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Everything posted by Ultimoses

  1. Ultimoses

    Status Report - 30 Sept 2015

    "(...) added to the library used by the Environment Design team on their destruction passes aimed at making Chernarus look more post-disaster." Smells like a map-rework, doesn't it? Chernarus is too sterile, we need body bags and mass graves all over the map! I hope that quote refers to those, that would be awesome! Nice report! :beans: :thumbsup:
  2. Well okay, that might not be the way to go :D But a revolver will work, too, if the heli doesn't move to much and isn't too high ;)
  3. It's the easiest thing on earth to shoot the pilot out of a Little Bird. The pilot is open to two sides and has only a windscreen in front of him (which is not bulletproof i assume). An AKM with PSO-1 scope and 30 rounds will take care of that.
  4. Ultimoses

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    No update today, as they are still tweaking the loot spawning on experimental.
  5. Ultimoses

    Scoped blaze versus scoped Winchester

    In the game, both the Blaze and the Winchester M70 fire the same .308 rounds.
  6. Ultimoses

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    You can find lots and lots of TTSKO-clothing at the prison island I think. M65 field jackets do spawn in those small, one room wood cabins which used to spawn a weapon nearly everytime, but I can't seem to find any Gorka jackets or pants.
  7. Ultimoses

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    I found all the things I needed really fast. Half an hour in, I already had plenty to eat and drink, a press west, gun with ammo (and plenty guns and ammo that didn't fit each other) and an improvised backpack. I have to say that this is too easy for me, but it's better than the "pick-apples-or-starve"-game it was on experimental for some time.
  8. Ultimoses

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    It's working great, the lootsplosions are there because the loot economy does not yet know that 3 bazillion items per building are not a good thing. The script that tells the loot economy that it is actually a BAD thing is being written in the next weeks. So, what's not yet there at all can't be broken.
  9. Ultimoses

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I still get the memory error that causes DayZ to crash on one of the UK servers, is there anything I can do about it? Is the error on my side, or is it the game?
  10. Ultimoses

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    If i'm not mistaken, it is already possible to craft fishing hooks from bones.
  11. Ultimoses

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I just played a little bit, not too long unfortunately, because a CTD ended my adventure few minutes after it's beginning. But this short period of testing went surprisingly smooth. I mean, the server was full, 50/50 people playing and doing stuff, and the reaction time of hotbar/ actions/ etc. was almost nonexistant. However, I don't know if that server was with infected spawning turned on. If it was, then this version is a clear stable candidate (performancewise)!
  12. Ultimoses

    Status Report - 02 Jun 2015

    He probably meant fishing boats and rubber boats, not fishing as a mechanic ;)
  13. Ultimoses

    Status Report - 02 Jun 2015

    By spreading the spawns all over Chernarus the devs would provoke a massive suicidefest. Everyone would be killing themselves until they got the best spawn.
  14. Ultimoses

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Could you supply a direct link? Didn't find anything.
  15. Ultimoses

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    I just got one of those famous Vybor spawns, they are back. Found everything I needed basically, but could not find pants. None at all. Not even those ugly Canvas pants.
  16. Ultimoses

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    The Zeds aren't missing. The devs just moved the zombie spawns away from those areas and placed them in more interesting locations, such as big cities and big military compounds, e.g. NWAF and Pavlovo military base. The number of zeds in total is the same as before I guess, if not higher.
  17. Ultimoses

    Hordes of Infected...Finally!

    I wouldn't necessarily say that they increased the numbers of the zombies to be honest. I think they just changed the "infected distribution". As an example of what I mean: Where there were 10 zombies in Msta before the update, and 30 in Elektro, there are now 4 z's in Msta and 36 in Elektro. They lowered the number of infected in low interest areas (villages for the most part) and added those to high interest areas (big cities, military bases). At least that's my theory based on this quote from the latest status report: "Redistribution of existing infected spawns to high population areas."
  18. Ultimoses

    Hordes of Infected...Finally!

    The zombies are totally fine, the only thing that got teared apart by this update is the serverside performance. As soon as they improve it, the zombies will be the same as the ones in Stable right now. Nothing to worry about.
  19. Ultimoses

    Status Report - 06 May 15

    I think you just have to search for him at rural areas. I once found one at the gas station between Dolina and Krasnostav.
  20. Ultimoses

    Status Report - 08 Apr 15

    Players will think twice before attacking other players when they have a Blaze with 5 shots or a Sporter without magazine instead of their normal AUG, M4, AK with 200 cartridges in 4 ammo boxes.
  21. Ultimoses

    New to this awesome game!

    Welcome to the game! DayZ gets a Stable Branch Update once every month. The Stable Branch is the one you played on. But there's also an experimental branch, on which you can assign by enabling it on Steam. On that branch, you can experience the latest developments, but prepare yourself for many bugs and glitches ;) Hunting and skinning animals is already in, but you will need a gun to kill those, because the new animal A.I. made them really attentive and they are very easy to startle. Statistics will be available later in the development, it's on the official roadmap for 2015 for the 2nd quarter of the year. Here's the roadmap: http://www.dayztv.com/standalone/dayz-2015-roadmap/ Good luck in Chernarus!
  22. Ultimoses

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    AFAIK it's enough to delete the launch parameter -nosplash, because it deletes the intro, but the new UI only works together with the new loading screen/intro, which would get deleted otherwise.
  23. Ultimoses

    zombies do what?

    Welcome to the game! The issue you're describing is well known and has been around for some time, but the Devs are working on it. I recommend you to read through the forums, you will find much information about all the bugs that are currently in the game. Don't let the bugs kill your fun!
  24. Ultimoses

    Rarest Loot (Experienced Looters)

    PM 73 RAK surprisingly takes so called PM 73 RAK mags :P As far as i know, they spawn at the same location as the gun itself. Incredibly rare though.
  25. Ultimoses

    Baseball bat needs a buff?

    They should change the animation or polish it or something, when they have time for it, and increase its range.