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About ra-usmc

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Minnesota, USA
  • Interests
    Digital Killing & Plundering
  1. ra-usmc

    An odd story

    Normally I don't share my "noob" experiences but this was a little too odd of an occurrence to not share..... So playing this past weekend for about my 9th total DayZ hour and countless noob fresh spawn deaths from various unfortunate accidents or curious bandits looking, searching and hoping that maybe just maybe my flashlight is in all actuality a "Flesh light". I finally made my way to Electro. Having heard the horror stories of fresh spawns dying by the droves in this God forsaken place I decided to hit the north fire station coming from the tree line just above the town. I watched for a good 15 minutes to make sure my chosen route was not being looked at by others. With what I thought was a good opening I went in. To my surprise the fire station was relatively un-looted and I was able to find food, drink and a fire axe! With my cargo vest, pants and jacket filled with food (no weapons, besides the axe) I left heading north again. As I was walking out of the station a fellow friendly traveler came out of the lower level, severely bleeding and screaming for help. He said he just loaded up on supplies and was mugged by two other guys and they were right behind him. I was skeptical right at first but sure as shit in they came. Two guys dressed in clown masks and helmets. I hate clowns.... anyway the guy basically passed out right away from blood loss and I proceeded to chase down and kill his attackers with my newly found axe. Mission accomplished! I looted their bodies and packed up to head out. Just as I was getting ready to leave this little court yard; in runs another friendly, this time this guy is fully loaded; pack full of fun and exciting things screaming the same thing...help..help...well you know the drill. He was also bleeding profusely. I had found some medical supplies on one of the turds I just killed and was in the process of trying to figure out how to help him and just then...he passed out. Damn my noob timing anyway. I told him he was unlucky enough to find a new guy fresh from the coast to save him. He told me that it was cool and at least he had some cool shit for me to loot of his dead...he died right then.... lol SWEET! He was not kidding either this dude had everything and more that a guy like me would need to make his way to the NW Airfield with. In short I say thank you good Sir for the gifts, your sacrificial offering and I bid you farewell. My trip to the NW Airfield went well as I think there were only 10-12 people on the server at the time I looted the place blind. I am finding this game even in alpha phase to be quite good and I am definitely looking forward to the upcoming releases.
  2. ra-usmc

    Help I'm stuck in a loop of death....

    Just an update for those who may experience this issue. I updated to the experimental alpha version that is in current test and this fixed my problem. I am still unsure if I downgrade my version back to regular alpha if I will still be stuck but for now I am playing....or dying as it were. BTW you fuckers are ruthless to the new guys. <_<
  3. ra-usmc

    Can't respawn. Please help

    I did take Khad's advice and update my game to the experimental build. That did work, I can now play again. I have not tried to downgrade back to see if I am still stuck because I was happy just to play... Thanks Khad for the advice, at least I am playing again!
  4. ra-usmc

    Can't respawn. Please help

    Well the only good thing to tell you is that you are not alone. I too broke my legs and crawled off of a pier into the water expecting a quick death. Now when I respawn I spawn directly over the water next to the pier and drowned 10 - 15 seconds later. I have logged out, logged back in, changed MANY servers and finally uninstalled - re-installed the game in its entirety. No change.... I have changed characters (default) a few times...I don't know what the fuck to do anymore. I have in total over 3 hours of dicking around with this and i'm pissed! If you find a solution please post it here! I will do the same! Good Luck!
  5. ra-usmc

    Help I'm stuck in a loop of death....

    Anyone else have a suggestion? I like the idea of the game but need to get out of where I am at to move forward.
  6. ra-usmc

    Help I'm stuck in a loop of death....

    Yes, it simply says I am dead. Black screen. From there nothing happens and when I push escape the option to respawn is discolored and it will not allow me to select it.
  7. ra-usmc

    Help I'm stuck in a loop of death....

    Clicking respawn is part of the issue, it's greyed out and will not let me select it. I have logged out and back in. It starts me out just above the water in every server I join.
  8. Hello All! Total Noob at DayZ here but I think I have F'ed myself royally. I got shot after just spawning for the first time EVER..(you bastard!) got myself a broken leg. In my shame I decided to try and kill myself by crawling off of a pier into the water. The game will not allow me to respawn and when I leave the game to join a different server I am stuck at the point to where I am falling into the water. I cannot move anywhere fast enough because my leg is broken and I drown; again and again and again. I deleted my player profile and even the config folder as to try and reset everything...no good. WTF? Your kind suggestions are appreciated! Sincerely, Phucked