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5th Kolumn

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About 5th Kolumn

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  1. 5th Kolumn

    SKS l Overpowered or just good weapon ?

    I hope it stays the same, it is my favorite gun.
  2. 5th Kolumn

    The rarest sh*t I ever found

    I have seen riders jackets, never pristine though. I have never seen a anti stab vest though. Do they protect against bullets? Rarest item I have found was an FNX red dot I took off of a guys body I shot.
  3. 5th Kolumn

    New airstrip is being planned?

    Looks like a truck stop/junk yard?
  4. 5th Kolumn

    Camo painted moisen

    Ha! When have you seen a mosin in real life with beautiful wood? I owned an M44 and while not ugly, I would never classify it as beautiful. It had better wood than most too!
  5. 5th Kolumn

    [Question] M4 and ACOG

    With a bipod and ACOG I have made some surprisingly long shots on other players. I dont remember what stock I had, and I did deploy the bipod.
  6. 5th Kolumn

    Anyone actually enjoying the game more at the mo?

    Zombies dont bother me much. I have really been enjoying the game a lot lately.
  7. 5th Kolumn

    Post your Preferred Loadout

    Camo Boonie hat Aviators Olive Tactical Shirt or TTSKO TKSO Pants UK assault vest (olive) Olive Combat boots black or beige gloves Green mountain backback or hunting backpack SKS with P/U scope No pistol preference, but magnum is easiest to fin and use Fireaxe Lots of Spaghetti and sardines 2 canteens med kit Morphine can opener ammo can
  8. 5th Kolumn

    Police stations and Pistols.

    I have seen lots of pistols in police stations. I picked up a 1911 and a magazine for it one in the same station! Almost always find a shotgun. I have also found magazines for the sporter 22 in the police station.
  9. 5th Kolumn

    This happens to me everytime i entre a military building

    Been there, done that. You cant really blame them either. Everyone KOS's at the AF's.
  10. 5th Kolumn

    Do you believe people who shoot on sight are terrible at DayZ?

    I would never KOS a fresh spawn, or someone far away. I think it is too "risky" to hold someone up. I do hunt other geared players on the coast with my friends. I have been KOS'ed so many times now, I dont even care anymore. Part of it is my fault, a couple were Dbag moves, but so what. Its the game. It is one thing that makes DayZ awesome, you can do anything you want. Hell, part of the fun is spawning and finding new gear again.
  11. 5th Kolumn

    Carrying 2 primary weapons.

    I am up in the air on this one. While it would be nice to have a Mosin and a M4, it also kills the balance. IMO if you have a SKS, there is no reason for two!
  12. I think a .308 battle rifle would be awesome. I would prefer a M14, but a G3 or Fal is more realistic. I saw someone mention they are adding the Fal and that excites me.
  13. 5th Kolumn

    Mosin vs. SKS?

    I havent engaged in combat with the mosin. But I just like that the SKS is a compromise bewtween the M4 and Mosin. Great gun with a PU scope. I always ditch the other 2 when I find a SKS.
  14. This is an incredibly silly statement.
  15. 5th Kolumn

    Machete isn't as good as I thought it would be.

    I picked up a machete the other day and I couldnt do anything with it. Maybe a bug? But I was excited after respawning to get a zombie killer.