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Everything posted by randomspawn

  1. randomspawn

    New zombie type! Beware!

    Yep, saw it on stable this morning. Hilarious, but a bit strange. He died to my AKM bullet
  2. randomspawn

    Primary disappearing when drinking

    The game has some buggy drop mechanics at times, though not all the time. Some days, you can be in a building, on the 2nd floor, drop an item to reshuffle your inventory, and you have to go downstairs and outside the building to find the item. Weird. No idea why this exists, but it does. My guess, the weapon is somewhere around your crash site, but you can't see it. I've dropped a protector case when I was hiding in a pine tree, and the case stayed in the air, resting on a limb. It could not be seen by my inventory tab, or picked up. I had to give up eventually and abandon it.
  3. randomspawn

    I'm back...

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/201261-been-away-for-6-months-what-are-the-big-changes/?p=2024134 Standard response to this same damn question that comes up each and every week. You are not special enough for us to give you updates. If you don't care enough to read a change log, just move along and go play Carebears or something.
  4. randomspawn

    Weapon locations

    Only seen AKM in barracks, and only seen 3 overall.
  5. randomspawn

    End of an era!

    not sure why you think this is a zombie survival game, but...whatever. The only thing remotely challenging currently is PvP. Might change one day, but not today
  6. randomspawn

    Stairs at the Military building with the cell

    play peekaboo until he runs out of ammo. then run up, equip your bare-knuckles, and knock his old ass out.
  7. We feel your pain. Having spawns near high loot areas is the only way to go. I hear in the next patch, you will spawn with an M4 with 60 round mags, and you won't even have to press the fire button to shoot. It will be mind control. That's right, telekinesis. It's about to get real up in here.
  8. randomspawn

    Helicopter crash site question

    M4 stuff is hard, because you don't have ammo unless you find more crash sites. give up on the M4, it's best days are past. Go AKM, or go home...
  9. randomspawn

    Small raised shacks now spawning items!

    That was me, I'm sorry. I frequently climb into them, strip off my pants, and drink a pipsi. Sometimes I get so tipsi from the pipsi, I leave things behind...
  10. randomspawn

    Was I shot? I dunno

    The only rule in DayZ is to avoid climbing, and ladders in particular. If you broke that rule, Shame!!! Boo!!!!
  11. randomspawn

    Deer Stands - What Do You Want To Spawn There?

    I'm a guy. I might mention that guys will take their pants off more often than you think. To get the pants off, the boots gotta come off first. If I got my boots and pants off, I would feel strange with a 6 slot TSKO shirt on, so I would probably just strip down to my t-shirt. Hopefully I got a few rags laying around to clean up any mess.
  12. randomspawn

    you missed out, pal

    Shame on you for joining a PVE server. That is not DayZ, that is candyland, and I'll be darned if I wanna play candyland. Take your story somewhere else please.
  13. randomspawn

    Deer Stands - What Do You Want To Spawn There?

    Okay, you are able to suspend belief and surrender yourself to thinking a virus has wiped out the world except for you and 39 lucky survivors who all pop up on eastern Chern, but you can't believe someone left a gun in a deer stand? I live in the south, it's yearly that you hear about idiots fall out of their deer stands and die.
  14. randomspawn

    Beautiful story

    I feel a little choked up inside...wait....nvm, it was gas. I feel better now. I always try and give a bit to every person I see. I don't always hit them, but I really blame that shaky scope bug more than anything.
  15. randomspawn

    I never played a Steam game before this one

    Read the thread that has the interview with Dean about the upcoming changes. Once you see what he is hoping for, you realize almost everything in the game currently is just a placeholder. If it goes to plan, the entire method for playing will be different. Also, there is no content at the moment, at least from where I sit. The hunting is boring. Zombies are boring. Running is boring. Beanz are boring. Fire is boring. It's a whole lot of boring stuff. Except for PVP that is, which is the reason most people are playing currently.
  16. randomspawn


