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Everything posted by Nicko2580

  1. Nicko2580

    Scoped blaze versus scoped Winchester

    Had my first taste of the Winchester the other day. Found one first thing on logging in pretty much. Happened to be near Cherno, so just lay on a factory roof and took potshots for a while. Got one single shot kill from probably 150m before someone spotted me and put an end to my banditry. It's an okay gun. I'll probably stick with the SKS.
  2. Nicko2580

    Should guns spawn loaded?

    Rephrase versatility to 'versatility in it's role'. I must admit I haven't had much experience with the pump shotgun, but due to my playstyle I'd be likely to take the DB firstly in any case. Personally I think that if you were to tier the weapons, the DB would be top of the close combat list and for me the close combat tier would be the only one I'd be looking at really. I do carry the SKS quite often as well because of the 10 rnd internal and the stopping power, but I'd rather take a shotgun into a city any day of the week. I'll gladly carry a sawn-off and a long version of the gun as primary and secondary. It's extremely rare for my to engage at mid to long range and keeping both means my spots for snap loaders and ammo all work with both of my weapons, which saves me space that I'd normally be taking up with magazines and ammo boxes for multiple weapons. At close range (I'm not 100% if this is implemented yet, but it apparently will be) those higher caliber weapons have too much penetrating power. If you have options, but you're still using an SKS or an AK to clear buildings, you're asking for trouble.
  3. Nicko2580

    Should guns spawn loaded?

    Not meaning to be confrontational or rude, but you haven't got a direct impact. You've got a laggy impact that looks direct but probably only skinned them. That's not on you, that's on the alpha stage of this game as the hit detection is pretty off a lot of the time depending on the server and the person you're up against. Happens to the best of us. Guaranteed if you hit someone who's not fully kitted with vests and items to absorb impact, with a direct torso shot at under 30m they're dead. No ifs, buts or maybes. Hit an arm or leg? It's broken. I've used the DB and the SKS almost exclusively since I started playing, and both are absolutely lethal. When you've been hit, if you haven't suffered a broken limb then they've just skinned you and they've likely only used 1 barrel. Even skinning someone with both barrels at once will cause some serious damage.
  4. Nicko2580

    Should guns spawn loaded?

    DB shotgun 'sucks'? :lol: There's literally no other weapon in the game with more versatility. Unload 1 barrel or 2. Lethal to 50m which is where the majority of firefights take place. Grab 2x snap loaders for the quick reloads. Absolute monster inside buildings and then finally you can cut it down for a ridiculous side arm/holdout. I'll take a sawn-off over any other side arm in the game every single time. Makes clearing buildings a breeze. The only other gun in the game that comes close as a primary is the Blaze and that's due to it's punch and accuracy. Keep your AK's. On the topic at hand - yes I think weapons should spawn with all sorts of different configurations. It makes zero sense that every weapon on the map is stock standard and has no clip. Lets see some with full clips, empty clips, no clips, scopes, no scopes etc etc.
  5. They're doing major inventory refactorization. Surely that requires a wipe? Personally I say do it. I'm geared up to my eyeballs on both my characters.
  6. Nicko2580

    Toilet loot explosion is back?

    Why are you people sacrificing backpacks for military tents? Just bunny hop your pack and tent until you get where you want to go. Not that there's much point at the moment anyway. I found my first military tent the other day, and left it right where it was.
  7. Nicko2580

    Do DayZ and Teamwork mix?

    Or just make everyone even more suspicious of everyone. However with this method... I could create an army of Bambi slaves! "Run! Run little bambi's! Raid those towns and bring me back precious loots. Only then will you get the antidote, muahah.. muahahahha... muahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAAAA!"
  8. Nicko2580

    Do DayZ and Teamwork mix?

    My point exactly.
  9. Nicko2580

    eating sounds.

    I'll give you that. It's definitely more prevalent on high pop servers, but I've definitely heard it on empty servers too. It seems to be the cut off versions of the sounds on lower pop servers, where as high pop servers for me you get the complete eating or 'water bottle being filled' sounds.
  10. Nicko2580

    eating sounds.

    'Eh, I dunno. I've been server hopping low pop servers while this lootsplosion thing has been happening (mostly to find gear I've never seen in game before, just to try it out) and I still hear sounds. Even on servers with no other players.
  11. Nicko2580

    Do DayZ and Teamwork mix?

