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To stop Kill On Sight, we should make life more valueble
super_shadow replied to super_shadow's topic in Suggestions
I just got killed for full backpack + m4+magnum+pistol and new soldier clothes, including ballistic helmet. THAT was normal kill. That really had sense for my killer (and, he wisely, didn't shoot before I was totally busy sorting items in backpack. But, when ppl kill newbies, who even don't have a knife or baseball bat... That is stupidity. That is the thing I'm totally against of. And yes. If you got good gear and weapon you should understand that you are the target. That's the way it should be. And I'm not against killing players for good reason (saying that in 4 time i guess). There are not many pacifists here :P P.S. Wanna hardcore? Try playing Russian servers. -
super_shadow started following Identification System
Idk, It may look like I'm joining the camp af ppl, who wanna NPC and this type of regulation of game mechanics (I'm no meaning that at all), but what if there will be some database, where a person can put some face features and other signs of his killer's (or just offender's identity). It may look like: 1) Someone kills me, and I got a message (better if it will save somewhere to be able to read it later): you where shot. You didn't really know this person (if you didn't chat with him standing near), but still you saw that he is approx 1.7 m height, got black hair, and a scarf on right cheek. It might gives some RP moment, but this is what you really can remember if you got shot by stranger (and have escaped, or got to hospital) in real life. I mean - you remember fey features of him and if you want to revenge, you can try find him later, using that pieces of info, you can remember about him. We can have some database, where you can put theese features and it (for example some in game computer system, can give answer of list of player names, that are fit (or almost fit) to the description you entered. 2) Or maybe, that could be realized, like - when you see some player, there is the message about his height, hair colour etc. (it can be more or less detailed depending of distance and clothes he wears). That will be really cool if the closer you get to opponent, the more identity signs you see (and save in some notebook files). Later you put them in some device (it can be PDA like in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or some huge PC at main places like Cherno), and the more info you had (had seen while was in eye contact with player character), the shorter is the list of suspects. So if you where standing and talking to him directly, you can find him or just couple of ppl who have little bit close features. And then you just need to trace him, and start YOUR VENGENCE :P Anyway, while we can't have so detailed faces, it might be realized in some kind of way similar to what I've just described... And about whole Bounty Hunting. Only if bases or even characters will be "chained" with servers, that will work. It cant work normally now, because anyone, just made something bad, can immediately go to other server and, maybe, never come back. And nobody know where he can go... We'll see how all this homes/bases/hidden places thing will be done and then it will be cleared, can this options survive, or it's just RP moment that we can imagine to enjoy ourselves, but to be honest, don't really work.
Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)
super_shadow replied to Hicks_206 (DayZ)'s topic in News & Announcements
All this changes are great! But I got one question for all health/illness/treatment system. Will this all be needed? I mean, right now it looks like, I'm breaking the leg, and checking my inventory. If I don't have the splint (branch and rags), I simply suicide my character and startower. Usually, If playing alone, It's better to restart char, then to crawl to nearest town and try to find some hospital or items to make splint. (For example, If there will be opportunity to cut the brunch from any tree... That will differ the situation). So I mean - will we have some REAL NEED in trying to heal? Now when recreating the character, I loose only what I got in inventory. Maybe someday all hidden loot will be "chained" to character, and If you lost it, you'll lose the loot, or how will it be then, 'cause when we'll have saved loot at some safe places/hidden places, that will really be more simple in restarting the character and walk for you hidden loot, than trying heal yourself and always have a lot of medical stuff in your equipment (that steals pretty much of inventory space). Thank you! -
To stop Kill On Sight, we should make life more valueble
super_shadow replied to super_shadow's topic in Suggestions
Dear Covent, I must assure you - NOBODY, but little group of players who closed themselves at PVE servers, wants PVP removing. We all love the opportunity to kill our neighbors ;) The question only - can we do it not in 99% of chances, but when it's really needed. -
Not sure about psychologival problems of characters... think some PC users already got those own :) But I vote for illness (physical). And visual signs of it. And I want the character, if got cold, to cough, so all zombies and players can hear him.
Nobody have the right "play how he want" if that harms others. It's just shouldn't be penalized by game mechanics. There should be ways to make the life of unsocial person uncomfortable using resourses of other players. I mean Bounty Hunters institutes and other things that will be players choices and can be done, without forcing from game mechanics side. Like in real life - if some person want to kill all around, ppl gather and start hunting the crazy person. Or hire some specialists for that job. This way of solving PK problem got some problems (all this jumping servers, logging of any moment you want with character desappear - for example in "RUST" the char is sleaping, when player is offline. He easily can be found and killed). If the characters will stay in game for "sleep" when player is offline + in some way "chained" to server (maybe for some time idk for sure) + can be imprisoned for a period of few days (not just being handcuffed, but putted to some place from where he can't escape without help), that will make sence.
