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Everything posted by Nicko2580

  1. Nicko2580

    Real/Advanced Bandaging?

    I like this idea and I think we'll see something similar to it later in development. Someone else suggested that you could get more serious wounds that would require stitches using a sewing kit or a proper stitching kit that could be found with other medical supplies.
  2. Nicko2580

    Wait time

    I assume they need to have it in place early because any changes they make will potentially effect the way the hive behaves. It needs to be there so they can bug fix it. The only way they'll ever stop it is by locking each character to a server. You could have multiple characters, but you couldn't move them between servers.
  3. Nicko2580

    Just lost all my sh*t for no reason

    Reason = Alpha.
  4. Nicko2580

    Have you been to the center of the map lately?

    I consider the coastal cities more of an endgame zone than inland. Once you're geared come back to the coast, but first head inland where there's far more places to hide and gear up.
  5. Nicko2580

    States should display icons, not text/annoying sounds

    Okay point taken. For the record, your icons look good and if they do have to have a gui then something polished like that would be good. I do hope they don't though, no offence. :p
  6. Nicko2580

    States should display icons, not text/annoying sounds

    Exactly. So get rid of 'I'm bleeding'. All you have to do is look down to see quite clearly the blood gushing out of you. You should have to check yourself after a fight.
  7. Nicko2580

    States should display icons, not text/annoying sounds

    Less things on my screen. Less things that would not be there if I was really a survivor in an apocalypse. Less hand holding. I want to have to figure shit out on my own, not be told by a gui every time something happens. That's really irritating and breaks immersion. Hunger, even, can just be a stomach grumbling noise as far as I am concerned. Thirst is about the only one I can't think of some way to model without intrusive GUI. Sorry if I seem rude, it's nothing personal, I'm just sick of these supposed 'survival' games holding your hand every single step of the way. If we're really out there surviving, no convenient little icon is going to appear when we're sick or need food or are thirsty. No convenient little reticule is going to appear if we decide to shoot from the hip at zombies. I'd be satisfied if Hardcore servers had all this turned off, but I can't even get onto a Hardcore server in my region so I'm screwed either way.
  8. Nicko2580

    States should display icons, not text/annoying sounds

    Please no. No icons, no status updates, buffs, debuffs etc. It's bad enough having the reticule and the toolbar. I can deal with the text updates (just because I grew up playing MUD's and other such roleplay type things) but even they are pushing it a little. Less is far, far more in DayZ. You should have to figure things out yourself. If you hear your character sneeze, you're sick. If you're bleeding you need to be bandaged. If you're shaking and moaning you're in pain. If you're screen is grey and fuzzy you're in bad shape. etc etc. You should find these things out by paying attention to your character, not by the game holding your hand and telling you exactly what's wrong. The only exceptions are hunger and thirst because it's pretty hard to show those on a character model.
  9. Nicko2580

    DayZ SA Quality Upgrade

    It will, but it will bottleneck your performance. It depends on what frequency it runs on. Probably around 800mhz if it's older RAM. Download a program called CPU-Z - it will give you a full readout of your PC specs. Then you know exactly what you have to do. http://www.cpuid.com/softwares/cpu-z.html Edit: Pity you live in the US. I still have all my old RAM and GPU from before I rebuilt my PC. 8GB of Kingston 1600 and a GTX 650. :p
  10. Nicko2580

    Wait time

    It's in place for a reason, not just to annoy you. It's to discourage people jumping between servers all the time looking for a server with loot.
  11. Nicko2580

    DayZ SA Quality Upgrade

    Depends on what you class as expensive. I paid just shy of AU$200 for my 16GB kit. I thought that was a reasonable price. You don't need that for gaming though. Gaming you need 8GB of (minimum) 1600mhz RAM. 2400 is better if your gear supports it.
  12. Nicko2580

    Why does this happen?

    I tried that. It sat for 15 minutes without doing anything. I know what you mean though, sometimes it seems to complete the refresh and all the buttons reappear down the bottom. But very often it just hangs after searching 5 or 6 servers.
  13. Nicko2580

    Safe houses!

    Haha well done. Have my beans.
  14. Nicko2580

    Why does this happen?

    Happen here too. I'll get 5 or 6 servers on one refresh, then 30 servers on the next... doesn't seem to be any logic in it. The only filter I have set is for servers under 60ms ping.
  15. Nicko2580

    DayZ SA Quality Upgrade

    Go to here - http://pcpartpicker.com/ You can make your entire build and order it here. It depends on if you want to put it together yourself or not. It will be cheaper if you do, but obviously a bit harder if you don't have the experience. There's heaps of forums where people will be willing to help you with every step of the journey though.
  16. Nicko2580

    DayZ SA Quality Upgrade

    Future proofing ;) Plus who says I only use it for gaming?
  17. There are certain things which are a requirement in a survival game. Hunger. Thirst. Wounds. Sickness and symptoms of. You have to have these otherwise there is no survival game and you're just a camera floating around a landscape. These are the minimum systems but also I think they should be the maximum systems. I don't want other arbitrary things prompting me to do stuff. What if my character is a hardcore veteran who's been shooting zeds in the head since the outbreak? Why should he get scared when he's near one, especially if he's kitted up the wazoo? The less systems that are forced on the player the better for the game in my opinion. I already experience all the things such as fear, anxiety etc IRL while I am playing - that's far more authentic than an arbitrary system that's forced on me whether I want it or not.
  18. Nicko2580

    Safe houses!

    That's an impossible estimation to make. Could be anything from all of them to half of them to none of them. :p
  19. Nicko2580

    DayZ SA Quality Upgrade

    My computer is a pretty decent gaming rig: AMD 3.6 quad core. GTX 770 16GB RAM Win 7 64 and no matter what I do I can't pull more than about 35fps max unless I drop the settings to lowest. By comparison other games such as BF4 run at a consistent 60 on the highest settings without an issue. Just waiting on optimisations. It's an Alpha so I can understand why it's like that.
  20. Nicko2580

    1st person only or 3rd person?

    This is perfect. This destroys the arguments for 3pp precisely.
  21. Nicko2580

    1st person only or 3rd person?

    People can see you because they can look over obstacles and around corners that they should not be able to. As far as I am concerned that's as much cheating as upping your gamma so you can see during the night as if it's daytime. The devs talk about making this game 'authentic'. How is it authentic that you can have angles of view that your character cannot possibly have? As to skill, yes, it does take a lot more skill to play in 1pp. You can simply just look over walls or around corners. You do not have to take any risks when entering a building. I have to actively try to find you, I take a risk every time I go around a corner or through a doorway. You can just sit in one spot and shoot people that you should not know are there. I cannot. You can track someone for miles because every time they go out of sight, you can simply rotate the camera until you can see them again and then follow them. I cannot, I have to actually keep them in my vision. You can see people behind you or sneaking up on you without barely moving. I cannot. The list goes on and on and on.
  22. Nicko2580

    1st person only or 3rd person?

    It's artificially hard. This is not Gears of War. It's only hard because I am at a constant disadvantage because I refuse to use 3PP. There is no skill involved in stalking your prey and getting a kill while using 3pp. You can see him wherever he goes. If I stalk and kill you in 1pp, there's a buttload more skill involved ESPECIALLY if you were using 3pp when I killed you.
  23. Nicko2580

    Safe houses!

    5% of 7 billion is still 350,000,000 people. ;) Although granted they wouldn't all be in Chernarus. :p
  24. Nicko2580

    1st person only or 3rd person?

    I am seriously considering just getting my own HC server and advertising it on every australian gaming board I know of...