    I don't have kids and so I am not able to share your view. But even then, my point still holds true. Who looks after them if you're dead? If you don't protect yourself, who protects them? If they're an extension of you, then isn't my point just as valid as if you were by yourself? If it comes down to it, wouldn't you prefer you and your kids on that hill? I don't get why people keep saying this. Why should - out in the middle of nowhere, which is the majority of DayZ's map - a gunshot be suicide? Why should it be suicide in any area except the most densely populated cities where you'd expect to find large hordes? Sure, occasionally you should find a horde roaming the country side... but seriously... There's never gonna be enough zombies on this map to fulfill what you want there.
  12. Still not going to be good enough. DayZ AI is not going to match players, I'm willing to bet on that. You think a zombie is going to sit in a bush for 15 minutes waiting for me to make a move? Or set a landmine in a doorway in an attempt to trap me? Or fool me into working together only to betray me at the most opportune moment? Those things can't be replicated by AI, at least not any time in the near future.
  13. Nicko2580

    Tales from Chernarus

    Not without a medium. ;) Good story though. I had a good encounter with a muppet at the Vybor military base the other day. Was heading there when I noticed the telltale column of smoke that indicates a heli crash. Being a high pop server I figure there's probably nothing there, but I hadn't seen one in so long I figure I'll check it out. It was on the far side of veresnik (the hill near Vybor base). I'm fully geared and a tad worried about wandering so far out in the open and exposing myself, but I'm really hoping for a smersh vest... Ah screw it. So I sprint out to the chopper and as I thought, zip... nothing... nada. Completely looted. Then I get this weird feeling - exactly like the one you described - that I'm not alone. I kneel next to the chopper and scope out veresnik with my bino's and lo and behold there's a dude there in a green motorbike helmet scoping me through what I assume is a Mosin with an LRS. Just as a zoom out a shot cracks into the dirt next to me. Lucky this guy can't shoot and I sprint to a bush. I sit there for a second, wondering how I could be so dumb to get caught like that. All I have is an AK with no optics and this guy is like, 500m away and a speck without some sort of zoom. So I decide, 'screw it, making a run for it' and sprint backwards in line with the bush towards the creek (anyone who's familiar with this area knows what creek I'm talking about). I reach it without another shot being fired and I crouch down and scope this guy through my bino's again. The muppet is still laying the the same spot, facing the bush I ran from! He hasn't even moved positions after taking a shot at me!! Flanking time! So I make my way up the creek slowly, towards veresnik, scoping this guy every few meters. It took about 5 minutes for me to reach the slopes of veresnik and this guy legit did not move from his spot. So I sneak up the slope and then down into the bushes where he is laying, right up behind him and empty half a clip of 5.45 rounds into him as he freaks out and tries to make a run for it. Turns out he has an AK as well and took his potshot at me with no optics. What kind of muppet takes a potshot at someone 500m away with no optics and then hangs around? :lol: Stole his AK101 (because he had more mags than me for my 74) and the silencer off his pistol.
  14. Nicko2580

    eating sounds.

    It's a bug. It's getting fixed soon (hopefully). Don't think it has anything to do with pop or ping.
  15. I'm sorry, but I disagree. What's your definition of scary? The only scary zombie games are scripted, Resi Evil type games. And that's just jump scares, not genuine frightened-to-the-bone-marrow terror. Good for a couple of hours, then get boring as hell. The only time I've felt that kind of fear is when I know I'm being stalked by another player who wants to take the many hours I've spent lovingly crafting a character and destroy them. Those have been my most enjoyable moments in DayZ so far.
  16. Nicko2580

    Do DayZ and Teamwork mix?

    In the apocalypse there's only one value to a human's life, and that's the value of your own. Guns are not the first thing on my list either, but they're certainly not the last. Because if you don't protect yourself, the next unscrupulous person who comes along will take everything you have, including your life. No matter how hard the devs try, there will be people who play DayZ for the sole purpose of ruining another players day by killing them on sight. You'll never rid the game of it. Enforcing artificial systems to discourage it will destroy the most enjoyable and unique parts of this game. Enforcing artificial systems to prevent the lone wolf play style will make this game another generic zombie game. State of DayZ is not what I signed up for.
  17. The only reason there's a 'gun them down' mode at the moment is because there's nothing to do once you hit fully geared. I understand what you mean about having more PVE stuff in the game - not opposed to that at all, in fact the majority of my time spent in this game has been on core survival - but we're talking about fear in this topic. Zombies will never be scary. Especially computer controlled zombies. The environment will never be scary. The best you can hope for is jump scares, which are nothing. The only scary thing in this game is other people. That's the way it should be. The fear of a 'worlde gonne madde' where every interaction with another human is a terrifying few moments of uncertainty followed by either comradeship or death. And it's for that reason that KoS should never be punished by some sort of artificial system. That will ruin the only scary thing about this game.
  18. Nicko2580

