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Everything posted by Nicko2580

  1. Yep definitely. I believe temperature is going to play a fairly large role in survival shortly, along with the weather changes. I'm sure I read that somewhere.
  2. Nicko2580

    Dynamic Zombie Ratio

    I recall reading somewhere that the devs were trying to make it so zombies only spawned when they were in your immediate vicinity (like 500m or something like that). If they could implement that, then I could definitely get behind the idea of more zombies spawning when groups of say, 3 or more were traveling together or when there were 3 or more players in close enough proximity to each other. I suppose it depends on exactly how they end up implementing zeds.
  3. Nicko2580

    Server population - do you gravitate to large or small?

    I started on under populated servers with my first few characters because I didn't know the mechanics or even what I was looking for in terms of loot, food etc. Now that I do I go straight for high population servers, even as a fresh spawn.
  4. Nicko2580

    Pavlovo Miltary Base

    I have no problem with the jog speed that's currently in the game at the moment. That's not what I'm getting at. I think that should be the regular speed with not too much in the way of penalties for jogging long distances (I think it should be a drain on your energy/hydration levels). People jog for days at a time in real life, from city to city. There's that Tom Hanks movie based on a true story about that guy who ran for like 7 years or something. All day every day. Only slept at nights. But he didn't sprint that entire distance. :p I am talking about getting shot at the NEAF and then running at full sprint from west of Cherno all the way back as a fresh spawn with no food or water without any penalty. That's insanity.
  5. World War II was very nearly an apocalypse. Especially for the regular people caught up in it who, like you say, were in a war with no fronts (or might as well have been from their perspective). The tsunami in Asia is another example, on a local scale. It killed 230,000 people in fourteen countries, many of which are still recovering to this day. Another war with no fronts for a large portion of the poor people who have no means to escape. Horrible things happened, but good things happened too in all of these situations. People still helped each other. People were still human. I don't think it's unreasonable to make predictions based on real world events of such magnitude. I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that morality won't disappear completely overnight even if there was a worldwide calamity (we might find out soon enough, if we don't curb climate change). They are not uninformed assumptions - we have 2,000 years of history to draw from.
  6. Nicko2580

    Pavlovo Miltary Base

    Let's hope they change that. It's okay for now since there's not much to do but gear up and look for other players, but once more content gets into the game I really hope they do something to curb the infinite sprinting.
  7. Nicko2580

    Dynamic Zombie Ratio

    Scopes don't tell you any information that you didn't already have. They simply magnify your vision via a lens. If someone is crouched behind a wall, looking in that direction with an ACOG won't magically let you detect them. That being said, I'm not sure what the poster you replied to was talking about when he wrote that sentence...
  8. Nicko2580

    Oppression, Fortune, and Tragedy

    The ending of your story sounds almost exactly like the ending to my first run in DayZ. Spent a good while looting up. Found a rifle, some other nice bits and pieces and then climbed a building and lay prone on the roof to log out safely. Logged back in the next day and went to climb down, ladder glitched out and I fell to my death. Didn't know about ladder bugs at the time. :blush: I don't go up ladders when I have decent kit now. :p
  9. Nicko2580

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    I didn't mean that you should die from sprinting too far, lol. I was just pointing out how ridiculous is the distances you can sprint now. I think they should make movement and weight directly related to food/water consumption. Walking doesn't use up much of your energy. Jogging uses up a little more. Sprinting uses up quite a lot. So you can walk huge distances without needing too much in the way of food/water. You can jog quite large distances and only need a little more. But you can't sprint more than say, a mile, without needing to at least drink. It's not going to stop people sprinting long distance (they'll just load up on canteens) but it may at least make people consider how they're going to approach long distance travel, especially if they're fresh spawns... No more sprinting 2/3 the way across Chernarus with no food or water because that's just silly in my book. As for heart attacks, I'm still not sure whether I like the idea or not. I think I'll wait for more official info on it's implementation and the causes before I decide.
  10. Nicko2580

    Information Vs. Immersion

    Personally I think everything except the hunger/thirst ones are unnecessary (and only then because I can't think of a reasonable and uncomplicated way to model hunger and thirst without an icon). But that's just my opinion. I'd be fine with them keeping it all in the inventory if that's the path they choose to take, that wouldn't ruin immersion for me any more than it is now... and it's pretty great now. I'd just prefer if it wasn't there at all and there were other methods that I actually had to think about, rather than just flick open my inventory to see what's going on.
  11. Nicko2580

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    In terms of jogging I think quite a long time. People do 50km ultramarathons and things like that. For top speed sprinting I think it's only 6-7 seconds which is why the 100m at the Olympics is one of the favoured events - that's where you see people going the fastest.
  12. Nicko2580

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    http://www.iaaf.org/news/news/400-m-introduction-1 "A distance related to the quartermile which is 440 yards or 402.34 metres. This race is probably best described as an endurance-sprint. The 400m has achieved notoriety as a "man killer" because it is physiologically impossible to run at close to top speed for longer than 30 to 35 seconds before oxygen debt sets in and muscles "fill" with lactic acid. 400m runners must have good basic speed, they must be able to judge pace and they must learn to ignore pain!"
  13. Nicko2580

