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Everything posted by mgc
""the only other option is for BIS to change this game and make it so there is no loot anywhere"" More grey scales please. Looting is fine, grinding is not. ""try to explain to me what everyone is going to do in that scenario?"" Make bases? Create vehicles? Fight Z? Form clans? Hide in woods? You name it, I can put a questionmark behind it? You know, play the game. ""lacks any real focus or purpose"" imo loot is a tool for both player and dev. On the player side loot makes "life" more convenient / fun, and for the dev it is a way to steer player behavior. Loot itself is not a goal unless you're a dragon.
You need the items, so you grind. Not because you like to grind, but because you need the items. There are ways to increase grinding like making certain items absolutely essential or making similar items, 1 more efficient than others. Just having a lot of items itself increases grinding. I say we don't need those grind amplifying tricks. Yes, it keeps the average Joe off the streets (or rather, on it), but this game is supposed to have enough content without having to use game play extending (and boredom inducing) tactics.
Any MMO with content will not rely on grinding to keep it's players occupied.
I was speaking in general, obviously.
You could say that every house does indeed have that coin. It represents the chance the item is there. Search enough houses and you will eventually find the item.
If you listen to the devs, the coming content is just going to make us grind more buildings for the 1278 parts it takes to run a vehicle.
Grinding is doing the same or similar thing (often not requiring much thought) over and over in order to get something. Looting houses is a good example.
Again with the black and white stuff. Think grey scales. No, I don't want to have to grind for weeks to get my character fully kitted. Maybe 10 hours of game play tops. I know taking a risk to get useful items is a large part of the experience, but atm it feels like I'm taking risks without return for to long.
I'm sure a lot of grinding will be involved in the end game features such as helicopters and bases. Don't overdo it.
Here you need to gather a gazillion parts to get your body / vehicle to work efficiently. It's exactly the same thing.
That cow should smoke less.
""finding food and water is suppose to be fun"" To me it's a necessity, not fun. ""finding a weapon should be a glorious moment"" Yeah, the first time it was all that and a bag of chips, but it got old real fast. ""try to thrive solely off other people"" I suppose.
Is DayZ what happens to you while you grind, or is DayZ the grinding itself?
""This game is mean't to be hard and about surviving"" Yeah, I'm fine with that, but can we let that depend more on playing it smart than on grinding please? Effort is cool and all that, but it's also boring like hell and takes forever.
No, I mean legit play. The reason those players server hop to begin with is because they don't like grinding.
So much overcompensation. I looked for over 100 hours to (not) find the scope I want. imo that qualifies as work. So you like grinding and think it should be an essential part of the DayZ experience then? Ok, but how do you feel about grinding? I can find scopes, just not the one I like. I search military and civilian buildings. I started wondering about grinding while tripping over stuff I don't need. Especially with the announcement of the many vehicle parts, this starts to feel more and more like a grinding game.
I feel DayZ is already drowning in parts. It is very hard to find what you want. i.e. I still haven't found the scope i want in over 100 hours but a gazillion others. Is grinding loot designed to keep us happy or busy?
DayZ's alpha 3 biggest "wrongs" imo: - Z are not the biggest threat. - There are no creative features. - A large portion of the player base doesn't care about realism / immersion.
What if the easiest way turns out to be very hard? I think the voices in your head are short on imagination.
Predictable or not, they can still be the bigger threat and threat causes tension.
""You can go years without killing anyone"" The question was whether anyone can go years without killing you. ""especially in an apocalyptic scenario where population has be decimated"" The population turned Z. There are just as many of them and now they're not just grumpy chernorians. Do you agree a post apocalyptic setting is not the same as a normal setting? If not, there is no point in replying to you.
"The real core experience is the real tension DayZ provided and that's provided by the other players." It should be provided mainly by the Z, not primarily by the other players. The latter is DayZ in its current state and it's not enough.
""Food and shelter are the basic needs to survive, in any scenario whether its apocalyptic, war or normal."" I'm sorry but that's just bs. What good is your food going to do if you get killed by other players or Z? You don't need to worry about those in a normal situation. You can go for days without water and weeks without food but you cant bear a Z knawing on your bones for more than a few seconds. It's just common sense Z should be your priority. Sure I need to find food before I starve, but a melee weapon is top priority as a fresh spawn.
Apart from there being assholes, they don't have much else to do atm.