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Everything posted by Nicko2580

  1. Nicko2580

    dropped weapons

    I do that too, but having the ability to reserve slots doesn't stop you doing that. Just gives you extra options for when you pick up loot you know you'll be keeping like ammo, medical supplies etc. It also doesn't stop you allocating stuff to slots reserved for the weapon if you wish to do so, even in the previous setup. It just doesn't default to doing that in this patch, which I think is a big mistake.
  2. Nicko2580

    dropped weapons

    But it's not a phantom item. It's an item you've designated for that specific place about your person. You can't tell me that if you're wandering around the apocalypse trying to survive, you're just gonna stuff whatever you pick up wherever it fits? No. You're going to have a logical order for the way you pack your gear. For example you pick up a can of beans. In Day Z at the moment it goes into the first available slot. Now imagine this in a real scenario, you pick up a can on beans. Your first available pocket is the breast pocket on your shirt. Are you gonna shove the beans in there? No. It makes zero sense and if you rendered half of our characters with the items where you've actually put them, you'd have people with 9 can's of beans stuffed into a shirt pocket. It's silly. Edit: In the absence of a system where each time you pick up an item you manually allocate the spot to put it in, I think pre-reserved spots is the best system to simulate how you'd do this in real life.
  3. Nicko2580

    dropped weapons

    Why did I do it? Because for the last 200 hours I've played Day Z it had a sensible inventory system that recognized when I put a weapon in my pack, I probably wanted to reserve those slots for that weapon as I would if I were packing a backpack IRL. I do like auto run. It makes no sense that I need to hold a key down to run especially for the distance that's required in this game, so I have a macro for that. I don't expect them to introduce an auto-run key, that's not necessary as I can fix that problem myself. I can't fix an inventory system that has no logic to it in where items are placed when I pick them up. However, allowing us to reserve slots for specific items would fix it beautifully and it also wouldn't impact your game if you chose not to use it. Personally, I'd like to reserve backpack slots for my food/water, vest slots for ammo and mags, shirt slots for compass and matches and other essentials so that when I pick up those items they're automatically placed in the slots I've decided they work best in. Just like what would happen in real life. Auto-aim and tutorials aren't even in the same category so that's not an appropriate comparison.
  4. Nicko2580

    dropped weapons

    That isn't like 'real life' AT ALL. For a start, I wouldn't just drop my gun like a hotcake. I'd specifically place it somewhere safe and I'd be extremely aware of the fact that I'd put it down, which is not what happens in game. Secondly, no one is asking the computer to decide what's important. If I place an item in an inventory space it's obviously because I think it's important enough to be there. Guns triple so. I should get to decide how my inventory spaces are reserved. It should not just be a free for all for item pick up with the items just going into whatever open slot is available. That isn't how things would or should work. I should be able to designate vest pockets for ammo, backpack slots for food/water/medicine, pants pockets/holster for sidearms etc etc The computer is not deciding that, I am.
  5. Nicko2580

    dropped weapons

    This ^ A lot of the things we do as humans work on autopilot. Packing a bag and ensuring we have enough room for important items would be one of them. Lets say I'm wearing a pack and a vest with pockets etc. In Day Z I pick something up and it automatically goes into the first open space, even if that is the worst possible place to put it. In the real world I pick something up and it goes where it's going to be most accessible/useful. Loose bullets and magazines go into a vest pocket for easy access. Food and drink get safely tucked away in a backpack etc. The current system has no logic.
  6. Nicko2580

    dropped weapons

    Yes but now if you hold your pistol and then loot stuff, it can be put into the spots reserved for your gun. Then if you have to put your gun away for any reason it will drop on the ground instead because those spots are now occupied. That's only happened this patch and it's annoying as hell.
  7. Nicko2580

    dropped weapons

    What I meant is the reserved slots worked well. If it's real life and I'm carrying a pack, a holster and a weapon it's highly likely that I will have reserved spaces in my pack for certain things. Perhaps I've got a holdout in there. Whatever. I think reserving slots is a fantastic idea that shouldn't only be limited to weapons. It was good that they auto-reserved their spots so you couldn't put stuff in there. I think they should extend that out to other stuff. I'd love to be able to reserve spots in my inventory for certain items so when I picked them up they'd auto snap there. That's how you'd pack a bag in real life, you wouldn't just chuck shit in there.
  8. Nicko2580

    dropped weapons

    The slots should be reserved as they were previously. If we're talking realism, then I am gonna automatically know whether I have the space left for a weapon and not put things in it. I'm likely going to have specifically put aside space for that weapon. It was working perfectly before and as the old adage goes, "If it's not broken, don't fix it."
  9. Nicko2580

    Ghillie suit

    This ^ But also, if you're gearing yourself in appropriate clothing you won't have an issue with Camo. I regularly hide from people quite easily just using basic camo. Yesterday I just lay in the grass just off the road as a team of 5 ran past, easy peasy. Could have shot any of them easily. Greens, blacks, browns and a mixture of all three is best.
  10. Nicko2580

    When will the Zombie count be up?

