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Everything posted by Nicko2580

  1. Come find me. I think I've got 4 full boxes in my backpack at the moment. :p
  2. Nicko2580

    Cant Respawn

    Haha no worries. Glad you got out of there! It's weird because I've had pretty much all the death loop bugs available and the above has worked for me every time...
  3. Nicko2580

    Cant Respawn

    Okay, try going back to the title screen and changing the clothes that your default character is wearing (make sure to click save default) and also change your name in the bottom right corner of the screen. I have heard of this working. Then do the high ping thing.
  4. Nicko2580

    Improvised sollution for broken legs.

    Rags + Sticks make a splint. Already in the game. ;)
  5. Nicko2580

    My First Death - Not angry but I am confused

    I'd rather take the 1/10 chance that they're just a bandit than take the 10/10 chance that they'll put a bullet in my head from point blank range as soon as I start to turn.
  6. lol it was probably me. I snap up all the M4 mags I can find and gradually replace them with bigger sizes and better conditions. I also grab all the Magpul accessories I can find. Then I head to a city to trade. Been reasonably profitable so far. People are usually more than happy to trade me shotgun shells and Mosin ammo, food or a pistol for a few good full 60 round clips or a Magpul butt.
  7. Nicko2580

    My First Death - Not angry but I am confused

    The guy was just an impatient punk and if he thinks he's so good (calling you a scrub etc) he'll fucking spew the first time someone gets the drop on him hard. He'll probably panic and try to shoot his way out and get put down like a sick dog. Then he'll come here to the forums and cry about it. Don't worry about it, you reacted in the correct way in the situation.
  8. Nicko2580

    what should i do? My fiend is evil

    Fiends are usually evil aren't they? :P
  9. Nicko2580

    Hardcore: Shouldnt Zoom Not Exist?

    It's more noticeable because it's a game, obviously. IRL it's comparable to 1x zoom on a scope. In the game it's the same, but obviously looks far more because.... it's a game and not your real eyes!
  10. Nicko2580

    Cant Respawn

    Try logging into a high ping server. 500ms+ Let yourself die, hit respawn (hopefully won't be greyed out on this server) and wait to see if you spawn. If you spawn successfully, just log out and back into your regular server and you should be fine. This trick has worked for me every time I've had death loop related problems.
  11. Nicko2580

    Hardcore: Shouldnt Zoom Not Exist?

    The zoom actually represents true eyesight. In reality, your eyes are zoomed out. When you focus on something you actually can zoom your eyes in slightly to focus on that point. It's about the equivalent to a 1x scope.
  12. Nicko2580

    Personal Player statistics

    Been suggested many times before. Check the search feature.
  13. Nicko2580

    Reloading sound when logging in

    It isn't fair if you server hop right behind me into a room that I've just cleared, either.
  14. Nicko2580

    Handshake gesture

    I know what you mean. I just think it will be hard for them to actually code a physical handshake where the two characters actually grip hands and shake. It just seems from all the current animations that it would be difficult. Perhaps when/if all the current animations are reworked closer to beta/release we'll get something like that. I'd like a proper high five gesture too.
  15. Nicko2580

    Reloading sound when logging in

    Pretty hard to code that into a live server I believe. Most other games, even COD and BF load your character before you can control it, but obviously you're usually sitting in the spawn before the round starts.
  16. Nicko2580

    Handshake gesture

    Be a good idea but I'm not sure whether they'll be able to add an actual gesture where you shake hands with another player literally. If they do I don't think it'll be for a long time. I just wave to people with F1 as it is. Serves basically the same purpose.
  17. Nicko2580

    Reloading sound when logging in

    I don't think it's 30 seconds if you're reloading a geared character. It's more like 10 for me before I can move freely.
  18. Nicko2580

