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Everything posted by randomspawn

  1. randomspawn

    Q3 Starts on July, Q2 development balance?

    General rule, from what I've learned in the tech industry for almost 20 years. Take whatever schedule the s/w guys give you, and double it, and make it twice as expensive. Typically, they have no understanding of how to create and keep a schedule. Luckily, most people know this, and don't really expect the programmers to make the schedule. It stinks, but I think most programmers have a class in undergrad that details how to blow up projects by missing key deadlines. It's not something that comes easily, but they power through and usually succeed at it. Also, as a general rule for everything DayZ SA, whatever you are seeing in-game is a placeholder and will be replaced in the future.
  2. randomspawn

    Geared and ready to wander......

    I don't think it's super-strong zombies. From what I can see, they use the WOW technique to keep things interesting. Each zombie has a normal attack, which does just a bit of damage to your shirt/vest. Every so often, that hit is a 'crit', which is enough to instantly ruin 3-6 items. If you are crouched at all, that crit hits your head instead, and you are dead dead. I hate crits in this game, as it isn't WOW, but that is the model they have adopted so far. I suspect it will change though, probably in 18-24 months based on the current timelines. That could be delayed a bit though, as it is still alpha.
  3. Your TLDR is too long to read. can you summarize the whole thing up into a word, perhaps a sentence at most? I truly tried to read it, but I got so lost I started stabbing myself in my belly button. I fear I may need my belly button in the future, so I stopped readings. K. thanx.
  4. randomspawn

    Trading Post

    Will you give me a rise too?
  5. randomspawn

    beans? why not rices?

    I don't like rice. It drains my hydration levels too much.
  6. randomspawn

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Did you check the thread specifically for hacking? Yes, its known. Whether it a bug or a feature has yet to be decided
  7. randomspawn

    The best thing in Day Z : Unconscious

    I'm not from Texas, I'm from Tejas...
  8. randomspawn

    The best thing in Day Z : Unconscious

    ninya style baby, it's like a ninja, but with a y
  9. randomspawn

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    I've never cared for the OrcZ server. I saw way too many hackers when I played there. I moved to multiplaygameservers and I have seen much less hacks. This is all anecdotal, and can't be proven. It's just what I've seen.
  10. randomspawn

    Torture in DayZ SA?

    Great thread. It allows people to see how others feel about games, and violence in general. I suspect it will be locked, but I don't think it should. If you don't have these types of conversations, then you can't really formulate what attitudes the players have. Just look at the movies, you can kill thousands and get a PG rating, but flash a boob and you risk NC17. It's a world of hypocrisy, and most people eventually conform their ideas to match that of society as a whole. This is the reason I don't think we will see this type of mechanic added to the game. The developers are here to make money, not friends. Making money means they have to keep the game available in the max amount of markets. If they do anything to piss off the Chinese, or the Albanians, they lose potential profits. That is what drives the game development, and most of the world for that matter.
  11. randomspawn

    Death / Injury on login (to servers)

    Attached to gear, but not your life...shameful!!!
  12. randomspawn

    Excessive leg breaking ? (Experimental Build)

    I have a bug where when I see other players, I keep getting shot with their weapons. I play on stable mostly, so maybe this doesn't exist in experimental.
  13. randomspawn

    Animal Locations

    Yeah boy. We can start camping spawn points of animals. I hear they are going to have some 'rare elite' animals as well, and those will be super-hard to find. They drop special lootz though, so it will be totally worth it... :thumbsup:
  14. randomspawn

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    Since we are going to be trusting you, what long term investments would you recommend? What do you think of VWNDX? Is it a reliable hedge against inflation, or is it inherently too conservative?
  15. Luckily experimental offers other things to do such as build a fire and hunt a deer. Then after that 10 minutes is up, you can run around, get gear, run around, gear more gear, then after that, the only thing that is worth doing is interacting. In the end, it is ALL about interaction with other players. For some, that interaction is found with a mic, and others it's with a bullet. But make no mistake, if you take away the interaction with other players, you won't need more than a single 40 man server for the entire world. The new engine, the new guns, the new this and that....all that matters is they find a way to keep and improve player interaction. Packing servers with 100 peeps will help.
  16. randomspawn

    Crazy Encounter

    just curious, did the situation take longer than the effort to get it all typed out?
  17. randomspawn

    To the glitchy guy on Rify shipwreck today...

    actually, the 'missed connections' forums would a more appropriate location for the post.
  18. randomspawn

    To the glitchy guy on Rify shipwreck today...

    Boo. No beanz for you.
  19. randomspawn

    i like the bandits

    Imagine adding lots of fire/camp/survival elements to the game. Why do you think I won't shoot you anyway?
  20. randomspawn

    i like the bandits

    I double checked the rules for the game, and I didn't come across the term 'unreasonable killing'. Did this term come from another PVP game you have played?
  21. randomspawn

    Why do you push?

    Here is a big reason I push. The wife/kids are yakking about something, and I gotta roll. I don't want to take the time to backtrack 10 minutes to find a safe logout. I will kill or be killed. Either way, I am logging off in 2 minutes or less. My problem, lag. If I ever upgrade the rig(maybe xmas time), I should be more effective.
  22. randomspawn

    The scary truth about the firestaton...

    It was supposed to be a combination funeral home/bingo parlor. :P
  23. randomspawn

    i like the bandits

    k. everything is awesome... down on the farm...
  24. randomspawn

    The scary truth about the firestaton...

    Gonna ask you a question or two. Does the current Alpha version of DayZ SA have any bugs in the system? (the answer is 'yes'). How do you know the signs aren't bugged? (the answer is 'you do not know for sure'). I have a feeling the guy who put the signs on the buildings is the same guy who let the bunny rabbit make zombie sounds. It's probably the night janitor, having a hell of a time pranking the forum crowd.
  25. randomspawn

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    It's weird. Just a month or so ago, they declared that lighting and issues such as that couldn't be fixed on the current engine. Now, they are going to be able fix this by just tweaking the engine??? This is all very confusing, but I don't really have to understand all the details. I would like to understand why they would come out a month ago and make such a statement, then totally reverse course this month. What changed in that time period that they didn't know about a month back?