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About ViktirE

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    Michigan, US
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  1. ViktirE

    Worn/Damaged weapon behaviors

    Well how far do you want to go with that? Which magical fairies put the loot there after someone else grabbed it a few hours ago?
  2. ViktirE

    Worn/Damaged weapon behaviors

    I see your point, but I think that any of those places you listed would have been easily and repeatedly picked clean because they usually exist close to civilization. Military bases on the other hand would have less of a chance of having been looted because they're not often "close" to where civilians live and they're full of zombies in body armor.
  3. ViktirE

    Worn/Damaged weapon behaviors

    Also, if we're talking real life, it's unlikely that you would find orphaned working weapons at all, BUT on the off chance you did I would think the military base would be the only place where you might find a stash of brand new weapons. I personally wouldn't have a problem if all guns outside of military installments were spawning with some degree of weathering on them already. I fact, I think I would prefer that.
  4. ViktirE

    Worn/Damaged weapon behaviors

    I realize that finding an unused gun lying around would be highly unlikely, but if they're not new the game shouldn't refer to them as pristine. Websters online definition of Pristine: being in an original and unused or unspoiled state <a pristine forest that has never been subjected to logging or development> Synonyms: brand-new, mint, pristine, span-new, virgin, virginal Related Words: unaltered, unblemished, unbruised, uncontaminated, undamaged, undefiled, unharmed, unhurt, unimpaired, uninjured, unmarred, unpolluted, unsoiled, unspoiled, unsullied, untainted, untouched, unworn; new, spick-and-span (or spic-and-span)
  5. ViktirE

    Worn/Damaged weapon behaviors

    The weapon cleaning kit restores the guns condition to worn already, to a clean and function weapon that has taken no abuse. It lends itself to my idea (backed up by agouti's anecdote) that some or most machines work a little more smoothly when the finely machine made edges have been working together enough that they become a better fit than it was straight out of the factory. It also would account for the fact that even a marksman shoots better with his own gun, that he has practiced with for some time.
  6. ViktirE

    Worn/Damaged weapon behaviors

    I've been tossing this idea around with some friends and finally decided to add it to the pile. I feel that "worn" guns should have slightly less recoil and reload slightly faster than their pristine counterparts. The reasoning behind this is that most any piece of machinery with moving parts works a little more smoothly after its been broken in. This would also cause people to cherish their weapon a little more and give a real sense of ownership to the weapon.
  7. ViktirE

    Backpacks sugestion for the game.

    No one said gun bag yet?
  8. ViktirE

    Do you leave your morality at the door?

    As Tarascon stated, the lack of options drives many of the "distractables" let's call them, to take the easy route to some instant gratification. They're wasting valuable time as far as I'm concerned. I choose to put it to good use, gathering a group of good, intelligent and curious players, learning everything I can and sharing it with my clan mates. I firmly believe that super aggressive player will eventually be left in the cold to live among the dead. It kind of stands to reason that it's hard to make friends when you go around shooting at everybody and unless he plays 24 hrs a day his home will never be secure. Even if he finds other bandit friends, what sort of disagreement does it take to cause someone to turn on you, when the only reason he's your friend in the first place is because you happened to be in the same TS server before you got the chance to shoot one another?
  9. ViktirE

    Do you leave your morality at the door?

    I agree, it is a game. It's a game where when you die, you may have just flushed an entire afternoon down the toilet. I don't know how old you are, but I have come to realize (like most adults) that time is one thing you can't afford to waste and replace at your leisure. Adult gamers don't always have a lot of spare time to spend playing video games which is something that a lot of young people don't understand when they experiment and fool around. That's why most clans in MOST games separate the age groups, but that's another discussion. The problem here is that you have a game concept that draws in all types, but game mechanics that, to this point, favor one type of player, the predatory one. Eventually though, when the stakes of dying are a bit higher, when the items you carry are harder to find and more important than the product of a fifteen minute sprint across the map directly to the closest airfield. As adults though, we have patients. We will wait. Our time will come. :P
  10. ViktirE

    Do you leave your morality at the door?

    You children can harp that this is a game all day long, but it's people who play it.
  11. ViktirE

    Will somebody please adopt a NOOB?

    Regardless of how you would categorize the players in this thread, we all answered someone who asked for help.
  12. ViktirE

    Did a hive go down or...

    Server populations are at an all time low as far as I can tell. Even for this time of day. Crickets are what you hear when everything is still in the forest. :P It's an expression that I use and I'm not above gibberish. :)
  13. Is this the day people are finally tired of playing v.35? Crickets...
  14. ViktirE

    Remove guns from the game.

    While I respect your opinion, I think this is a terrible idea as it would remove the main threat from the game. However I WOULD love to see them become extremely rare, so that when you had one, you would become more of a singular threat. Then I believe others might team up more to take you out for more of a cat and mouse game than a fish in a barrel one.