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Everything posted by Ultimoses

  1. Ultimoses

    Bow crafting - natural resources

    That's where tactical encircling of the prey comes in :D Or try luring it into a corner of a wall or something.
  2. Ultimoses

    Tired running around for trucks >=[

    I drove a truck now several time for dozens of cilometres and didn't get to see only one glitch. The only thing annoying is the steering.
  3. Ultimoses

    Do we really need more zombies?

    More Z's is a must. Just search for "huge zombie horde dayz" on youtube and your mind gets blown by epicness.
  4. Ultimoses

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    Let it be in Alpha for 10 years, I don't care. As long as the game gets really good eventually and the devs keep us updated about their work and keep pushing out nice updates every month, that's ok for me. I really hope you are a troll, but if you are not, I recommend you to read all the changelogs and status reports. That will help you to see progress.
  5. Ultimoses

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    I would sit in a corner crying for several months when I had those tents and supplies and it gets wiped/ glitches away. That's why I don't do it :D (yet)
  6. Ultimoses

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    I found one AK-mag few months ago in one of those barracks, and it is the only AK mag I ever saw. Also, I didn't find any AK101 or AKM mags in ages. I think this is due to the ongoing rewriting of the loot-distribution-system.
  7. Hermits don't go where the ropes grow.
  8. Can the improvised knife be attached to a stick using guts? Maybe that would result in some kind of improvised hoe or axe. Jan Tomasik hinted that you can use the guts for some crafting.
  9. Where did you hear that they want to update stable tomorrow?
  10. Eugen Harton posted this yesterday evening: "Small issues in the new economy with old items :) we should be able to fix that in real time. But tommorow is the day. Enjoy your unicorns." One could argue that this may mean that they are updating experimental today or that they will fix the lootbug today and update experimental tomorrow or something.
  11. Ultimoses

    Crying Noises

    When you eat human meat, you have a chance to get brain disease and cry and laugh uncontrollably. So far so good. But theres a bug momentarily, where the game does "attach" this crying/laughing debuff to some random person on the server, and not to the player actually eating the meat. So, I think it is your own character, and as far as I know, you can't get rid of it, so if it bothers you... suicide time!
  12. Don't get caught running around like this, I heard 'dem bandits can be rude folk...
  13. Theres no reason not to do it. The experimental is likely to be empty over the christmas break, and the old version would be a bonus. I would totally download it!
  14. Some players said that. The devs never gave a reason to raise the expectations as high as saying vehicles would end all the running once and for all.
  15. Ultimoses

    Famous Quotes That Apply To DayZ..Post Here

    This one applies very well to getting force fed disinfectant: "Ghagg ghag gghag gaghgg." - Sasha Grey
  16. Ultimoses

    Where's the devblog this week?

    They didn't say that explicit, I just figured. They said, that they wanted a mid-december stable update, and the only way to make that happen would be to update experimental on mon- or tuesday, hope that it goes well and update stable on wednesday. And Peter brought in the idea with the old early access release version on experimental, but as far as I know that's only loud thinking and no fixed plan :( (Sorry for irritating) But I totally agree with you, I would play both, too :D
  17. Ultimoses

    Where's the devblog this week?

    I think the initial plan was to get .52 on stable next wednesday (no matter how small it is) and then load the old early access release version of SA in the empty experimental. I hope they do it :D
  18. Ultimoses

    How to make a grass wrap for my mosin?

    Netting is incredible hard to find, I don't think it's worth the effort. I searched Berezhki now for countless times, probably about 150-200 boats, no netting.
  19. Ultimoses

    How do you imagine DayZ?

    To keep it simple, you're asking what endgame content DayZ should have. There's this one thing that would keep me playing a long time, and it's called basebuilding. And I don't mean nailing some boards onto windows, but placing walls etc. entirely free and building a home with your clan, a headquarter. And this should, according to the 2015 roadmap, be implemented late '15.
  20. Ultimoses

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    I think it will be too small, tbh. When vehicles come in, and you have the luck to get one going, the boundaries of the map will be more than obvious.
  21. Ultimoses

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Kvass is no beer, Kvass is a russian drink made from bread, I don't know how it tastes though ;)
  22. Ultimoses

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    That status has been in the game for a long time. Did you eat something rotten or things you're not meant to eat? Then go to a pond and drink until you puke, after that your sick status should be gone.
  23. Ultimoses

    To easy to find food/drink?

    On stable - yes, too easy. On experimental - though I haven't played it yet, I heard much about it - no, difficult enough to get food, maybe even too hard.
  24. Ultimoses

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Experimental branch is called experimental branch for a reason.