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Everything posted by OjibwePride

  1. After playing alot more i definitely feel that they need to replace the fast sprinter zombies with alot of slow zombies even with the respawning system once it gets fixed. Fast zombies with the current glitches, bugs and spawning system is so terrible that it breaks the immersion of the game completely. I would definitely much prefer a TON of slow zombies in every city that swarmed you when you tried to loot a city or whatever. Slow zombies can be alot more scary than fast zombies since right now all i feel is annoyed and frustrated every time i get attacked by a fast zombie that see me through a building then chases me down through the building.
  2. I like that they made the zombies harder, but I'm not a big fan of faster zombies in general. I would have preferred just a a lot more of them in every city and town. But, if they are to remain fast, then they need to fix the running through walls glitch ASAP. I have almost died numerous times from running into a building, only just get hit and starting bleeding from a zombie that glitched behind me.
  3. For me, I haven't had a single issue with anything at all. In fact, before the patch update my game would crash constantly when I would join but now it starts fine. However, for the rest of you guys that the game doesn't work for, I hope the devs fix it up soon for you all.
  4. OjibwePride

    Gameplay ideas

    The first idea..... No. The second doesn't sound that bad, except that major KOSing will happen at a spot like that. It would be alot worse than the airfields.
  5. OjibwePride

    Name 5 thinga you want the most for dayz asap.

    1. Persistent objects 2. More clothing (military and civilian) 3. Hunting/Cooking 4. More zombies 5. vehicles
  6. OjibwePride

    Your first murder

    My first kill was rather stupid. I was running along the coast trying to meet up with a friend when I pass by a survivor who has clearly freshly spawned. I stopped for a second and the guy saw me and said through the chat to keep on going so I did. Then I hear the guy saying "hold up". So I stopped and looked back to see the guy running at me with his fists raised. I really didn't think he wanted to fight me at first since I had a baseball bat, a green hoodie and a motorcycle helmet so I kept on moving, because I didn't want to waste the time killing him and wanted to keep on going towards the city. Then he yells at me again to stop and this time he does start actually swinging at me but misses. Then I proceeded to lay into him with the bat until he died and just left him without taking anything since he literally had just spawned and had nothing on him.