    .57 has broken quite a few things for me. I'm more worried about getting the fundamentals right again before the zed count gets upped. At the moment the inventory is buggered, the hot bar is buggered, things are disappearing when you drop them again, items are not returning to the inventory reserved slots like they should, zeds are clipping through walls etc etc. Not the best results for me for this patch unfortunately. However, I do love a lot of the new items they've introduced. :)
  11. Nicko2580

    Dirty building interiors

    It'd be better if they left cosmetic changes out of the game for now. I'd like to see some focus on getting the fundamental mechanics right and working before they worry too much about atmosphere and cosmetic changes. At the moment the hot bar and inventory are stuffed, zeds are clipping through walls again, dropped stuff is falling through the ground again etc etc. I say get that stuff working as intended and then we can worry about atmosphere. I do definitely agree with most of the stuff posted in a lot of these suggestion threads though.
  12. Nicko2580


    I'd like to see stamina in the form of your hydration/energy level dropping over long distance sprints. You should be able to jog for long distance without too much problem, but sprinting should quickly make both your energy and hydration drop. So you can sprint for a while if you have food/water with you, but you'll be chewing up your resources far more than if you just jog.
  13. Nicko2580

    Ghillie suit

    Obviously you would take your Ghillie with you, with the intention of hunting players. You're never going to have a situation where you have that suit with you unless you decide to lug it around the map everywhere. It is meant to be highly situational. Maybe you're protecting some friends as a sniper while they loot a village, etc etc. It isn't meant to be your only wear permanently. You can use it that way, but you're gonna make life hard for yourself.
  14. Nicko2580

    Let's talk about "hide sites"

    I've got 6 sites marked on my map. Good spread right across Chernarus and each of them is a nice little hollow or depression well out of the way and not easily visible. I'm really looking forward to actually being able to use tents. All of my experiences with them thus far have been crap due to glitches or losing everything on a server restart. Actually being able to create a few stashes for myself will make this game a hell of a lot more fun.
  15. Nicko2580

    Ghillie suit

    Yep. You have two options: Lug the Ghillie around with you everywhere or just keep enough mats on hand to craft one whenever you need it. In all honesty, the Ghillie suit won't really be a great item until full persistence is implemented and you can keep it stashed in a tent or hidey hole until you need it.
  16. Nicko2580

    Quickbar not showing

    .57 is causing this. I've noticed that my hot bar keeps dropping things. What I mean by that is I'll put something in the hotbar, then when I press the hotkey I equip it, but it disappears out of the hotbar... So essentially sometimes when I equip something I have to go back and put it back in the slot I want to use. Pretty annoying.
  17. Nicko2580

    Ghillie suit

    It's not meant to be worn 24/7. It's meant for when you're sneaking/sniping. When you're moving around normally you should take it off.
  18. Nicko2580


    I dunno about your run speed, but you carry far too many guns. You know you can only use one at a time right? :P
  19. Is it just me or are zeds back to clipping through walls and doors since .57? Spawned as a freshie and just tried the 'ole lock-em-in-the-house-for-the-next-bambi-to-find trick but nope... damn thing followed me half way around the town before I finally lost it.
  20. Nicko2580

    Zombies clipping through walls?

    There's definitely less of them, but they're still around. But just fire a gun and you'll see them all! lol I had to ice some guy in Kamy yesterday because he decided it would be a good idea to try and punch a mostly kitted guy to death. Two shots fired, 5 zeds come running from all directions. I just ran for it.
  21. Nicko2580

    New weapons damage in action

    I just emptied a Makarov into a guy at point blank (same range as the video) and hit him once. All shots on target to the upper torso on my end of the PC. He walked away like it didn't even happen.
  22. Nicko2580

    Zombies clipping through walls?

    This bugger chased me through half the houses in a town. I've locked plenty of zeds in houses so I know when it should work and it definitely wasn't. Locking him in with plenty of space between the door and him, and he was just walking straight through it. It could possibly have been desync though, because I've had a very buggy night on Day Z tonight. Met some dude and we were travelling down the coast together when the server crashed. Both of us log back on and suddenly his AK has duplicated itself. One on his back and one in his hands. First time I've ever seen that happen.
  23. Nicko2580

    Scoped blaze versus scoped Winchester

    Sure, if you get the drop on someone you can kill them with almost anything. But in a reasonably equal firefight I just can't credit the Sporter or the Trumpet. It takes really accurate shot placement to get results. Upper chest and head, and even then potentially more than two shots depending what they're wearing. I'd rather go the SKS. It's less rounds, but if I haven't killed them before I need to reload I'm probably dead anyway. :P The SKS and Blaze are the only rifles I am really interested in. I'd use the Blaze more, but lag and my own patchy aim mean I'd rather take those extra 8 rounds with me.
  24. Nicko2580

    Scoped blaze versus scoped Winchester

    The only experiences I've had with the Sporter have ended in my death. After emptying half a clip into a guy with no result I decided I'd rather trade the noise for the stopping power.