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Regular Guy

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About Regular Guy

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Regular Guy

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Several Issues: Character loss: I lost 2 characters while logging on servers that have just been restarted (or have been in the process of restarting). After a long time of waiting I spawned as Bambi. This is not completely new, so I killed the game via Taskmanager and restarted. Previously that helped to recover my character, this time it did not. I spawned again as Bambi. Yesterday morning, after doing this 5 times, I left. When I came back 5 hours later I logged in and found my old equipped character (even though I spawned as Bambi 5 times before). Not so lucky this morning though, my character got lost again yesterday evening and now seems to be gone for good. Very frustrating. Loss of weapons: Sometimes, when I play alone, I find a weapon that I don't need myself but would like to hand over to a friend later. That is a constant issue. If I have a weapon in my hand and on on my back at the same time, using any other item such as rags or bandages results in the loss of the weapon. The animation for putting the weapon on my back is shown and the weapon disappears. Sometime, when you are lucky, it is "beamed" to the spot where it has been laying on the ground the last time, sometimes it is completely gone. There is no reliable way of handling this. The only way to put it on the ground safely is by pressing the red cross in the inventory. But don't do it in a building, it might clip through the floor. Loss of weapons 2: about this one I'm not so sure, however I describe what happened anyway. I had a dry-bag and in the bag a lot of equipment and an AK74U. Then I found one of these military backpacks that have less space "vertically" and more "horizontally". I moved my stuff over and logged out. When I logged back in the stuff in my backpacks had been reorganized in a way that left no space for the AK (only the way it had been done, theoretically there was enough space). And the AK, of course, was gone.
  2. Regular Guy

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    I just wanted to say that the game is starting to look really awesome. Took a tour through new cities in the north west - beautifully made. Good amount of interesting buildings and just the right amount of loot, too. Keep up the good work! Sven
  3. Regular Guy

    Hardcore Character keeps erasing

    Thanks OR3GONIZ3D. I don't think I have been on one of these servers but if it applies to them it could also be the case for others... They did look like HC servers though. No 3rd person, quickly stuffed stomach etc...
  4. Regular Guy

    Hardcore Character keeps erasing

    I also had problems with my hardcore character. Yesterday I got killed in regular mode and started new in HC. After playing for a while I stopped for an hour and closed the game. When I came back and clicked "Play" I had a brand new char, all my progress was lost. Then I left the server and logged into a regular game and there was my former HC car as I left it! I then logged back to HC, again the blank char. After leaving again and relogging onto another HC server my old HC char (which in the meantime had entered a regular server) was back. I had to do the same exercise again when I continued to play my HC char later, something does not work well. May be its due to the fact that I got killed in regular mode and didn't respawn so I didn't have any regular char at the time of entering the HC server. Regards Sven