winner.
  6. randomspawn

    Trading 32,000 SKS Rounds

    HAHA! "I cheat, but look at this guy here, he cheats more!" What a fun guy. Can we be friendz?
  7. randomspawn

    Trading 32,000 SKS Rounds

    yep, not worth bothering. anyone willing to trade for them will just look up how to do the hack themselves. they won't need you. but, carry on soldier.
  8. randomspawn


  9. randomspawn

    Wow, just wow.

    It's even more fun to get whacked by the invisible zombies. You are sitting there, the screen starts flashing black-white, and no one is around. It's hard to fight them.
  10. randomspawn

    Safe haven ain't safe no more

    Yeah, those were always my faves. Now, I hardly venture NorthWest. Just too long to run when I can get pretty darn geared just around Bere and the NEAF and surrounding towns. Yes, this new village does have a few token zeds, but probably only 2-3 on restarts. You have 2 super-food houses, 2 super-cabins in town, 3 piano houses, fire station, and a few other good houses for loots. It is usually dead, but I do come across players here from time to time. You have to question yourself, is it worth running west to the train stations to search for the press vest??? I used to think it was worth it, but now, I'm not sure it is.
  11. randomspawn

    Incapacitation/ Kinectic knockdown discussion

    I think it is the ONLY real way to do it. We have peeps here saying zeds are hard, some say they are easy if you got skill. Well, the truth is, if you hit a zed in the arm with a fireaxe he would lose an arm or fall down or something, instead of having a splash of blood and then attacking you more. I agree a brain-shot to kill them, but each hit I nail on him should diminish his ability to attack. I am not sure we will ever get to the point of actually seeing a player or zed lose an arm though. We need 'knockdown' type moves, both for PVE and PVP. It is how it happens in reality. Most fights end up on the ground, especially if no guns are around.
  12. randomspawn

    Hunting ~end of may

    Just regular servers, 3PP. I had a black tac shirt, black cargo pants and black assault vest. but alas, I got wasted at the Airfield today. I shot him too, but I don't think he died. My new spawn was up in the new town by Svet, and I found a new sewing kit there.
  13. randomspawn

    clearly they do not have pull-ring tins in Russia

    but also the item I put FIRST into my shirt as it doesn't matter if it is ruined or not.
  14. randomspawn

    Hunting ~end of may

    yep. Ran off airfield into Balota proper and had 6 zeds attacking me before I got to first building. I got upstairs but I saw both my tac shirt and assault vest go from pristin to badly damaged in about 6 secs. I parked it and logged for the day. Now i gotta go find a sewing kit. Anyone wanna trade a sewing kit for a pristine LRS?
  15. randomspawn


    Plenty of times I've been ninja-attacked by the Zeds. No noise, no sign, just bam!!! through the wall they come and if I was crouching for something, I can get one-shot. I would love to know how a single shot to a person with a pristine helmet can get one-shot by a zombie. As for them being infected and just as agile as us, meh, not really. They don't have a food source. With no energy, they should not be faster and stronger than humans. That being said, I like hard zombies. But a lot of people are struggling with zombies. I think a lot of it is lag/server related. Sometimes I log into a server and it gets buggy right from the start. Meaning you right click on an item but can't interact with it, and also super slow response to hot keys and such. Logging off and back on clears it usually. Why? I want to kill a zed with a single blow to the head, or severely damage him if I hit his neck or shoulder. When I get 'smacked' hard by a zed, it should not damage all my gear and protection cases and ammo cases. I now carry different gear in the shirt and vest that I am less concerned about losing, due to the current state of the zeds.
  16. randomspawn

    Hunting ~end of may

    Didn't think about that. We will need to find a way to pin the sheep in place. I want my own herd of sheep.
  17. randomspawn

    Hunting ~end of may

    Sheep. I love me some sheep... Oh, are they adding hunting too?
  18. randomspawn

    Zombie pushing player through walls

    Well, not sure about Norway, but here in the US, Walmart will give refunds on about anything. Take your game into the local WallyWorld and see if they will refund it. If they won't, you can wait another half year, or 5 months, and try again.
  19. randomspawn

    Zombie pushing player through walls

    ALL games have issues. Even in WOW, people get stuck in weird places. This game doesn't have a way to get admin help if you are stuck. They expect a higher level of play from the players. Don't give up, keep working at it. I was stuck in the water at the new town for a long time, but patience paid off and I got free. You can do it too. I have faith in you. You can only succeed if you try. To the victor goes the spoils. Try and try again. Man up! You can do eeeetttttt!!!
  20. randomspawn

    Unbearable dysnc on stable

    Here is what I think. Before, you would lag/desync and you wouldn't always notice, as the server kind of 'worked with' the client and guesstimated what was happening and where you were going. Now, I sometimes get CONSTANT yellow and red chains. Though, other times it's okay. When I do get real bad, I swap over and my ISP connection seems fine to other parts of the net. I mostly play the multiplaygame servers, which should be ok on server stability. Not sure if they just bog down at time when the load is high or what else might be going on.
  21. randomspawn

    Weak Melee weapons

    yeah. I notice more zombies hitting me even if they are facing away from me. Could it be lag? It blows in the current state, but should be normal again soon.
  22. randomspawn

    I was bored so...

    Ok, but what if what he did wasn't offensive? If you logged into an American sever and played 'Dixie', would that be offensive? How about playing the Pledge of Allegiance with 'in god'? Or the without 'in god', which was the original version? I guess I just don't see offense nearly as easy as other people. Maybe it was his tone, which was almost bragging about the WW2 stuff. In that, I could understand some discomfort I guess, but I would almost wonder how many people on the server knew what the song even was about.
  23. What kind of hat is it?
  24. randomspawn

    Deadly Deer Stands, and Evil Towers!

    I will say that doing anything on ladder or stairs, or near the edge of a roof can be very dangerous. If you pull out a weapon, put away a weapon, or sneeze loudly, you face possible ejection. I agree that pulling out those items might be awkward on real-life stairs, but I'm pretty sure I would not be clumsy enough to fall through a wall and land 3 stories below.
  25. randomspawn

    I was bored so...

    Wait, was it his actions that were wrong, or writing about his actions in-game that were wrong? This was a thread about what people do when bored, so that fit the description, and on topic even. That being said, I would not have done that.