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Everything posted by Nicko2580

  1. People would just respawn over and over until they got the skill set that was 'best' for survival. The problem with skills in a game is that number crunching will always reveal the exact best statistical skill set.
  2. Nicko2580

    Start with knife

    I've always assumed you washed up on the coast after a boat wreck personally... That would explain it.
  3. Nicko2580

    I didn't mean to KOS...

    No please. And this will only punish under geared people who might be murdering you for your gear. Anyone who's kitted won't care less and will shoot you anyway, like they already do.
  4. This is a far, far better idea. Adds to the survival aspect of the game while taking absolutely nothing away from allowing players to rely on their own skills.
  5. I won't say stupid, but I will say that this idea is not for DayZ. The less skill pointz, abilities, levels, karmas, humanity systems, hero/bandit skins, skills etc in this game the better. One of the most refreshing things about DayZ is the lack of all those above things in a marketplace that's absolutely swamped with games of that type.
  6. Nicko2580


    I think, to get people to invest in your idea, you need to provide a convincing reason as to why people should be arbitrarily punished or labelled by the game for any sort of behaviour. I'm yet to see a convincing or compelling argument from anyone on these forums why the game should handle these punishments and not the community as the devs obviously intend.
  7. Nicko2580

    DayZ [SA] RP server- we need one!

    I would join an RP server, provided it was Hardcore and get rid of the no KoS rule. What if I want to play a murdering psycho who half the time would rather kill you than bother talking to you? As long as I have a decent RP going and a decent story, I should be allowed to KoS as much as I like. If anything that character would provide a great villain for other RPers to try and track down and kill.
  8. Nicko2580

    Information Vs. Immersion

    Personally I play for challenge in most multiplayer games. Fun is a secondary consideration (but a good challenge is also part of the fun), but I thought I was in the minority there. Battlefield, MechWarrior etc etc all for challenge. If I want to play for fun, I will generally play a single player game like Elder Scrolls or Tomb Raider.
  9. Nicko2580

    Information Vs. Immersion

    So far: 68% of people want more information directly from their avatars compare to 31% who want more information from status updates and icons. 95% of people don't want detailed information relating to health/blood/hydration etc (honestly expected that). Survival is leading the list of most important things for people with 23% followed very closely by immersion (21%) and difficulty (18%). So at this early stage, it seems what most people want is a immersive, difficult game that focuses primarily on survival with less emphasis on a GUI. Judging by some of the comments and threads that I see in these forums, you would be forgiven for thinking that the opposite is true. :P I am a bit surprised where fun ranks there though. I thought a lot more people would play for fun. However the sample size of votes is still pretty small so keep casting your votes and making suggestions guys!
  10. How about we keep religion out of the rest of this thread. A fight will be the only thing that results. There is a time and place for debates about religion and it's effect on the world or philosophical musings on the existence of deities and the supernatural, but it's not here. Let's keep it human and about human problems, human morals and human ideals.
  11. If by angels you mean humans who go above and beyond to help others without expectations of reward in return and often at times by putting their own life at risk then yes, angels do exist. If you mean winged, magic, supernatural entities that somehow and for some reason watch over everything we do and intervene sporadically to help us and only on some apparently hidden agenda then, forgive me, but I am skeptical.
  12. Nicko2580


    Makes no logical sense because it's impossible to prove a negative. It's not a useful way to conduct a conversation.
  13. Nicko2580

    Experimental, is it worth it?

    Can't get on experimental because there are no servers in my region. All the experimental servers have +500ms pings. :(
  14. Nicko2580

    The concept of killing has changed in SA

    I think it's self evident that altruism and cooperation are the best course of action for humanity to survive and thrive, yes. I think you only have to look at your computer to see that. Or the house you live in. Or the food that's in your cupboards. I don't think that anything beyond the fact that humanity exists in it's current state is needed as proof (a sort of anthropic principle of civilisation, if you will). I wasn't talking about the individual - I was talking about survival of the species. It will never be achieved by being alone. At the very minimum it takes two to breed. I was trying to put that into the context of a game where there (currently) are no long term rewards for survival. When there are long term rewards and goals, I think you'll find people working together far more. As I said, I don't want to see KoS and murderers and bandits eliminated or even punished (unless it's player generated punishment), but I do want to see long term survival goals that encourage the finer things in the human spirit appear. And yeah, I think I can somewhat predict the general thrust of behaviour depending on what sort of things are implemented. I don't think that's an unreasonable prediction either, I think most game developers try hard to anticipate and deliver on their predictions of how players will behave - sometimes they get it right, sometimes they get it wrong and very often they are completely surprised or overwhelmed by the results.
  15. Remember what I said before about science showing that humans are far more alike than not? That wasn't just a line. :) This is why the internet is my preferred place to spend my time interacting with humans these days. There is far less bullshit based on your race or creed or sexuality or socio-economic status or anything else that literally doesn't fucking matter. There's a lot of hate drifting around in cyberspace, but a shitload more goodwill and love if you know where to look.
  16. The smartest people often don't fit in. I actually wrote an article for a friend's website on this exact subject. Uninformed opinion seems to rule in the 21st century. Expert opinion is treated the same as uninformed opinion, instead of being considered for what it is; advice from someone who has knowledge and expertise in the area of discussion. I don't know anything at all about car mechanics so why the fuck would I expect people to listen to my opinion that my car broke down because of Gremlins and yet people do!! And then distrust the mechanic who tells me it's actually my starter motor playing up!! That's a big part of why governments get away with the bullshit they do, I feel.
  17. Nicko2580

