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Everything posted by Nicko2580

  1. Nicko2580

    Group PvE end game

    I don't mean to sound rude but, find a different game, DayZ isn't for you. This game is not a PvE game and it never will be. How about doing something like becoming a Doctor? Go around offering help and healing to people? Go help new spawns? Be a bodyguard for another player? There's so much that can be done, even at this early stage of the game.
  2. Heh, I am already stressed enough while playing this game. I get the shakes, increased heart rate, paranoia, genuine fear and anxiety myself, especially when I know other players are around or a zombie surprises me. All of that translates to it being harder to aim (since my hands are shaking on the mouse) harder to think tactically etc etc. Not sure that we need these mechanics to simulate something that a lot of us already feel while playing. I really feel that the amount of systems that 'force' reactions from players should be left to a very, very bare minimum in DayZ.
  3. Nicko2580

    1st person only or 3rd person?

    Hah, totally. Well said. Have my beans.
  4. Nicko2580

    im pissed off...

    Okay I won't.
  5. Nicko2580

    Base Building Suggestions

    Yeah as far as I know the engine doesn't support terrain deformation. I could be totally wrong about that though.
  6. Nicko2580

    1st person only or 3rd person?

    In what universe? Scenario - you're crouching in the bushes and you hear someone close by. 1PP - you can only see what's in front of you. You have to move, risk being heard or seen, to find the other person. 3PP - you can see everything around you except for directly behind you. All you have to do is pan the camera around to get a full view of the area. 3PP provides you an advantage that you could never really have and is no way harder than 1PP. The only part that would be harder is shooting in 3PP vs shooting in 1PP.
  7. Nicko2580

    Random events!

    As long as there are no NPC's involved in any of these events, then yeah totally would love to see some of these. The safehouse one is a good idea. Should always be a random chance on server restart that say, 10 houses across the entire map would become safe houses and be stocked with food, a few melee weapons and the occasional gun (make the guns rarer though).
  8. Nicko2580

    Jump when hearing Gunshots?

    I got shot at one of the airfields last night and when the first shot hit me I nearly had a literal heart attack. I never saw who killed me.
  9. Nicko2580

    Finding a stashed backpack

    LOL. :lol: Well, I prefer to give people a chance. I did have my gun up because I figured they probably wouldn't react well to someone jumping out of the bushes and going, "Hey there friend!" :p I was going to do the standard, "Put your hands up." routine. As long as their complied they wouldn't have got hurt or robbed.
  10. Nicko2580

    Finding a stashed backpack

    Nah I didn't do anything to the pack. I just checked what was in it and left it there, didn't take anything. I already had better gear of my own anyway. I just hung out in the bushes for like 20 minutes, waiting and watching, but no one came. I was gonna hold them up at first and just see if I could get a conversation going and then trade them some stuff if they needed it. :p
  11. Nicko2580

    1st person only or 3rd person?

    You didn't happen to shoot me last night up by one of the airfields did ya? :p You just described almost exactly what happened to me last It isn't that simple at all. Some of us don't have the luxury of well populated hardcore servers. There are only ever 2 that show up on my search and they only ever have 4 or 5 players on them. What am I supposed to do then? I would much rather play on a hardcore server, but when it's a choice between a server with no one on it or a fully populated server, what choice is there really?
  12. Nicko2580

    1st person only or 3rd person?

