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Everything posted by Ultimoses

  1. Ultimoses

    Realistic Gunshots? + My little Show Off.

    Would be so awesome if they brought sounds like this into the game :D
  2. Ultimoses

    where are the guns ?

    There's so much wrong in these questions... When you define "good loot" as guns and ammo ONLY... Second: Immersion. This game is not supposed to be easy. You should not be able to get guns and ammo in no time. The sentence "I cant even find ammo atm been searching for some hours lol" makes me happy as f**k, because that's the way it should be.
  3. Ultimoses

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Oh my f**king god! I was a bit disappointed when I saw the image of the helmet with the visor on it, because I love the appearance of the MASKA helmet without mask. But this is soooo awesome! :D
  4. Ultimoses

    airsoft bb guns wouldnt be so bad thinking of it

    Not everywhere. OT: I think those guns would totally ruin the game. Imagine everyone running around with a gun, even if it's fake, that destroys immersion. Additionaly, what do you think how many people own a BB rifle in a post-soviet state like Chernarus? A high spawnrate wouldn't be legitimate. Also, if you want a rifle which looks dangerous but does nothing: Sporter .22, there you go ;)
  5. Ultimoses

    Mistakes you see people do all the time in DayZ

    I like those guys who think every sound of drinking or eating they hear means that there's a player nearby *soundbugs* :D
  6. Ultimoses

    Zambies kill you even when they're dead.

    I think we can stop this debate right here. AFAIK it's all fixed in 0.49 with Zs hitting you after death, ranged attacks and broken melee.
  7. Ultimoses

    PAX Prime DayZ Stream

    Hey folks, there will be a presentation of the development of DayZ so far by Rocket at PAX Prime in ca. one hour, does anyone know if there's a livestream? I saw some schedules at the twitch channel of PAX Prime but it didn't seem like DayZ would be streamed...
  8. Ultimoses

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    I don't know... imagine a zombie hit you before, or you layed down on the ground, your clothes would be dirty. And then drink the presumably also dirty water? The only way to get this going is to link clothes' condition to the purity of the wringed out water. Water from a badly damaged item has e.g. 60% chance to make you sick or something. That would be cool!
  9. Have you ever been in a firefight in DayZ? When you get engaged in one, you will always have in mind, that if you do ONE single thing wrong, you will die and lose everything. That is the special thing about DayZ. No other game has so tense and dramatic firefights, because, when you die, there is no simple respawning fully-kitted. When you die, you really lose something, your character is really dead. The story of a survivor has ended. You are always on guard, and when you're not, you die and lose everything. That's is what defines DayZ, and that is what we love about it. If you don't like that kind of game, that's absolutely fine! Every gamer is different, and especially DayZ is a very controversial game ;)
  10. Maybe because the weapon was not stored when it was dropped. You have to remember, that this is a world where a zombie-apocalypse was taking place. Use your imgaination. When you find an AK101 in the hallway of a barracks-building with an empty mag beside it, maybe a soldier was defending the hallway against z's and got overwhelmed because his mag was empty? We have to improvise the lore the devs are failing to convey (because they have more important things to do). I hope they add all the corpses and body bags from the mod again....
  11. So you're basically arguing that the Devs should have been making a whole new 225km² map only because they wanted to change the location or apperance of two (Balota, NEAF) places? Additionaly, the map is far from being done, maybe Cherno will move inland, who knows.
  12. Ultimoses

    About last night (and the zombie horde)

    I just wanted to point out, that if these Zeds really were ignoring the NavMesh, they wouldn't have been coming up the stairs ;)
  13. There's no real place for nostalgia when we want a thought-out map. Besides, when the Devs want a new military camp, it makes damn much sense to take the bases we already have and move them instead of adding even more spots for high-end military loot. I'm totally fine with the changes and looking forward to travel to new locations.
  14. Ultimoses

    There Are no Vegetables in DayZ.

    Didn't bother me so far, tbh. BUT I guess that there will be some new plants when horticulture comes in, probably vegetables, too.
  15. Ultimoses

    What new Rifles would you guys like to see?

    The SVD is done as far as I know. Quote from Chris Torchia: "I'm holding SVD until we get a working version of central loot since it would quickly become 'that gun every leet sniper wants'. Peter and I agree that sniper rifles are of the devil and need to be quite rare." Expect it to make it's way into the game during the next months ;) But it probably will be rare as f**k, which is a good thing.
  16. Ultimoses

    Status Report - Week of 18 August 14

    I just want to say that these weekly status updates are awesome. They really help to see progress! Keep it going!
  17. Ultimoses

    What country is this game set in?

    You are exaggerating. If it does bother you that something is not written in the three languages you prefer, this maybe is the wrong game for you. (No insult)
  18. Ultimoses

    What country is this game set in?

    I took russian lessons for fun and partially because of DayZ, now I can read cyrillic very well. It's all a matter of practice. Even people who don't know cyrillic get used to the town names and remember them just from the outer appearance of the signs. It adds soooooo much to the atmosphere for me. Why should it be in english/ latin signs? Cyrillic is just as good as english.
  19. Ultimoses

    I saved someone's life for the first time!

    There's a recruitment section for that matter. I think you're more likely to find someone there ;) http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/127-recruitment/
  20. Ultimoses

    Looking for SMERSH Vest+pack Will trade

    Ok, not bad, but I will just wait for the next update I guess :D
  21. Ultimoses

    M4 bipod users beware

    You can put the rail-handguard on any AK, attach a bipod or a tac-light, detach the rail-handguard and bipod/ tac-light stays where it is. At least it was like this before the recent patch, didn't test it afterwards.
  22. Ultimoses

    M4 bipod users beware

    Same with AK-weapons I think.
  23. There's an ad about a company selling farm vehicles located in Elektrozavodsk. The ad shows a very modern tractor. That's strong proof for DayZ taking place somewhere between 2005-present.