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    Okay fair enough, probably not a heart attack if you were reasonably fit. But still, even top athletes can only sprint at top speed for 30 to 40 seconds maximum.
  14. Nicko2580

    Knife damage, Knife type, Knife grip

    This is a suggestion forum so anyone that yells alpha in here is in the wrong place. If this was in General I could get it, but this is the place for suggestions for future additions to the game. We all know it's alpha. Otherwise, yeah I am all for new stuff like this. It would be cool, especially having different animations for attacks rather than just a slash. I've never understood why pretty much all FPS games have a slashing animation for the knife, when you can't ever actually have a proper knife fight with anyone (parries etc). Lastly, just wanted to point out that the Splitting Axe is also a great weapon currently if you can't find the Fireman's Axe.
  15. Nicko2580

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    Personally I don't think you should be able to sprint for 20 minutes full stop. I realise you want to get where you're going to loot up or meet with friends or whatever, but I just don't think that's an excuse for such a blatantly unrealistic game mechanic. This is not Battlefield 4. Jogging is a bit better, people can jog for quite a long distance. Sprinting that far is ridiculous. Even unloaded people can't sprint at top speed for 20 minutes. Otherwise they'd have sprint marathons in the Olympics. It's just not humanly possible. Then you add the 40 or so pounds your probably carrying after gearing up? You would die of a heart attack/exhaustion/heat stroke, no question. It also makes Chernarus (a huge and wonderful 230km square map) feel tiny when I know I can sprint the entire width of it in less time than it takes me to drive to work in the morning.
  16. Nicko2580


    Fair enough. You may have just got unlucky. I am not against more randomised spawn points at all either. I think I'd prefer players spawning on the coasts though, rather than inland at all. I guess without any prompting or lore, I've just assumed that you washed up on the coast and that's how the game started.
  17. Nicko2580

    The concept of killing has changed in SA

    A full character creation system would help with this similar to what you see in most games these days. The ability to fully customize your height, weight, hair, facial features etc as you'd be able to make yourself look unique. Not sure how well the engine would handle that though. Also a much larger selection of varied clothing would help. I'd like to see things like red cross armbands and stuff. That way I could identify myself as a medic if I wanted without any arbitrary labels being forced on me by the game itself. By the same token a bandit could use it to fool people into thinking he's a medic before he robs them. I'd hesitate to go any further than that though. It should be up to the player to identify themselves if that's what they want to do in my opinion.
  18. Nicko2580


    :huh: I'm yet to once spawn anywhere near Berezino. Usually spawn closer to Cherno and Elektro than Berezino.
  19. Nicko2580

    Random Leg Breaks?

    Broke my leg from like a 2 foot hop off the side of a staircase lol.
  20. Nicko2580

    The concept of killing has changed in SA

    Neither do I. At all. I will leave if this game starts introducing humanity or karma systems or skill points. It will instantly lose all it's appeal for me. One of the points about the long term goals that my post intended to make (but might have got a bit lost) is that I think these long term goals will automatically encourage a bit more team work regardless of what they are. If it takes you a long time to get something done, it makes sense that it will get quicker if you work with other people. Implemented in this way, it doesn't take anything at all away from DayZ as it currently stands. Those who want to, will team up and work together. Others might go it alone. And others still will intentionally try to ruin peoples progress towards these long term goals. And if there is a large variety of endgame goals, even better. This is what I hope to see, because no play styles are being punished/rewarded - the rewards and punishments for play styles are solely generated by the community and not the game. Play as a bandit and people might send out parties to mete out swift justice on bandits in the area (especially once bases and such are in the game and people can form permanent communities on servers). Play as a hero and you might gain renown on a server (by word of mouth between players, not by any sort of arbitrary system that ranks your actions). This is how DayZ should be in my opinion - the game is just a framework for the interactions between us, the community.
  21. Nicko2580


    Facial hair is a vitally important aspect of this game and needs to be introduced right now. How am I to show my rugged manliness to all the female survivors if I am not rocking the full Hagrid?
  22. I think the simplest solution is just to make your actions effect your hunger/thirst levels. Walking should have a low consumption. You can walk for quiet a long distance before needing much.Jogging medium. A shorter distance than walking but still pretty far.Sprinting high. Only a km or so before you at least need to stop for a drink.Going up hill adds a modifier as would other strenuous activities like melee and getting shot at (stress). Sickness obviously is already a good way to drain your hunger/thirst. If they got the balance of that right, it wouldn't matter so much how much food and water was around the place. It could still be reasonably abundant while still requiring you to think about how much you're going to need for journeys and such.
  23. Nicko2580

    Make DayZ more intense/more thoughtful

    Won't fix KoS. People will KoS you with their last bullet because this is a game and there are no consequences except loss of time for losing and some people genuinely enjoy playing that way. They'll bite your throat out like a zombie if that's the only option available. KoS will always and should always exist.
  24. A little bit of tweaking wouldn't go astray. I find it a bit ridiculous that you can sprint from the coast to the far north and not need a rest/food/drink.
  25. Nicko2580


    That is exactly what should be discouraged with this game. Every game on the market is filled with this mentality. Things should be difficult and should take effort. Also, any reason that your text is crazily coloured? It's headache inducing. :p