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Munson_fry (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Munson_fry (DayZ)

  1. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    The Mosin can't hit properly at a steep elevation?

    in real life, shooting up or down a hill, u allways have to aim lower than usual. how much lower depends of the ammuniton u use. im not shure if this is implemented in this game .
  2. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    Help with finding current location?

    u are at my very own super secret hiding place so im sorry but i have to kill u btw check the trainstation, u might find a press/stab vest.
  3. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    3pp Exploit

    3rd person is no exploit... IT`S BORING LIKE FUCK ! at least to me .
  4. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    Go North!....or west.

  5. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    The Curse of Green Mountain

    Grrrrr double post Srry
  6. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    The Curse of Green Mountain

    Its the ideal place for a match of King of the hill
  7. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    Well / Spigot / Fountain Kills

    shooting a unarmed bambi at a well is downright lame ! its like shooting a sitting duck where the kick?
  8. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    Zelenogorsk - the forsaken city

    Zeleno gives me the creeps, lots of great loot in that area with "almost" no opposition. The chance that u get killed because u felt secure is extremly high! no one gets recless around balota but keeping ur guard up at zeleno ....
  9. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    Bambi Mafia has started.

  10. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    Damn Hackers

    i never hacked but my mom wanted to look for some cocking( hacksteak ) recepies and now my account is bannend i swear its trueeeeee whääää.
  11. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    frankies videos are funny BUT hes using third person, so he never can be a part of the "glorious hardcore masterrace™" and every kill he aclaims is invalid . im sorry!
  12. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    interesting books ???? come on whats next ? idi amin was a great cook ? you cant be serious.
  13. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    yo yo yo stop the press!

    crafting : firefire axe is paintable ! has anyone tryed that out yet ? is camo avaliable for the firefighter axe ?? plz lmee know because that would be so awsome !
  14. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    When you find...

  15. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    yo yo yo stop the press!

    DOOOOHHHHH to bad. BUT hope is allways the last thing to die.
  16. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    in game currency? or trade system?

    we dont need money and we dont need a trade system we need a real market where people must meet to exchange stuff. like 5 packs of crispys for a fn magazine ... something like that and a blackboard at the church in cherno, where people can leave messages of what they need and what they want to give for it in exchange. i would trade a worn LRS in exchnange for a pristine leather jacket. than u could leave the time when u will show up again OR even better the frequency of ur walkie talkie so that the business can be done. Jeah i know that it will atrackt a lot of snipers and bandits But ... no risk no fun. im not running arround chenarus because i booked a all in vacation.
  17. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    First Sniper Kill

    and did u revive him ?
  18. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    This game is changing

    stop talking about zhe ruinous powers ! a ship of the holy inquisition in our orbit just waiting to virusbomb our arses into oblivion
  19. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    This game is changing

    and i thought cemetrys where the place to be
  20. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    This game is changing

    btw OFCOURSE is our life dull and meaningless ... otherwhise we wouldnt hang arround in forums ! its not that we cure cancer here, or do we ?
  21. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    This game is changing

    u had the need to play the creeps dude i just trolled along ! :D
  22. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    Shovels are the best counter to bandits.

    thank u for that enlightnend story because now i dont feel bad anmyore when i shoot killabambis armed with the shovel of certain, painfull death !
  23. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    This game is changing

    right after leaving ur basement, because mom yelled at you to clean up the garage and eat ur fucking supper before it gets cold ? btw get a haircut boy ! satanic art my ass .... get grown up get a job get a wife get kids that need food and clothing and Satan is gonna be the least of ur problems/interrest