    The concept of killing has changed in SA

    Unless you actually know anything about history which is entirely jam packed full of examples of how humans behave during apocalyptic scenarios. World Wars, massive natural and man made disasters, calamity, strife and mayhem. The subject is called anthropology and it is broad and interesting, if you actually want information and are not just attacking me for an attacks sake. Edit: But I think you are thinking that I expect the same to hold true in DayZ - it won't because this is a game. The devs need to try and model it as closely as possible but as I said, it's a game and that adds the ability for people to do whatever they want without real consequence.
  18. Amen ( :p ) to that sister(?). I question everything and often get told that I'm an idiot. People get angry at me when I talk about things like genetic engineering to alleviate suffering/save lives/improve biology and tell me it's 'playing God' like that means something. Buzzwords, catch phrases, quick-fixes. People don't really think about anything they do anymore and to be honest I am guilty of that to some degree as I suspect almost every human is these days. Comfort and convenience are the name of the game, often at the expense of others. It's even likely that the computers that you and I are using were manufactured at the expense of someone in another country (especially as I am currently on a Mac). The world is a difficult place and every detail you consider is waiting to trip you up morally and ideologically. Most people can't deal with that and so they live in a bubble.
  19. Oh and I forgot to share this - it's my favourite version of The Great Dictator speech!
  20. Nicko2580


    Please no arbitrary systems that force players to be reactionary. Every game has that. Let's let these type of things be determined by the community, not something forced on us arbitrarily.
  21. Nicko2580

    Start with knife

    I was talking lore wise. It's been some time since the apocalypse hasn't it? It's likely that most easy to grab stuff has already been taken, according to lore. I still find it a bit silly walking into some places and finding the loot I do. I just think, "Surely... surely someone would have come along and taken that shotgun in the panic. It's not even hidden!"
  22. In the initial stages of any catastrophe, there will be panic. People will get violent. Destructive. They will protect their own before anyone else, as is proper and correct. People will be confused. Upset. Scared. This always leads to irrational and reactive decisions which leads to casualties, cruelty and strife. The argument I made comes into play once the dust of the catastrophe settles. Once the earthquake has stopped and the buildings have stopped falling. Once the storm has blown over. Once the virus has infected and killed most of humanity. To survive and rebuild you need other people. This is a game and I hope the devs try and model that as much as possible, but it is just a game and there are no real consequences for your actions other than losing time. You don't really have to rebuild civilisation or even any semblance of it, you just have to pretend to and that will always be a factor in how DayZ is played. This is an interesting perspective and while I agree with you in some respects I think you generalise too much. People are individuals. Get them away from the 'herd' and the popularity and the corporations and they are the same as any one of your friends and family. We all have the same basic instincts and need; nourishment, shelter, safety. These are almost always best achieved for the whole by working together. None of the bullshit about countries, nations, skin colours, or anything else matters. Science shows us clearly, that we are far more similar than we are different. Right now almost everyone playing DayZ is likely to be in a country where there isn't a huge amount of strife. People likely aren't getting shot in the streets or pulled from their beds in the middle of the night never to be seen again for simple things like their ideologies or supporting the 'wrong' politics/religion or having the 'wrong' sexuality. It's likely that your country isn't in the throes of poverty or hasn't just been half devastated by a natural disaster. It's easy to get comfortable and forget that most people just want to live their lives in peace and not be persecuted for the decisions they make. When the shit hits the fan though, how you respond determines your humanity, nothing else. Would you help someone you didn't know if it risked yourself? Why? Why not? Would you want someone you didn't know to help you if you were going to die? I'd like to think that I would help someone, regardless of who they are, simply because we're both members of the same species and I am a rational reasonable human that abhor's suffering - but I live in a comfortable country too and I won't know unless I get out of it or the shit hits the fan here.
  23. Nicko2580

    The concept of killing has changed in SA

    Survival becoming more difficult might even encourage more KoS. If it's harder to get gear and you see someone well kitted... well... it's pretty easy to shoot them and take that fancy military rifle you've been searching for than it is to try and barter for it. But at the same time I think it will also encourage people to team up. Hopefully it balances out. There's always gonna be people like Wheunis who just want to play the murderous psycho and that's cool too.
  24. Nicko2580

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    Don't heart attacks only happen when your shock value is high? Had you been in a fight or gotten shot or badly damaged? How was your health?
  25. Nicko2580

    The concept of killing has changed in SA

    Yes admittedly right now this is true. I was thinking of in general terms in a real disaster scenario. And eventually there will be more incentives to work together. There will always be loners and people who kill on sight and that's good. I want that to stay in the game. The fact that humanity exists. Without cooperation we would not. Simple as that. Cooperation and altruism benefit humans far more than being alone. Cooperation and altruism allowed humanity to build the civilisations we have today and if an apocalypse type scenario were to happen, they would be needed again if humanity wanted to recover.