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Everything posted by Nicko2580

  1. Nicko2580

    Just another day in Chernarus

    That's weird, they shouldn't be links. Do they work now? I edited them a bit.
  2. Nicko2580

    Came back to Chernarus after a long absense

    Best way to fight the undead? Lock 'em in a house so the next bambi that comes along can have some fun! :lol:
  3. Nicko2580

    DayZ Standalone Alpha Review

    If you can find any sort of axe then your leg break problem goes away. With an axe (hand axe is useful) you can chop sticks from bushes or cut firewood into sticks. Sticks + Rag = Split = no more broken leg! :)
  4. Nicko2580

    problem with saying "friendly"

    I don't do 'friendly' anymore. It results in many quick deaths. Even through misunderstanding. Got shot the other day while talking with this guy. We both had our guns out and were trying to suss out whether there was a threat (I always have my gun out, but if you're nice I'm no threat at all to you) and a 3rd party shot at us. I know it was a 3rd party because the shot was from a .22 and I had a Repeater and he had an MP5. This guy starts freaking out saying I shot at him and then wastes me. Then I hear him get wasted by the guy with the Sporter. Best just not to approach people in cities at all.
  5. Nicko2580

    .55 loot, I'll just leave it at this.

    Yep. Those and anti-stab vests... everywhere!
  6. Nicko2580

    .55 loot, I'll just leave it at this.

    I played for two hours tonight. From a fresh spawn I found: a tent, repeater+ammo, press vest, ttsko gear, plenty of canned food, canteens, enough burlap to start thinking about a ghillie suit, a P1 and a clip, cooking set, heat packs and more. All on a server with 45 people. It's seriously not that bad. If you're not finding loot it's because you're heading straight for the old loot caches and ignoring everything else. Do you know how much good shit I've found in toilets? And those shitty little brown sheds? If you're really having that much trouble here's my advice: Head straight for Novo and all the little towns around there.
  7. Nicko2580

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Wandered through Elektro with nothing but a pickaxe on a fully populated server. Got randomly attacked by a dude wielding a sword. Both got shot by an unknown sniper... At least the sword guy died first! :D
  8. Nicko2580

    Suggestion: Partially blind server populations

    That would be good. I'd love to not know exactly how many players were on the server as long as I had a rough idea. Low pop servers are a drag, they're not interesting at all so if I can't get some indication then I likely won't play as much.
  9. Nicko2580

    Suggestion: Partially blind server populations

    I'm on the fence here, because I want to be in big population servers. I don't want cheap loot if I can help it. I have a hard enough time finding good servers with decent populations as it is, which means that 90% of the time I'm gonna end up stuck on a server with <10 people on it under this idea. :( On the other hand I do really like the idea of limiting that kind of information.
  10. Nicko2580

    Third Person Fix

    Let's be very clear about what I am talking about before I respond here. I am talking about the ability for your character - the one you are playing as and is representing your presence in Chernarus - to detect, visually, other players, items and zombies while they are out of your LoS, in 3rd person view (hereby referred to as magic vision). Not 3rd person view itself. DayZ is founded on authenticity. You have to make a reasonable case that magically seeing people through walls that your character can't see through is authentic. Egg-fuckin'-zacktly. It's not doing anything that has not been done before (in the perspectives regard). It should be. See authenticity. I know what 3rd person is and it's history. I've been a gamer all my life and your condescension hasn't helped your argument. DayZ isn't supposed to be another classic game and it is supposed to reinvent the wheel in terms of survival gameplay. That is what DayZ SA has been marketed as from the beginning. The argument that 3rd person is some great view because it has all this history and tactics behind it does not apply here - It's a valid argument, but it doesn't apply to DayZ. For now. It is Alpha. The game is 20% complete. Look at the vision for the completed version and tell me where the magic vision currently fits. It doesn't, because it's not a PvP or PvE game. It is a survival game that incorporates both elements. Another of those elements is authenticity. That doesn't include magic vision, no matter how much lazy people want it to. It's not lazy in another game, like Battlefront, Gears of War, Assassins Creed or anything else. None of those games even attempt authenticity. It is lazy and inauthentic in this game, fullstop. Keep third person. Remove the magic element. I understand some people need third person, they get sick playing in first and I understand people want to be able to see their own character and all that jazz. I don't mind striking heroic poses myself on the odd occasion. You can have all that, but you shouldn't have the magic vision. :Alpha. And thanks for more condescension. All these things you've listed apply right now. Not in a few years. Your argument only applies if DayZ is to stay the way it is forever. Besides that, I can do pretty much all you've described at present in 1st person, even against people playing in 3rd person, so the magic vision in 3rd person is not needed. It's still just a magic cop out for people who don't want to invest in learning the basics of a supposedly 'authentic' game. Those basics should include fundamental human biology, like not being able to fucking see through walls, regardless of your perspective. I really do find it hard to believe how people cannot see that. The mentality is that you're not this character (comes from current gaming culture, especially anyone that doesn't play games with permadeath), but the reality of this game is that you are supposed to be this character. What his senses pick up is the information you're supposed to be given. That is so fucking fundamental. You're not supposed to be able to transfer your epic shooter skillz to DayZ. Okay, say you're awesome at Battlefront. That's a 3rd person game. You think it's okay to transfer the skills needed to play a game like Battlefront, to a game like DayZ? If so I'd say go play something else. DayZ needs to invent its own skill set based on authentic game play and that does not include magic vision. Not true. As I stated, I and many, many other people do fine in DayZ without the magic vision. You're argument that we need to have perfect replication of senses to get rid of the magic part of 3rd person is simply false. Nope. Again, only the people using 3rd person on regular servers have balance only against each other. Anyone that uses first person is instantly at a disadvantage. Those first person players shouldn't be forced to go to hardcore just because people can't handle not being able to see through walls! In a game that's touts authenticity. Hardcore will eventually be more than just locked to first person. This is so fundamental to authenticity in this game, that without removing the magic part of 3rd person, I don't think they have any right to put authentic anywhere near it. I'm going to quote dilzskin again because I think it's the most relevant thing that's been said so far in this thread.
  11. Nicko2580

