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Munson_fry (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Munson_fry (DayZ)

  1. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    Is the double barrel broken again?

    the sawn off shotty is my favorite zombie removal tool. shot about 25 zeds yesterday and they all went down after the first boom
  2. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    There is something off about AKs....(bug)

    hell now i know why they looked weird ! :D Thx !
  3. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    Ballistic Helmet vs Gorka Helmet?

    helmets saved my life a gazillon times like in real life : its often the difference between uncocious or dead
  4. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    Civilian loot in barracks?

    hopping is like fooling arround with 5 different girls in one night. u will get herpes ! and no ! high cap vest still spawn.
  5. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    How was your Day(Z)?

    me and my squad( all veterans 300 hours and more ) got whiped out by a nuke xxx in grishino all 4 of us died instantly we didnt even saw the guy no shots where fired we where spread out over 100 m and all died in the same second 1st. person server my char was about 45 hours old i had it all ( AKM with drum and pso1, ghilli suit everything ) he would have deseved to go down in a fair firefight or by my own stuipidness, even dying by a glitch would have been better than this.... all scriptkiddys should get genital warts and bleeding external hemorrhoids big as oranges. so my day z day was BAD
  6. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    Ghillie suit discussion.

    thats not true because over 400 m the game doesnt render u at all when ur prone while wearing a ghillie suit.
  7. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    some weird things with the compass

    User the sun and a wach
  8. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    how much gorka does it take. ...

    To keep that im soaking wet status away? Is the jacket enough or do i nEed the pants too?
  9. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    how much gorka does it take. ...

    Thx for the Info !
  10. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    pso-1 scope?

    found both last night in zhe forrest mil base under and on a bed in the barracks
  11. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    Whats your funniest moment(s) In dayz?

    me and my brother found a little lake at the arse of the map. ( 5 players on the whole server ) so he stands in front of the lake for a screenshot when i notice the three other players sitting next to a campfire 5 m away we all where so startled that nobody shot !
  12. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    Think I found worst person to play Dayz

    you know whats worse ???? getting hit in the head, then ur unconcious and when u wake up , run away and notice 5 min later that the MOFO stole ur PSO1 !!!! just the scope .
  13. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    Be a hero...

    there is only ONE Bush
  14. Munson_fry (DayZ)


    "sub zero" RULEZ man !
  15. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    Death in Dayz, how do you meet it?

    5 % glitches 95 % ME BEING A STUPID RETARD!!! Like he was probably alone ( THEY never are ) Or lets take a cool screenshot ( Falls of bridge ) Climbing ladders with gun in hand Drink at a waterpump on a full sever ( how dumm can one be ? ) and so on .... the most dangerous enemy in whole chenarus is MYSELF. :D
  16. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    Ghillie suit discussion.

    This is dayz for me in the moment
  17. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    Is it too late for night time servers?

    I love the night time. Being on a Server with 3 or 4 other guy looting military Installation s allways insecure of i should turn on my FlashLight or Not. .... gives me the creeps
  18. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    Ghillie suit discussion.

    I have to Check myself for Phantom breaks because my scope allways sways like MAD when i was running around like that.
  19. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    No loot in .52 update

    10 go to a high pop server, 20 find farming hoe, 30 run to forrest military base, 40 sit in a bush near barrack( obama muhahhha) 50 wait 60 kill server hopper with hoe 70 loot server hopper 80 if server hopper loot is bigger than need for loot, goto 100 90 if server hopper loot is lower than need for loot, goto 40 100 go to berezino and get killed 110 goto 10
  20. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    What is up with the farming hoe?

    all hail to the mighty farming hoe ! you obviously met Jane Hallander http://www.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fgoldeneaglemac.com%2Fimg%2Fhoe-bench.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fgoldeneaglemac.com%2Ffarmershoe.html&h=160&w=223&tbnid=EEOrXkdwBkr7JM%3A&zoom=1&docid=VIJbfbO9kVYsFM&ei=N1O2VOjAKKy17gbmrYCwAg&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=852&page=3&start=86&ndsp=50&ved=0CDkQrQMwEThk
  21. did someone mentioned the lack of "ZOMBIES" ???
  22. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    What is the rarest item you have ever found in DayZ?

    longhorn. sadly it got ruined when i climbed down a ladder
  23. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    How did you last die?

    i got shot taking a screenshot of my brother ......
  24. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    06/08 Experimental Changelog in a video

  25. Munson_fry (DayZ)

    Anyone near ship? Berezino?

    fixed that 4 u