    Killed a man with my words

    Bahaha talked to death. Well done!
  19. Nicko2580

    My first firefight

    So I respawn on a new server (underpopulated - sometimes I have to take whatever servers appear in the list) right next to an unlooted Elektro - beauty. Rummaging around I find some food, clothing, a backpack and a crowbar. Then out on the streets I find this poor sod getting harassed by a few zombies without a melee weapon. So I smack these zombies down and the guy thanks me and we talk for a bit - he's never been to Elektro before. I give him a can of openable Tuna and I point out a few buildings that might contain some goodies, and then move on to search the school finding a Blaze and an SKS! Almost as soon as I pick up the SKS the server drops me and I'm forced to restart - this time on a fully populated server. So now I'm stuck in the school in Elektro, with an SKS & no ammo on a fully populated server... Fuck... I quickly search over the building again, finding nothing and start stealthily making my way through town. I find a few buildings that haven't been looted, surprisingly, and breathe a sigh of relief when I see that little box of 7.62x39mm and a map of NW Chenarus! How someone missed that I'll never know. 20 rounds. I slot in a clip, feeling more confident now. I keep moving through the city, spotting a few players scavenging but deciding to keep away and try to head inland - I definitely don't want to be in Elektro. I get to the edge of the city, inside one of those buildings with the long corridor - two doors and a large room on each side of the hallway. I'm checking one when I happen to look out the window and see a 3 man team, heading my way. I duck and wait, hoping they'll pass, but I hear footsteps right outside the door. My plan is to cover the doors and blast anyone that walks in. Like all plans, it doesn't survive contact with the enemy. "Don't come in here!" I say, "I don't want trouble." - no answer, the footsteps just stop. Crap, I'm thinking. They're definitely bandits. Next minute BANG, a bullet hits the wall near my head, fired through the window from a house across the street. A fourth bandit covering the other three. I fire a shot back, forcing the guy into cover. The sound of my SKS makes me jump - it's so fucking loud. I move laterally across the hall, firing three rounds from the hip at a figure just appearing in the doorway. I'm fairly certain I score one decent hit and the guy drops out of sight. My first shots fired in anger - they feel so satisfying. I creep up to the window, thinking I'll take a potshot at the guy across the road if he shows his face again and I see a body sprawled on the ground near the door - one down. Before I can react, shots start hitting the window frame from the bandit. He's come from a different angle, around the back of his house and I don't have a good shot so I don't return fire, instead just booking it out the back door of the building, hoping to escape. They had me covered though - another bandit is waiting for me with a Sawed-Off - one of the original three covering the back exit. I empty my clip at him and hit nothing but air and then barrel straight past him - he still hasn't fired at me so I assume I've taken him by surprise while he's in his inventory. I make the corner and press myself against the wall, fumbling for another 10 round clip, knowing I've only got seconds before he realises what's happened. The clip slots home and I step back out, rifle raised and fire a single shot. And miss like a boob. He's too close and the angle is bad for a rifle. The shotgun rings out, both barrels, and I'm shredded. The familiar black screen appears and I sit back, smugly satisfied that in a 4 on 1 situation I managed to hold my own for at least a few minutes. Not a word was exchanged the entire time, which made it quite creepy but also fuckloads of fun! Next time those bandits won't be so lucky.
  20. Nicko2580

    My first firefight

    Thanks. When I have a good experience like this, I usually try to post it and try to make it exciting, even if I have to embellish just a little. :p There is a lot of negativity here, but it's not as bad as some game forums I've been part of.
  21. Nicko2580

    Please fix the problem with the buildings, etc.

    I'm just going to be posting this pic every time a thread like this pops up from now on. You'll be seeing it a lot, I'm sure.
  22. Nicko2580

    Reloading sound when logging in

    Never heard that.
  23. Nicko2580

    I found the ultimate friendly formula

    So far aside from the bandits I ran into (posted another thread about that encounter here) every single player I've met has been friendly, including a 2-man fully kitted team in the NWAF. I just put my weapon away and walked right up and said, "Hey guys, friendly, don't shoot." and they were cool.
  24. Nicko2580

    Reloading sound when logging in

    I think it's another server hopper counter-measure.