    Experimental servers: A word to the devs

    Hmm okay sweet I'll have to check that out. Last time I looked all the experimental servers had 500ms+ ping so I assumed there were none in Australia.
  12. Nicko2580

    Show Location at Spawn

    Write it down? Keep a note in your backpack? Follow a road until you hit a road sign? It's not hard.
  13. Nicko2580

    Show Location at Spawn

    No please. I like getting dropped into the map having NFI where I am. That's the whole point of learning how to navigate.
  14. Nicko2580


    I think it should be a trade off. You can take that shiny kevlar vest, but it means you have to take off your Assault Vest and loose all the pockets - the armor has none. A trade off for storage space vs protection.
  15. This is, possibly, the dumbest worst thought out idea I have read on these forums to date. I'm surprised the stupidity of this idea hasn't caused a tear in the fabric of space and time and destroyed the universe. UN Peacekeepers get killed all the fucking time. You think people don't shoot at UN Troops just because they're UN Troops? Like terrorists just suddenly go, "Oh fuck, that guys from the UN! Better put down my AK." It's actually goddamn insulting to the Peacekeepers who risk their lives all over the world on a daily basis. I seriously have to wonder whether you actually live in the real world...
  16. Predators will definitely make the northern wilds where I spend a fair bit of time more interesting. I don't think I'd utilise horses much. I don't think I'll utilise vehicles when they're in game either, I think they'll both attract faaaar too much attention for my tastes. But I would love a dog. I'm a bit of a lone wolfer, so it'd be awesome to have a dog with me out in the wilds. You contribute so much to this thread dude. Please, keep it up. :thumbsup:
  17. I would be down with this but only if you also got blood from killing zombies and from hunting. No new information is being imparted. All you know is the player has been in combat at some point recently, whether with a player, zombies or just out hunting deer.
  18. Nicko2580

    Experimental servers: A word to the devs

    Easy way to fix - just have one experimental server where players cannot die. Leave the rest as they are. Then there's one server to test everything without the fear of getting shot every 3 seconds and the others function as normal environments for PVP testing etc. Surely that wouldn't be too hard to accomplish? P.S - to the devs: An Australian experimental server would be very welcome! ;)
  19. Nicko2580

    So rocket is leaving DayZ

    Search function.
  20. Nicko2580

    Any Good Samaritan Doctors Out There?

    If you're on an Australian server PM me and I can drop in when I finish work today. It won't be for a fair few hours yet, but I've got plenty of morphine and I'd consider this character a 'good samaritan'. Already helped a fellow out with some antibiotics, food and water to cure his sickness the other day. :p
  21. Nicko2580

    So will there be missions?

    The devs have already stated they'll be adding lore to the game. It may possibly take the form of things like this, but I wouldn't call them 'missions' and there will never be NPC's or quest givers or anything like that. You got a negative response because you used the word missions, but what you've written above is already planned as far as I am aware.
  22. Nicko2580

    Boot Camp

    I'm on the fence about this. I'm against most forms of hand-holding. If you got chucked into a survival situation, no magic tutorial mission is going to help you discover what you're supposed to do optional or not. The first time I played, I couldn't even figure out how to punch stuff and it resulted in one of the most hilarious situations I've had in the game so far; me running around screaming while being chased by Zeds that I had no idea how to hurt, until a fellow player helped me out and gave me a few tips on the controls. I'd much rather see this sort of thing continue, rather than adding any sort of tutorial. Throw people in the deep end. It's far more rewarding when they do figure things out for themselves or have an interaction with a friendly player who helps them out.
  23. No there doesn't. There doesn't need to be any arbitrary systems that punish/reward certain types of gameplay or behaviour. /thread.
  24. Nicko2580

    Remove the ruining of objects from falling

    Well, that's right...? Once somethings ruined, it's ruined... if it were repairable, it wouldn't be ruined by definition.
  25. Nicko2580

    So will there be missions?

    Make your own missions.