The best way would be some SCARY face of character who keep killing and killing again. They did that in some single player games like "Star Wars Knight of the Old Republic" (when you make bad deeds, with a time, you got some marks, you eyes become angry, lips look more rude etc.) But I clearly understand that this can be hardly achived by current game mechanics. That will be very realistic if watching the face of a person who came along and keep saying "I'm not hostile", you can guess (and that's the point - it should be not very obvious) - how many ppl he approximately have killed for last few dayz. In real life, it is almost this way - when 2 ppl meet each other in some dangerous place) and decide to come closer (they still don't trust each other, 'cause it's hard to see somebody's eyes in the binocular or scope), then, standing near, both of them, still holding the guns on guard, are watching opponent's way of talking, way he look, comparing what he tells and how he looks, and trying to guess, how much trust does this person worth. And the face of soldier, who killed a lot, can look almost like the face of killer. So, I say again, ppl are guessing comparing what the person is saying and how he looks. Surely, the PK, who killed 25 noobs for last 24 hours will not look like newcomer (some of them don't wear serious equipment, to look more "innocent", trying to look noob). If this will be achievable, that will be much better, than some visible "Carma" or other markings. All that markings and penalties could kill the realism that DayZ Developers try to maintain in the game. There always should be the factor of "not being sure" about player you've met.
I fully agree, but what I see now, is that all my weapon are pristine condition. It doesn't want to break at all. When DEVs will fix that, I really hope they will make visual signs of rust etc. As it already is made for clothes.
To stop Kill On Sight, we should make life more valueble
super_shadow replied to super_shadow's topic in Suggestions
Dear Fleshnipper, we are talking about idiots killing newbees, how they call it "just for fun". And the entire KOS problem. To "Kill On Sight" means ppl start shooting at EVERY person they see. Because of strange sence of humor, because of being boring, because of FEARING that if you will not shoot first, the person you've met, will surely kill you. The existance of bandits, loner snipers who are hunting ppl for their loot etc, is VERY DIFFERENT. That's the things that SHOULD BE in the game and It will be bad to remove PVP at all. But, I think I must repeat it again, 'cause not everybody clearly understood the point - THERE SHOILD BE NO 99% probability of KOS, happening when 2 ppl meet at the road (as it is now, 'cause most players fear each other more than all the zombies in the world). -
I'm with you bro! And I really think that the reverse process should exist to - for example, If i need splint, to fix my leg, I can break the shovel or axe and use the wooden handle as simple stick, for crafting the splint.
To stop Kill On Sight, we should make life more valueble
super_shadow replied to super_shadow's topic in Suggestions
Nope, i just want that unadequate ppl have some problems because of being dumb. I personslly would try to kill players but that will be Crime and I will do it with some fear of being punished. That makes sence to all. -
You keep saying that. There is no sence in PK, in Bounty Huntering and other stuff right now, when you can't even save your loot. And, to kill KOS-style player who got only 1 weapon that he used to kill newbees, have NO SENCE either!!! He wel res and keep being muda4ek. There should be development of catching and imprisoning system for the player HAVE REAL PROBLEMS from having bounty on his head. The thing you offer now - is JUST BEING AVENGER (like some stupid comics hero - forgive me Marvel lovers, I didn't mean any harm to you dreams). That's not Hunting For Bountyes! Nobody is paying fo that kind of activity. 2 cans of beens that some newb who got killed doesn't worth chasing his killer for a few real hours then just kill him. That will mean immediate resurrecting and continuing do harm to newbees at some other place!
That could be good if there would be NPC acception from the DEV side. I don't think that is what Rocket wants. And not sure that this will not kll the idea of NATURAL socializing of ppl who left at the wild with a lot of guns and not to many food > :( I think we should make Wanted board, as you suggested and then, if some persons will get to many "wanted", they could be the target of mercs/bounty hunters. And the idea of betting on the head is really interesting. Then if some player keep killing noobs, they (every one don't have much valuebles, but when they will share all they got) will make that sum of loot/money/goods etc. a bounty on this person's head. Then it really will work. Bounty hunters will see what man is on top, and who got only couple of "bets" and don't even deserve their time and bullets. Anyway that should be the work of some player (maybe some Bounty Hunter Guild leader), who will take this kind of "bets" and see does the person desire to be the object of hunting or it's better to decline that kind of contract. And again - we need not just to kill (it's to simple type of punishment - he will just resp and continue), but the opportunity to hold ppl in some places for some time. That wil give realism and will not allow to continue KOSing (at least for a while).
To stop Kill On Sight, we should make life more valueble
super_shadow replied to super_shadow's topic in Suggestions
The Bounty Hunter (as a kind of Mercenary) differes from THE KNIGHT in the motivation. The Knight minded person saves everyone around just to feel how much goodness he's bringing to the world. The merc - earn money, relations etc. So - I'm completely opposite some title system (and I think that is opposite the main game idea - no visible pushing to the players from any game rules). Belive me, if you will become that kind of justice seeking knight, ppl will know about you even if you will not have nimb or shining plate "A Great Hero Of The Whole Server" :)) -
To stop Kill On Sight, we should make life more valueble
super_shadow replied to super_shadow's topic in Suggestions
Yep! That's what I was meaning. If we will have opportunity to make ppl our prisoners, we can easily come to gangs, bounty hunters, free stalkers and other communities creation. There will be MORE SENCE in being in group (saving imprisoned friends/in a bandit way - helping their gang members to run from the prison etc.). And again - it wil add a lot of opportunities AND wisely using them normal players can survive. Stupid idiot's - hopefully not, cause usually they don't like to think a lot, to have some strategy etc. When having some specialityes (like bounty hunters, stalkers, farmers, bandits etc.) there will be the way to make normal trading - the stalker will give some valuebles to bounty hunter/s, they will buy some guns from crafters/farmers, bandit's will get items by stealing and robbery. Everyone wil try to find his way of playing. The way he likes and have more attraction to!