    Server Hopping - Simple proposal

    I think that if the game detects you changing servers more than x times in 30 minutes, it should just start degrading all your gear. Like, 4 hops within a 30 minute period everything in your inventory drops to the next level down. Another hop? Drops again etc etc until all your shit is ruined.
  19. A) My play style isn't run and gun. B ) We can have balanced PVE and PVP. As I said, which you clearly ignored, I'm not opposed to having to weigh up whether pulling the trigger is worth it. However no matter how hard you try you will never stop the KoS mentality. If I think you're a threat, I'm putting a bullet in you before you see me, end of story. If that means I have to risk a potential horde, then I'll weigh that decision. But, 9/10 times, you're more of a threat than a horde ever will be. You're a threat to my life, my food prospects, the prospects of any team mates I have with me, the prospects of finding something which might help me survive longer. So If you put me in a situation where it's you or me, I'll choose me every time. C) Assuming that I want this to be DayZ: Battlefield is pretty naive. You know how many people I've killed in the 200 or so hours since I started? I can count them on my fingers. The day the fear of zombies outweighs the fear of other humans is the day this game becomes as boring as all the other PVE survival games out there. I have no interest in pitting my wits against a computer, thanks.
  20. Nicko2580

    Do DayZ and Teamwork mix?

    I think your classifications are wrong. I am a PvPer. That's why I play DayZ. But I am also all about survival. Survival means I kill where I have to and sometimes even where I don't have to. However, I am not interested in surviving against a computer. If I were, I'd be playing one of the inumerable PvE survival games out there/. I am here to survive against you guys. I am here to be that lone wolf with a 500 hour old character that no one has managed to kill yet and that has a belt full of notches from all the players I've killed. Just because I play DayZ for the PvP it doesn't mean that I want to 'restrict anything that diminishes KOS'. That's the opposite of what I want. I don't want to see constant KOS (and I don't KOS at every opportunity). But I do want KOS to still exist. It's a big and important part of what makes this game so great. All that being said, I think DayZ and teamwork do mix very, very well even with just random players. I've had some great experiences teaming up with people I've met in game. Once trust is built, you're good to go. If you can get on with actual friends who you trust, even better. Fundamentally I am a lone wolf, but where circumstances allow I'm not at all opposed to running the map with you and helping us both survive. :)
  21. Nicko2580

    is this a good way to start?

    At the moment, there's no point in settling anywhere anyway because there's a wipe coming up. When bases etc are eventually in a good, persistent state then that may change. But that the moment you're better off just keeping on the move and avoiding conflict where you can (unless you're fully geared... then it's really just see how many you can kill before you get killed).
  22. No they shouldn't. It's the apocalypse. There's no one to punish you if you decide to be a jackass to everyone you meet. And neither should there be. There should never be system imposed consequences for 'being a jackass' as you put it. This game isn't about PVE. There's literally hundreds of other games that are all about that. If 'high pitch kids' are the only players you come across, I suggest you find a better server. I'm not opposed to having to think before I shoot someone, in case a ravenous horde descends upon me like the wrath of an unholy God but this game isn't - and never will be - about the zombies. Zombies will never make my heart pound as much as seeing another player in close proximity who's armed. Zombies will never make my heart pound as much as a gunshot out of nowhere. Zombie's will never leave me literally shaking with adrenaline after a hectic encounter. If you're not interested in the PVP aspect, then there are literally heaps of survival games out there for you: The Forest, State of Decay, Dying Light, Alan Wake, Alien: Isolation, This War of Mine, Project Zomboid... The list goes on and on and on. DayZ will never be on that list.
  23. I found my very first military tent today... ... and then left it right where I found it because it's not worth the bother at the moment.
  24. Nicko2580

    Question about loot

    <insert standard 'Get off the coast' response>
  25. Since I'm never going to actually be eaten by a DayZ zombie irl, that's never going to actually be scary for me. I'd rather DayZ stayed away from cheap 'jump scares' like zombies bursting out of cars and shit. I'd like to see better SFX and a more post apocalyptic atmosphere, but I don't play DayZ for Resident Evil type 'horror'. I play it for this: This guy has it exactly right.