    You didn't happen to shoot me last night up by one of the airfields did ya? :p You just described almost exactly what happened to me last night. :p
  13. Wolfguarde - I like some of your ideas man. Tranquillisers particularly. They could be found in hospitals in pill form and also in Vet clinics in civ areas in a pistol or rifle form. Heavy wounds and stitching is a good one, but might be hard to balance properly. The machete should cause wounds that require stitches. Fire and burns I definitely see as something cool to add. You would need wet rags or burn cream & bandages to treat them, with wet rags obviously carrying the chance of infections. A couple of things I don't like though - I don't want to see sleeping added to the game. I think that's simulated well enough when you log out, but I would like an item, like a bedroll, that I can lay out and use to log out safely (instead of your character being left logged in for 30 seconds, it logs you out instantly if you use the safe item, just make it impossible to use when there is a player/zombie within say 50m to prevent combat logging). And I'd like the ability to make a campsite just for aesthetic purposes and for cooking food and keeping as a base for exploration etc. Factories I don't think should work. I'd personally rather stay away from too much of that type of thing. That's just my opinion though. I'd rather see things that require electricity being restricted to batteries (or maybe eventually a small fuel powered generator) only. And finally a car door won't stop a .45 or .357. It'll go straight through it like it's paper. Not certain about a 9mm. About the only thing a car door might stop is a .22.
  14. Matches + Rag + Alcohol Tincture = Molotov.
  15. Nicko2580

    Counter the brightness at night time

    In reality, you'd probably be forced to go out at night all the time. It's certainly the safest time to go out and scavenge if you know there are other humans around who might be bandits and it's safer from zeds if you're not using a flashlight since they will only hear or smell you as opposed to being able to see you as well. And on a clear night it can be quite bright outside. I'd definitely prefer traveling through the country at night in a real life situation. Very decreased chance of a bandit picking me off from a distance. But I get what you mean about making NVG's more available and I actually think that's a good idea to level the playing field between people who don't want to use the gamma trick and people who do. Just shits me a bit that I know I'm at a massive disadvantage if I use the cool headlamp I found. Might as well just toss it as it's essentially a worthless item taking up an inventory slot. :(
  16. Nicko2580

    Counter the brightness at night time

    It still won't matter. Why would you bother looking when with 1 button press and 2 mouse clicks you have instant NVG's courtesy of gamma anyway? Don't get me wrong, I'd like people not to use the gamma trick and stick to the spirit of the game but they won't while an easier option exists and in this case it's pretty much impossible to make it otherwise.
  17. He was outside! I wouldn't have bloody come inside either. Why would he wander in casually, lay his gun down and make it easy for you to rob/kill him? You were not in a position of power. He was outside and moving along. You're lucky he didn't just round the corner and wait for you two to come running out and then blast you, which is what I probably would have done. You didn't even check to the right when you moved past the back corner of the building. If he had a mate there or waited there himself, you'd have been fucked.
  18. Nicko2580

    Slipping down hills ..

    I can tell you that this would be a nightmare for the devs to implement reasonably. The checks that would be needed to make sure you weren't slipping down a hill every second time you ran up would be insane. People already have to think about battling on hills with very steep slopes out rock outcrops because one missed step will result in a broken leg (especially since even the smallest fall seems to break something at the moment).
  19. Nicko2580

    Counter the brightness at night time

    There are already NVG's. Not sure if they're in the current SA build or if they've been disabled, but they do exist and will be implemented (if they're not already in). http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Night_Vision_Goggles
  20. Nicko2580

    Gun Straps

    By that logic you unSTRAP your gun every time you take it off your shoulder. No. You unsling it. I've never heard of someone saying, "Wait, I'll just unstrap my gun." and then slinging it around off their shoulder. :P This entire fight is over semantics. It's quite stupid.
  21. My gf wanted to play, but when she found out you pretty much had to talk on a headset she lost interest. Not big on communicating with strangers, that one. I mean, you don't have to, but it definitely helps with player interaction. She's been watching over my shoulder a bit in the past few days though, so I think she's thinking about playing anyway.
  22. Nicko2580

    2 Ways To Make Bloodbags Useful/Increase Teamwork

    How many of us actually know our own blood type? I wouldn't have a clue about mine. :p
  23. Nicko2580

    A better way to travel

    That would be the idea. That way they're only used in absolute emergencies.
  24. Nicko2580


    KoSer's are murderers, plain and simple. Bandits can be murderers, but it's not their primary concern. Stealing shit is. :p