    Simple. In the wilderness with no means to get your broken legs fixed, then it is a viable option. Also, in the most recent zed apocalypse, suicide was a favorite option for approximate 22% of the populace.
  17. uhoh, he went there... fwiw, i gots the kids, they drive me both bonkers and make me feel awesome at the same time. love them to death, but i don't feel that is the reason we are here. a lot of people feel their is no reason we are here. evolution happens(at least most think so) and it isn't a moral imperative to continue to reproduce. ok, blah. too much philosophy. though i don't like people that don't wave back, that isn't the reason i shoot them. i shoot them so they don't breathe my air. there is only so much air in the world. i must stop them from taking it all...once i am sure that the air supply is safe, then i will cut back on my killing. question, do zombies breathe? do they exchange o2 and co2?
  18. randomspawn

    Has anyone noticed stamina introduced in DayZ?

    Man, I am totally confused by what you are talking about. I hope it's just me that doesn't understand you. Here is what I know. Running with no weapon yields a 100% speed. Running with a weapon in hands reduces your speed, probably by about 33% or thereabouts. Being tired or not doesn't make a difference, at least it never did before this patch. If this isn't what you are talking about, then please clarify a bit further for me. thanks
  19. randomspawn

    Was I killed by a hacker

    The whole death thing and not really knowing how and why does blow though. Sometimes you wonder did you get shot, did you fall in a hole in a forest, or something even more weird. This isn't WOW, but you had logs for everything that happened to you, and you could identify how you died. Right now, if I'm climbing a ladder at an airfield and suddenly fall to my death, I don't know if it's a sniper, a wall hacker, or game-lag that killed me. I would like that ability, mostly to help identify and prevent hackers. Then again, it might just be that the developers value our pixel-lives less than I do, and don't want to break immersion by having logs. I don't agree, but I don't write the code either.
  20. randomspawn

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    This is the only way I would justify bothering with adding calibers. But rarity could be done just by decreasing ammo counts in the loot table anyway. I do think that out of 2M players, probably about 20% feel having proper calibers is crucial to gameplay. It's like eating a bag of dry rice. You can do it, but it doesn't seem right, does it. I think they could have just dumped the NATO weapons altogether, and just used Commie weapons and calibers. If they are planning some sort of end-game where having NATO stuff around is required, then this wouldn't work. But if that isn't the endgame, we still have no logical reason why we have NATO gear before Ruski gear.
  21. randomspawn

    Everything, gone.

    Okay, it might be 1.5 hours, but it's still quick. .45, SKS and Mosin ammo are very common right now. Of course, I am at NWAF and the close-by military barracks but they are literally everywhere. In tent city at NWAF, RDS for the FNX are falling out of trees. They definitely increased the spawn of them in this patch. All that being said, I typically gear up at 5am just before work when not many people are around. I hunt peeps at night, but if you are trying to find this gear on a full server, it might be troublesome.
  22. randomspawn

    Has anyone noticed stamina introduced in DayZ?

    Yeah, I did some controlled tests a couple months back on empty servers. I was testing the theory about running faster with hands up compared to hands down(no difference at all, 100% sure). But the minute I turned around and faced back at Svetlo, my FPS dropped, and my speed dropped by about 20-30% as well. I still gotta get back to Svet and see if the FPS has changed since the patch.
  23. randomspawn

    Why do you insist on putting in large cities?

    I wonder why some cities are so much better than others. Svetlo was horrible for me, but I could run around Berez or Elektro all day without problems. Doesn't make sense to me.
  24. randomspawn

    Been away for 6 months, what are the big changes?

    we could spoon-feed you all the answers, or we could just upvote caboose. Do the damn research yourself. Do you want us to play the game for you too?
  25. randomspawn

    Has anyone noticed stamina introduced in DayZ?

    I haven't noticed this at all. I will check again, but you might have had something weird going on. I have found through a lot of specific testing that the biggest factor for your speed is your FPS and connection speed. I can run away from a city area very fast, but if I turn around to face that city and run, the FPS drops my speed considerably. It's a horrible system but knowing that makes it easier to work around.