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About schofie1d

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. schofie1d

    I found the End Game?

    Holy crap OP, I did about 350 micrograms of acid at my family's property last weekend... AND I COULD HAVE SWORN YOU WERE DESCRIBING MY EXACT TRIP. OP, have you done acid? I must know
  2. schofie1d

    Unrealistic Firearms

    I agree whole-heartedly, and they could even theoretically have better quality ammo to be found that would have less 'natural deviation', as some hunting/high-performance loads have IRL. My issue is that deviation is SO bad that it would be BETTER to remove it completely than try to represent it in the game. It would definitely be better than how it is now.
  3. schofie1d

    Unrealistic Firearms

    I already mentioned physics and how it can affect bullets, including different grain loads, different bullet types, wind, gravity, temperature, etc. I already mentioned this and your attempt to discredit me based off your shitty reading is annoying. I am merely saying that your bullet WILL go where your barrel is pointed UNLESS some actual FORCE acts upon it, like PHYSICS. NOT just some random number generator forcing your bullet to travel in a direction it WAS NOT AIMED.
  4. schofie1d

    Unrealistic Firearms

    I'm glad there are so many posts like this confirming what I strongly believe to be true. I really hope the devs take notice of this big issue and address it.
  5. schofie1d

    Unrealistic Firearms

    By saying the point of "standalone is an arcade mess and the mod had buttery smooth gunplay" is highly debatable, you are implying that.......
  6. schofie1d

    Unrealistic Firearms

    I personally agree that the weapon sway is enough as it is, but I had to suggest SOMETHING better than this deviation crap, it is literally game killing for me and I don't see how it doesn't bother everyone. If your ironsights are lined up properly and on your target, your bullet WILL hit there, of course gravity/wind/temperature will affect where it lands and THAT to me is the only place deviation has in a "realistic" game
  7. schofie1d

    Unrealistic Firearms

    I am suprised someone actually thinks the weapons in this game are more solid than the mod.
  8. schofie1d

    Unrealistic Firearms

    Many others have complained about the poor firefight experience in Dayz and I feel fixing these two things would vastly improve the PvP experience Also, I do have multiple firearms IRL and use them frequently here in Texas, and I have seen others who are familiar with firearms IRL express the same feelings
  9. schofie1d

    Unrealistic Firearms

    There is a major problem with accuracy and damage of firearms in this game. 1. If the barrel of a weapon is pointed in a direction, the bullet fired from that weapon WILL GO where the barrel is aimed. THERE IS NO DEVIATION IRL. Deviation is a pathetic, old attempt at compensating for how inaccurate some humans can be with firearms. Yes, I get it, "we are average citizens thrown into a zombie end-of-dayz situation." That does not mean that all of a sudden, bullets do not go where a barrel is pointed. The developers NEED to get rid of ALL DEVIATION, and replace it with sights that SWAY MORE. THIS is how it looks in real life if you are innacurate. ALSO, if you really feel the need to make players even more inaccurate, introduce a type of 'trigger twitch' where the player jerks the rifle to the bottom-left or something similar right as he fires, but this NEEDS to be shown as the sights jerking to the place the bullet is going to land. (obviously range is going to bring the bullet down depending on distance) 2. Damage from firearms in this game is absolutely insane. Rifle rounds will TEAR RIGHT THROUGH ANY ITEMS YOU HAVE, including your clothes, if it is NOT MADE OUT OF BULLET RESISTANT MATERIAL. Seriously, items should NOT reduce rifle round damage except for the exceptional FLUKE of maybe hitting your pistol, and even that is debatable. Pistol rounds are a different story, but seriously rifles in this game do NOT reflect the energy transferred or damage to flesh/bone done in REAL LIFE. There is no reason for this unrealistic approach, and I feel too many people who do not actually own firearms in real life and use them consistently are putting in too much ignorant input that sadly the devs are listening to. TLDR; GET RID OF DEVIATION COMPLETELY AND IMPROVE RIFLE DAMAGE
  10. schofie1d

    Rocket, We love you.

    Do you see how you are saying the exact opposite thing, that if you think Dean is a piece of shit for what he said you are just a crybaby? Try using logic and defending your point first. Dean really speaks for himself, you cannot say the things he did as a project lead, it is as simple as that. Sorry your hero turned out to be a douche, naming items in game after yourself was the first red flag I saw
  11. schofie1d

    Rocket, We love you.

    kudos to dean for cultivating a large fanboy base who refuse to criticize him regardless of the recklessness and irresponsible nature of his comments. I'm done arguing with people who refuse to think any negative thoughts about a developer, it is like you are seeing right past the fact that be publicly stated a product we all payed for was 'fundamentally flawed' while at the same time announcing the future creation of his own studio and game that apparently will not be 'fundamentally flawed'. Seriously...
  12. schofie1d

    Rocket, We love you.

    1. No company, ever, in history, will ever NOT WANT MORE MONEY. 2. I don't want rocket to be anything, don't attribute things others have said to me, all I am saying his recent statements are extremely immature and selfish. 3. And yet you insinuate we are all being crybabies. At least be consistent, I have no problem with name-calling when it is well placed.
  13. schofie1d

    Rocket, We love you.

    you silly fool, talking down a product you are responsible for, while at the same time saying you are going to leave in a year and start your own video game... There is no reasoning with people like you. Maybe you didn't even read what he said or his twitter responses after. He is clearly being a crybaby and calling him out for being a tool is not being a crybaby. One however, could characterize your overzealous defense of him, as being a fanboy.
  14. schofie1d

    Rocket, We love you.

    oops was actually an old post, same point though. Reading through his posts, this guy is so bad at PR it is insane "And people wonder why I want to go home eventually...." what a baby
  15. schofie1d

    Rocket, We love you.

    Just posted on Twitter, rocket2guns: "Newsflash: Man wants to do something else once he is finished what he is doing now, more at 10! :P" NEWSFLASH, You don't talk about leaving, future projects, and SIMULTANEOUSLY say your current project is "not the ultimate multiplayer experience" when it isn't even OUT OF ALPHA!! Jesus christ, this guy is such an ass